First Look: Bamboo Column Level Security for SharePoint 2013

Worried about keeping columns within a list private and secure without having to hide the entire list from unauthorized users? With Bamboo’s Column Level Security, you can do just that.  Column Level Security will protect data stored in your lists and libraries, including type text, numeric, and currency, allowing you to restrict access to an individual column. Simply create a Column Level Security column, and assign any combination of users or groups either Read or Edit access. You can then open the list itself to everyone, and those without viewing permission will not be able to see or modify your private data.  In this article, we’ll provide you with an overview of Column Level Security.

With Column Level Security, you have the option of encrypting three different types of data:

1.    Text – Allows you to input any character.

2.    Number – Only allows you to input a numerical value.

3.    Currency – Only allows you to input a numerical value.

Copying Old Data:

You can select an existing column from a list or library and copy its content.  This is especially beneficial if you want to protect existing data.

Granting User Permissions:

Bamboo Column Level Security allows you to specify which users can edit and read items in a list or library :

  • Edit access: Specify which users can edit: This allows you to specify which users/groups can edit the contents of a column. Users with these permissions can view as well as edit a column’s contents.
  • Read access: Specify which users can read: This allows you to specify which users/groups can read the contents of the column.
  • With these settings, you have the option of either entering an individual user name or an entire SharePoint Group. If you want to grant everyone rights to view the contents, simply select the option All Users.

A Secure Field column, and Lists that contain a Secure Field column, will appear as pictured below:

Accessing List Content:

  • If a user has been granted the right to edit the contents of a column, the field will display the content and the user can enter or modify the content as needed.
  • If a user has not been granted the right to edit the content of a column, the field will be disabled. If they have Read access, the content will be displayed, but the user will be unable to modify its contents.
  • If a user has not been granted either Write or Read access, they will see a row of dots in the place where the content would otherwise be.

Bamboo Column Level Security is now available for SharePoint 2013 and can also be purchased for SharePoint 2007 and SharePoint 2010. As always, we invite you to take advantage of a free 30-day trial download to evaluate the product within your SharePoint environment.  Trial downloads are available for all three versions of SharePoint.

ebrowning wrote
re: First Look: Bamboo Column Level Security for SharePoint 2013 on Wed, Sep 4 2013 7:33 PM

Will this feature be available as an app in SP 2013 or will it still need to be purchased/deployed on the server?