Rob LaMear to Present ‘CEO Insider: Barriers to the Cloud’ at SPLF 2013 Next Week

Do you have questions about “the Cloud,” or, more specifically, SharePoint in the cloud? From the general to the ultra-specific, there are probably only a handful of people alive who could answer any question you pitch their way, and Rob LaMear, CEO and founder of, is one such person. During the course of his SharePoint Leadership Forum 2013 session, CEO Insider: Barriers to the Cloud, Rob will more than likely cover the answers to some of your general questions, as well as address some of your specific ones (which you’re more than welcome to ask privately at the event if you prefer), but you can rest assured in the knowledge that you’ll leave knowing quite a bit more about SharePoint in the cloud than you did coming in.

In his own words, here is Rob’s session abstract:

Bring the solution to your CEO. Learn what cloud barriers exist and how to remove them. CEO Rob LaMear shares his findings from talking cloud with over 1,000 CEOs around the globe.

Space is limited, so register for free today to secure yourself a seat in Washington, D.C. on 11/6, or Atlanta, Georgia on 11/7 (and to see the complete lineup of speakers and their sessions, including keynote speaker Dux Raymond Sy).  Free registration is also open for SPLF Dusseldorf, Germany on 11/12, and you may visit the official site to register, see speakers, etc. in German or in English.

~Team Bamboo