Bridging the Gap: How Third-Party SPFx Web Parts Bring the Classic SharePoint Experience to Modern Pages


The evolution of SharePoint has been nothing short of remarkable, with Microsoft continually pushing the boundaries of collaboration and productivity. The introduction of Modern Pages has brought a fresh and sleek look to SharePoint. Enhancing user experience and encouraging engagement. However, amidst the modernization, many users still yearn for the familiar comforts of the classic SharePoint experience. Enter Third-Party SPFx (SharePoint Framework) Web Parts – the bridge between the old and the new, offering the best of both worlds. In this blog post, we’ll explore how these web parts can seamlessly integrate classic SharePoint features into modern pages. Satisfying users’ desires for a balanced and intuitive SharePoint experience.

Understanding the Classic SharePoint Experience

Classic SharePoint sites were the norm for years, and they established a strong user base accustomed to their features and functionalities. The classic experience is characterized by its familiarity, ease of use, and a range of customizable web parts that allow users to tailor their pages to specific needs. Over time, users have developed workflows, processes, and content structures that are deeply rooted in this classic environment.

The Transition to Modern Pages

The arrival of Modern Pages brought with it a modernized user interface, enhanced responsiveness, and improved performance. With simplified page creation, improved mobile responsiveness, and the introduction of web parts with greater capabilities. Modern Pages have undoubtedly improved the SharePoint experience for many users. However, for organizations with extensive classic SharePoint deployments, making the leap to Modern Pages can be a daunting task. Users accustomed to the classic experience may find themselves missing certain features or struggling to adapt their workflows to the new environment.

Third-Party SPFx Web Parts: A Nostalgic Bridge

Third-Party SPFx Web Parts act as a bridge that connects the classic and modern worlds of SharePoint. These web parts are developed using the SharePoint Framework. A set of tools and libraries that enable developers to create custom solutions for SharePoint Online and SharePoint Server. Leveraging this framework, developers can design web parts that mimic the functionalities and appearances of classic web parts, while seamlessly integrating them into modern pages.

Here’s how Third-Party SPFx Web Parts can provide the classic SharePoint experience to modern pages:
  1. Familiar Interface: Third-party web parts can replicate the look and feel of classic web parts, offering a sense of continuity for users migrating to modern pages. The intuitive interface allows users to quickly adapt to the new environment without feeling overwhelmed by drastic changes.
  2. Customizability: Just as users could customize classic web parts, Third-Party SPFx Web Parts can be tailored to meet specific organizational requirements. This customizability ensures that existing processes can be seamlessly transferred to modern pages, maintaining efficiency and productivity.
  3. Feature Replication: Many classic web parts had unique functionalities that users heavily relied upon. Third-party web parts can replicate these features, ensuring that users don’t lose essential capabilities during the transition.
  4. Enhanced User Adoption: By offering a familiar experience, Third-Party SPFx Web Parts can facilitate smoother user adoption of modern pages. Users are more likely to embrace the transition when they can maintain their preferred workflows and interactions.
  5. Seamless Integration: Third-party web parts integrate seamlessly into the SharePoint Framework, ensuring compatibility and stability. This integration guarantees that classic features are smoothly incorporated into the modern environment without compromising performance.
  6. Legacy Content Migration: Organizations often have a wealth of legacy content residing in classic SharePoint sites. Third-Party SPFx Web Parts enable the migration of these valuable resources to modern pages, preserving historical data and knowledge.
  7. Hybrid Approach: Some organizations may not be ready for a complete shift to Modern Pages due to dependencies on classic features. Third-party web parts allow for a hybrid approach, enabling the coexistence of classic and modern experiences until a full transition is feasible.
  8. Reduced Training Efforts: Since Third-Party SPFx Web Parts retain the classic user interface, minimal training is required for existing users. This leads to faster adoption and lessens the burden on IT teams.


In the ever-evolving landscape of SharePoint, striking the right balance between the old and the new is crucial for user satisfaction and productivity. Third-Party SPFx Web Parts, especially one created by Bamboo Solutions, offer a viable solution for organizations looking to provide the classic SharePoint experience within modern pages. By replicating the familiar interface, customizability, and features of classic web parts, these solutions ensure a seamless transition for users and help bridge the gap between the past and the future. As organizations embark on their modernization journeys, Third-Party SPFx Web Parts stand as a testament to SharePoint’s flexibility, adaptability, and commitment to catering to user needs.