This Week in Bamboo (February 14th, 2016 – February 20th, 2016)

This week in Bamboo, patches for File Share Library and Password Change Web Part were released to the storefront this week.  Please check out our storefront and see below for more information on all the bug fixes.

HW60 File Share Library for SharePoint 2010 Release 2.5.95 (File version 20.5.95) and SharePoint 2013 Release (File version

Bug Fixes:

• Word files can become corrupted if the library is configured to automatically import files from the network. Note: Restart Timer Job and reset IIS after the new version is installed.

New Limitations:

• File Share Libraries that are upgraded to version R2.5.91/R2.5.91.2013 may still experience issues when configured to automatically import files. A new instance of File Share Library must be created to avoid issues when using this configuration.

No New Known Issues.

HW06 Password Change Web Part for SharePoint 2013 Release (File version

Bug Fixes:

• The Web Part displays an error when changing passwords in multiple domain environments.

No New Limitations or New Known Issues.

A summary of “This week in Bamboo” patches for File Share Library and Password Change Web Part were released to the storefront.  Please remember to check out our storefront and our online documentation for more information on all the bug fixes.