Sharepoint Migration Tool to Office 365

Helping you plan for your SharePoint migration to Office 365

Benefits of the Migration Tool for SharePoint

Prioritize and meet deadlines effectively


Using industry leading tools such as ShareGate® we will perform a pre-migration analysis of your farm.
Prioritize and meet deadlines effectively


Experienced consultants will gather your business needs to identify gaps between the current implementation and where you want to go.
Prioritize and meet deadlines effectively


Create a SharePoint migration project that provides both a time and cost estimate to get you safely and securely to the cloud.

Details About the SharePoint Migration

One size does not fit all

We are sure you have scoured the web for step by step guides and SharePoint migration tools to migrate your SharePoint server to Office 365. However, there really is no single plan that can take into account all of the factors that need to be considered.

This is why we have developed the Cloud Migration Planning service. For one price, we will analyze your current SharePoint environment using industry-leading tools from Sharegate®. We will also identify additional requirements and features available that you may have for SharePoint once you get to the cloud. And, of course, we will create a custom migration plan that will include a detailed statement work with a time and cost estimate for migrating SharePoint to Office 365 .

In a few short weeks, we will demystify what it will take to migrate your on SharePoint premises implementation to Office 365.

Discovery for Cloud Migration Planning


Let Bamboo help you discover how you can get to the cloud with our migration tools for SharePoint.