Introducing the October Product of the Month – List Bulk Import!

Retain Valuable Documents, Pictures, and More When You Import Your Data to SharePoint Using List Bulk Import

With SharePoint Out of the Box, you can upload simple Excel data to create a new list. But what if you want to import data to an existing list or upload more complex data? Bamboo Solutions created List Bulk Import, which allows you to import and update data from SQL, Excel, text files, and other SharePoint lists and libraries.

Providing users with ready access to their existing data in SharePoint helps allow them to get up and running quickly and easily. List Bulk Import allows you to focus on designing the best way to use SharePoint for your business rather than worrying about migrating your existing data to the new platform. When you invest in List Bulk Import, you’ll benefit from its powerful capabilities, including the ability to:

Support Multiple Data Sources

Allow users to migrate data, documents, and pictures into SharePoint from legacy databases, spreadsheets, local/network file shares, and SharePoint Lists and Libraries.

Schedule Unattended Imports

Import data outside of business hours and minimize the impact on end-users when you run imports unattended using saved templates.

Migrate to SharePoint Online, On-Prem, and Hybrid Environments

Data can be seamlessly migrated to your organization’s SharePoint environment, regardless of the platform. Our desktop application supports migrations to SharePoint 2007, SharePoint 2010, SharePoint 2013, and SharePoint Online.

Choose Whether to Skip or Update Duplicate Entries

Automatically check for duplicates on your imports and decide if the duplicated content should be updated or skipped.

Replicate a File Share with Folder Structure

Copy existing folder structures from network file shares to SharePoint libraries. Move away from legacy file shares and benefit from SharePoint features including version tracking.

So what are you waiting for? It’s time to start maximizing SharePoint the best way, the Bamboo Way.