Announcing the Release of Data-Viewer Web Part for SharePoint 2013

When viewing and analyzing data, we tend to want to be able to narrow data down to a smaller subset by filtering, grouping, and nesting data based on a certain column, sorting, and more. We also want to be able to edit the data as if we are using Microsoft Excel. We also want to be able to draw our audience’s attention to specific data by modifying the font style and font color for certain columns or rows. All these optionsas well as additional conditionsare available with Data-Viewer Web Part, making it a must-have tool for business and analytics. If you are thinking of moving your existing sites from a previous version of SharePoint to SharePoint 2013 and have the need for a tool that can provide the options that are listed above, Data-Viewer is now available for SharePoint 2013.

Here is the list of the key features of the Data-Viewer Web Part for SharePoint 2013:

With the latest version of Data-Viewer Web Part, we now support:

  • SharePoint 2013
    • Windows (Classic Mode)
    • Windows (Claims-based)
    • Forms-based Authentication
  • MS SQL
    • SQL 2005
    • SQL 2008
    • SQL 2012

Here is a look at what Data-Viewer Web Part looks like on SharePoint 2013:

Take advantage of the new features in Sharepoint 2013 in combination with our powerful Data-Viewer Web Part today. Try it out for 30 days for free, or check it out on our sandbox environment. To find out more information about this product, or other future releases for SharePoint 2013, visit the Bamboo is readying for SharePoint 2013 page.

Want to know which other Bamboo components and applications are currently available for SharePoint 2013? Check out the complete series of announcements:

  • Alert Plus for SharePoint 2013
  • Calendar Plus Web Part for SharePoint 2013
  • Chart Plus Web Part for SharePoint 2013
  • Custom Identifier Column for SharePoint 2013
  • Data-Viewer Web Part for SharePoint 2013
  • Group Email Web Part for SharePoint 2013
  • KPI Column for SharePoint 2013
  • List Bulk Import for SharePoint 2013
  • List Print for SharePoint 2013
  • List Search Web Part for SharePoint 2013
  • Mini-Calendar for SharePoint 2013
  • My Alerts Organizer for SharePoint 2013
  • Navigators for SharePoint 2013
  • PM Central for SharePoint 2013
  • Project Portfolio Dashboard for SharePoint 2013
  • Rating Column for SharePoint 2013
  • Site Creation Plus for SharePoint 2013
  • Task Master for SharePoint 2013
  • Tree View Web Part for SharePoint 2013
  • Visual Indicator Column for SharePoint 2013
  • Workflow Conductor for SharePoint 2013