How to Add a Bamboo Navigator Menu to a SharePoint 2013 Master Page

With Bamboo Navigators, you can quickly and easily create your own custom menus, mega menus, tabs, and tree items to navigate to sites, pages, or lists.  In this article, we’ll show you how to add a Bamboo Navigator Menu to a SharePoint 2013 Master Page as well as how to change the Navigator Menu’s placement on your site.

Adding a Navigator Menu to your Master Page:

On the Edit page, select the Insert Web Part tab from the Ribbon. From the Categories menu, select Bamboo Solutions, and then Bamboo Navigator Menu from the Parts menu. Click Add:

After you have added Navigators to your site, you can configure the Web Part as needed:

  • To create a list, click the Create List button in the tool part.
  • If you would like to hide the title of the Web Part, simply choose Appearance > Chrome type > None

After you have finished updating your configuration settings, click Apply, and OK.

Next, go to Bamboo Navigators and add items to your list such as File, Save, Save As, etc.:

After you have finished adding your desired items, return them to your site. You will now see the Navigator Menu with your added items on the page:

Changing the placement of the Navigator Menu on your Master Page:

Changing the location of the Navigator Menu can be accomplished by first accessing the Internet Explorer Developer Tools. Using these tools from Microsoft will make it much easier to find where to insert the Web Part. Simply open Tools > F12 Developer Tools to edit the HTML.

In this example, we’ll be adding the Navigator Menu right under the main Menu Title, above the div tag id=”contentRow”:

1. Use SharePoint Designer 2013 to open the site where you will be adding the Navigator Menu.

2. From the tab for your Homepage, copy the register tag for the Navigator Menu:

<%@ Register TagPrefix=”WpNs0″ Namespace=”Bamboo.WebParts” Assembly=”Bamboo.Navigators, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=2cc91efae2d531be”%>

3. Next, press Ctrl+F to find the Navigator Menu tag. Copy the HTML for this tag:

<WpNs0:NavigatorMenu runat=”server”
FontStyleFormat=”id=spanPreview !important”
FontNameFormat=”Sample” FontAlignFormat=””
UseGlobalSettings=”False” UseCustomStyle=”False”
UseBBStyle=”True” NewSizeMenu=”50″
AutoSizeMenu=”True” InheritTheme=”False”
CustomSkinUrl=”/Style Library/BambooSolutions/Bamboo.Navigators/Menu/Skins/CustomSkin”
ShowMegaMenu=”False” OpenInNewTab=”False”
ShowNumberSubMenu=”False” ShowMenuIcon=”False”
ShowMenuVertical=”False” MegaContent=”MegaContent”
ApplyChanges=”True” SiteURL=””
DisplayViewGUID=”78dd4d06-6491-45c2-ac46-846409c0b7bd” DisplayListName=”Bamboo
Navigators” DisplayViewName=”Navigators View”
DisplaySkin=”Default” LanguageForDisplay=”1033.English”
DisplayColumnDescription=”Description” DisplayColumnURL=”URL”
DisplayColumnIconURL=”IconURL” DisplayColumnParentMenu=”ParentMenu”
DisplayColumnSortOrder=”SortOrder” Title=”Bamboo Navigator
Menu” FrameType=”None” SuppressWebPartChrome=”False”
Description=”Bamboo Navigator Menu” IsIncluded=”True” ZoneID=”wpz”
PartOrder=”0″ FrameState=”Normal”
AllowRemove=”True” AllowZoneChange=”True”
AllowMinimize=”True” AllowConnect=”True”
AllowEdit=”True” AllowHide=”True”
IsVisible=”True” DetailLink=”” HelpLink=””
HelpMode=”Modeless” Dir=”Default”
PartImageSmall=”” MissingAssembly=”Error importing Web
Part” ImportErrorMessage=”Error importing Web Part”
PartImageLarge=”” IsIncludedFilter=””
ID=”g_5b4ea233_996f_4b2a_8e97_b0dffcac99a4″ ChromeType=”None”
ExportMode=”All” __MarkupType=”vsattributemarkup” __WebPartId=”{365394AE-84F3-41AD-AFD2-8DE2AE68A930}”
WebPart=”true” Height=””

4. From the Master Pages tab, open the file seattle.master. Right-click the file and select Edit File in Advanced Mode:

5. Paste the register tag to the head of seattle.master.

6. Press Ctrl+F to find the div tag with id=”contentRow”

7. Insert the div tag which contains the Navigator Menu tag directly above the contentRow tag. In this example, I have set the style as shown below. Please note that these settings can be adjusted based on your needs: style=”margin-left:20px; margin-right:20px;”

8. Save the file seattle.master. When you return to your site, you will see that the Navigator Menu is now located near the top of your site right under the Menu Title.