How to Videos: Manage SharePoint Events Across an Organization

If you’re in a managerial position, you know the importance of event management within your organization. You probably also know that its process tends to be very time-consuming. In this video, we’ll show you how you can benefit from the combined use of three Bamboo web parts, Calendar Plus, List Rollup, and Alert Plus, to manage events in your SharePoint® environment.

Calendar Plus and List Rollup will help you set up a maintenance-free calendar that automatically displays new events, without requiring you to add new overlays manually. This calendar solution is security trimmed, so users will only see events to which they have access. To make your experience even better, Alert Plus will ensure that users in your organization will receive reminder notifications of what’s happening in your environment, even if they don’t log into SharePoint.

Try our solution today and improve your organization’s ability to manage events in your SharePoint® environment.

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