File Share Library for SharePoint 2013 User’s Guide: How to Configure File Share Library’s Settings

Bamboo File Share Library is a customized document library that includes all the functions of a standard document library, as well as additional features that allow users to manage files and folders in SharePoint or in the network file share (or both), and to upload large files that surpass SharePoint’s file size limits.

In this article, we’ll walk you through step-by-step how to add File Share Library to your SharePoint environment and configure its settings.

Before you begin, you will need to make sure that you have a folder set up on your server that is available to be shared on your network.  In this example, I’ll be using the folder named HW60 which is housed on the server vngf15sql and is being shared with the following user: bamboovnphuong.  Please note that phuong has been granted full permissions (read/write) for HW60.

To create a new File Share Library, go to Site Contents.  From there, click on Add an App and select Bamboo File Share Library. Type in the name of your file library and click Create. In this example, we’ll be adding the following library: HW60

Your new library has now been created and added to your SharePoint environment.

To begin configuring your File Share Library settings, click on the File Share Library Settings on the Ribbon.

Network File Share Path

Enter the UNC (Universal Naming Convention) path to the network file share you want to sync with File Share Library (ex: VNGF15SQLHW60). Please note that if you change to another network file share path (e.g., HW60_Test), then File Share Library will delete the file/folder on HW60 in File Share Library and re-sync the file/folder on HW60_Test.

Synchronization Settings

In this section, you will determine when the File Share Library and network file share will be synchronized. File Share Library has two different options available when it comes to establishing your synchronization schedule: Continuous Sync and One-Time Sync.

  • Continuous Sync: This option will allow you to sync a file/folder regularly, using a schedule that you define. For example: If you set your schedule to Hourly – Start task at: 0 minutes past the hour, File Share Library will continuously sync your content on the hour at 0 minutes. You also have the option of setting your sync to occur Daily, Weekly, and Monthly.
  • One-Time Sync: This option allows you to perform a one-time sync for your files/folders. The One-Time Sync will automatically occur when you click the Save button on the File Share Library Settings page.

Included on the Synchronization Settings page is a box labeled Enable on-demand synchronization.  When you check this box, the Sync File Share Library button on the Library Ribbon will be enabled. This button allows you to schedule an immediate sync of the File Share Library. Please note that on-demand synchronization can be enabled with either of the sync options listed above.

When an Item is Added

In this section, you will be setting what happens when a new item is added to the File Share Library. By default, the file size of the item you are adding to the File Share Library cannot exceed the maximum file size configured for your SharePoint farm. To accommodate larger uploads, you will first need to activate the Bamboo File Share Library Large Files Feature.

To do this, go to Central Actions.  From the Manage Web Application Features menu, in the Bamboo File Share Library Large Files Feature section, click the Active button and OK.

Once you have activated your large files feature (if applicable), you will be able to start configuring File Share Library to add files. When it comes to adding files, you have two available options: Copy the
item to the network file share and create a link to the item in the File Share Library
and Add the item to the File Share Library only.

  • Copy the item to the network file share and create a link to the item in the File Share Library: With this option, when you add an item to File Share Library, it will be copied and added to the network file share.
  • Add the item to the File Share Library only: With this option, when you add an item to the File Share Library then it doesn’t copy the item to the network file share.

After a file has been successfully added to the File Share Library, you will see the file listed in your Documents library with the Status listed as Available.

When an Item is Deleted

In this section, you will be setting what happens when an item is deleted from File Share Library.

  • Delete the item from the network file share: With this option, when you delete an item from File Share Library, it will be immediately deleted from the network file share.
  • Move the item from the network file share to an archive location: With this option, when you delete an item from File Share Library, it will be moved to a predetermined archive directory on the network file share. When you select this option, a text box will appear that will allow you to designate the location of the archive directory. In this example, we are moving deleted files to the following folder: VNGF15SQLMove
  • Change the status of the item in the File Share Library to not available: With this option, when you delete an item from File Share Library, after your next sync, the item’s status will be changed to Not Available in File Share Library.
  • Delete the item from the File Share Library: With this option, when you delete an item from File Share Library, after your next sync, the item will be deleted from the network file share.

Import Settings

In this section, you will configure your options for when you import items from the network file share to File Share Library.

  • Leave a copy of the item on the network file share: With this option, an item will change status from File exists from the network file share to File exists in File Share Library after you mark an item for importing. The item will be imported into File Share Library and a copy will be left on the network file share.
  • Delete the item from the network file share: With this option, the item will be deleted from the network file share after its import from File Share Library has been completed.
  • Move the item from the network file share to an archive location: With this option, when you import an item from the network file share, it will be moved to a predetermined archive directory. When you select this option, a text box will appear that will allow you to designate the location of the archive directory. In this example, we are moving the imported file to the following folder: VNGF15SQLMove

Additionally, you are able to mark a file or folder for import by clicking on the file in your Document library and selecting the button > Mark File for Import.

You can also mark a file or folder for import by clicking on the file and selecting the Mark File for Import button from Ribbon.

Please note that if you mark a file for import that is large and the file size of which exceeds your limits, you will not be able to import the file and its status will be shown as follows:

Network File Share Account Settings

In this section, you will need to enter a domain account that has Full Control permissions to the connected network file share and any archive locations.  In this example, we will be entering the user name and password for the following user who has full permissions: bamboovnphuong

After you have finished configuring all of your settings, click the Save button.  This will prompt File Share Library to sync your files from the external network file share.

Are you ready to test drive the features detailed above and more?  If so, check out the File Share Library product page. Start managing and accessing file shares in SharePoint now!