Alerting You to the Combined Power of Alert Plus and List Rollup (And a Discount!)

It’s day 3 of our List Rollup highlight series and guess what? It’s still just as awesome as it was on Days 1 and 2.  Maybe even more awesome because I’ve got another perfect pairing to highlight- List Rollup and Alert Plus.

Quick recap: List Rollup rolls up lists. *Mind Blown* Up to speed? Great.

What does Alert Plus do? Wait for it…… Alerts! Ok, that’s not quite doing this product justice. Alert Plus sends customized, conditional alerts and reminders based on triggers the users set from data in SharePoint®. Triggers such as created, modified, or deleted dates of list items. On top of that, you can completely customize the alert email that is received or use alerts to trigger a workflow. The possibilities are endless.

But with the power of Alert Plus combined with the aggregation power of List Rollup, you can also:

1. Set up one single alert to trigger alerts on lists aggregated across multiple sites and site collections, meaning one alert configuration TOTAL, not one per site.

2. Automatically alert on newly created lists using List Rollup’s auto-discovery feature. This ensures that your Alert is always relevant and takes away the hassle of remembering to re-configure your alert each time new data is added to SharePoint.

3. Filter to only alert on lists of a specific type and/or location so that your alerts are always relevant and meaningful.

Let me walk you through another one of my personal use cases here at Bamboo®.

We have our corporate calendar (which also uses List Rollup, see how here), which gives us a pretty slick view of what’s going on at Bamboo. I rely on this a lot to see when employees are out of the office, whether for vacation, a trade show, or a client demo. It’s great to pop into the portal and see if/when someone is around, but why go to the data when the data can come to you?

Enter Alert Plus.

Instead, our HR Manager set up a weekly summary Alert Email that sends an email to the entire company every Monday morning. This email is an alert triggered by the aggregated List Rollup list that also connects to our corporate calendar. It has parameters that only include the ‘Event’ content type list items for the current week.  That way it will automatically pull events from multiple lists across different department sites, to ensure it gives a full view of who will be out of the office, and for how long. This is perfect for me to see before setting up my weekly meeting schedule (you don’t even want to see that craziness.)

Here is what our alert email looks like, completely customized to show only the data we care to see:

So there you have it, folks. Productivity, and a little reminder, all rolled up into one pretty package. We are offering a great pricing discount if you try List Rollup and Alert Plus together between now and the end of June.  Download your free trials, contact your account manager, and get started right away.

Don’t miss the final installment tomorrow, where the best has been saved ’till last: DATA-VIEWER!