This Week in Bamboo (February 9th, 2014 – February15th, 2014)

This week in Bamboo, we rolled out a new Bamboo Quick Add SharePoint App Release 1.0 for SharePoint Online and SharePoint 2013 to the storefront.  Want to know more details about the product, how to integrate it successfully, please review our Online Documentation.  At the same time, we resolved some bugs and released the following patches for Calendar Plus Web Part, Data-Viewer Web Part, List Print, Chart Plus Web Part, Community Central, and Discussion Board Plus.  For a complete list of bug fixes, new features, limitations, and known issues about this week’s releases, please see below.

AP07 Bamboo Quick Add SharePoint App for SharePoint Online and SharePoint 2013 Release 1.0

Initial Release on Microsoft SharePoint Online/Office 365, Microsoft Windows SharePoint Foundation 2013, and Microsoft Office SharePoint Server 2013.

New Features:

This product provides the following features:

  • Create unlimited new task items all at once with just one click (Note: The free trial is limited to 7 items per click to add.)
  • Access and use Bamboo Quick Add from anywhere on the site (list’s Ribbon, under Site Contents, New App, etc.)
  • Simple, intuitive interface
  • Support SharePoint Online, SharePoint Server 2013, and SharePoint Foundation 2013

Known Issues:

  • If multiple users are using the Quick Add app at the same time from under Site Contents and not from the list’s ribbon, the latest selected list in the “Select list” of the Quick Add Settings is what the app will use to add items to.
HW20 Calendar Plus Web Part for SharePoint 2010 Release 4.5.190

Bug Fixes:

  • Gantt view doesn’t show data when configuring to use the same column for Start Date and End Date.
  • When the Developer Dashboard is turned on, the dispose check error shows on the project site’s home page in the Project Management Central. See Microsoft article related to Developer Dashboard.
  • Web Part does not show data when the Web Part gets data from multiple lists, where one of the lists the login user does not have permission.

New Known Issues:

  • From the Today view, when opening and closing an item Calendar Plus takes the user to the Day view instead of going back to the Today view.
  • If “First Day of Week” is set to Wednesday in the Day and Work Week View Settings, Calendar shows the script error: “Sys.WebForms.PageRequestManagerServerErrorException…” when clicking on the Work Week tab.
  • Does not support sorting/ filtering on the Calculated column when the data source is List Rollup.

HW37 Data-Viewer Web Part for SharePoint 2013 Release

Bug Fixes:

  • A list at a subsite contains a lookup column that looks up to a column at the root site. When using Data-Viewer and filtering with “start with” or “contains” on that column, Data-Viewer shows the error: “Item Command: List does not exist. The page you selected contains a list that does not exist. It may have been deleted by another user.”.

No New Known Issues or Limitations

HW50 List Print for SharePoint 2013 Release

Bug Fixes:

  • List Print does not work on SharePoint 2013 in SharePoint 2010 compatibility mode.

No New Known Issues or Limitations

HW27 Chart Plus Web Part for SharePoint 2010 Release 3.5.116

Bug Fixes:

  • When applying custom color to the pie chart, the color does not take effect when running on Internet Explorer 10 browser. It only applies if Internet Explorer 10 compatibility mode is used.

No New Known Issues or Limitations

SA15 Community Central for SharePoint 2010 Release 1.1.105

Bug Fixes:

  • The breadcrumb for the Search Results navigation is misspelled as Search Results. Replaced correct text as Results, Search Results for the site, and in the resource file.
  • Shows System Account in the Site members list when a member selects “Verify as Answer” or “Suggest as Answer” instead of the member account. This issue is fixed on new topics and not on existing topics. The workaround is to remove the item that contains the System Account manually from the Site members list. See KB.13029 for more information.
  • Shows System Account in the “Action By” column when a member selects “Verify as Answer” or “Suggest as Answer” instead of the member account. See KB.13029 for more information.

New Known Issues:

  • For existing forum posts within a forum topic/thread, where the hotfix build R1.1.94 was installed and there are multiple posts with one is marked as “Verified As Answer” or “Suggested as Answer”, an issue occurs after the upgrade. If a member changed the suggested or verified answer to “Mark as Not Answer” then users will see two “All Replies” sections where the original “verified or suggested as answer” post is still stuck at the top of the posts.

New Limitations:

  • After the upgrade, The Action By column values cannot be changed to show the correct member accounts instead of the system account since the “Item ID” and “Related ID” columns in the User activity list are stored as 0. The application cannot verify which thread/items these actions are associated with. For new threads, these columns are not 0. See KB.13029 for more information.
  • If a member removes “Verified as Answer” from an existing thread pre-R1.1.105, the member who provided the answer will receive negative points from their scoring in the Site members list.
SA75 Discussion Board Plus for SharePoint 2010 Release 1.5.30

Bug Fixes:

  • In the Internet Explorer 10 browser when previewing the video from a post in the Discussion Board Plus and closing the preview window afterward, the window does not close. It shrinks down to a smaller window.

No New Known Issues or Limitations