Announcing the Patch Release for Task Master R3.5.139 for SharePoint 2010 – An Important Patch for Resource Assignment

[UPDATE]  This version of Task Master is now available for SharePoint 2013.

A few months ago, we added a new feature to Task Master allowing users to add multiple resources, as well as providing the flexibility to change the resource allocation. This was an important enhancement for many organizations since today’s information workers are rarely working on just one task or one project, but are leveraged and matrixed out to other teams that could have multiple initiatives going on concurrently. However, for organizations that are using Task Master in a simpler way, where there is either only one resource per task or their allocation is always 100%, the changes created some issues for them regarding the user experience (UX). When creating a new item and assigning a resource from workflow/datasheet mode or a SharePoint form, Task Master requires that the user clicks on the green Refresh button shown below for the information to be saved and re-computed for the Assignment Units. If this doesn’t happen, then any information related to Assigned To, Assignment Units, or Work will be gone.

Last week, we released a patch for Task Master R3.5.139 and Project Management Central R4.1 for SharePoint 2010 to fix this issue. Now, when creating new tasks with assignments in any method (e.g., through workflow, new form, or datasheet mode), unless you need to change the resource allocation, there is no need to click on the Refresh button for the Assignment Units. From the Task Master Web Part interface, you just need to click Recalculate and Save, and Task Master will compute and update your project schedule based on the items that you entered.

See the following articles for more information, as well as how to use Task Master as a stand-alone product, or as an integrated component of Project Management Central:

  • See KB.13010: How To Create and Assign Tasks Using the Datasheet View with Task Master.
  • See KB.13011: How To Create and Assign Tasks With Task Master and Project Management Central When Defaulting to 100% for the Assignment Units for Resource Allocation.

If you are new to Bamboo and need a tool to help with project scheduling, try Task Master. If you require a more complex project management application, you may be interested in Project Management Central.