Bamboo’s December Product of the Month: Alert Plus

How many members of your team or any team for that matter do you think would still be employed if they didn’t own an alarm clock? And how do you manage that daily deadline?

Hold that thought, because with Alert Plus you have the potential to automate efficiency and ring in the deadlines ahead of time. You can automatically send customizable, conditional alerts and ensure your team is notified on time, every time, and at every stage of a task or project. Unlike SharePoint® out-of-the-box, it also displays only relevant information to recipients, rather than risk overwhelming them with irrelevant data.

Your centralized interface will empower you to create, modify, and deploy powerful customized alerts with no code required. You can use Alert Plus to:

  • Send date-based alerts and reminders, such as upcoming due dates and overdue tasks
  • Customize email alerts with customizable text and graphics, lookup tokens, and hyperlinks
  • Manage email volume by merging multiple notifications into daily or weekly summary alerts
  • Dispatch alerts and reminders automatically to targeted team members only
  • Display only relevant information to each recipient

Wake up to the potential of automated efficiency and start using Alert Plus today.