Column Level Security

Bamboo Security Audit Plus

Quickly and easily audit your O365/SharePoint environment’s security risks.

Supports Modern sites for SharePoint Online/Microsoft 365

Overview of Features

Audit your SharePoint Online Environment Security Risks
Knowledge Base Web Part

User Security Risk Management

Security Audit Plus offers multiple options to manage user profiles that might pose an increased security risk to your O365 tenant:

  • View a list of existing external users with access to your tenant
  • View a list of inactive users who still have access to your tenant
  • View a list of users who have access to your tenant, but no active licenses
  • The ability to keyword search inside any of the above lists
  • Export functionality for all lists generated from Security Audit Plus
Knowledge Base Web Part

Risk Events & Security Metrics

Additional audit features offered by Security Audit Plus:

  • Review a list of high-risk events that have occurred in your O365 tenant using the “Risk Events” tile
  • Obtain security metrics for your tenant using the “Security Metrics” tile
  • Review corrective actions that can be taken after viewing the security metrics
  • Features are locked down to very specific permission groups to prevent security breaches

Azure AD Audit Logs

Get a list of all audit logs generated by Azure Active Directory.

  • Permissions are locked down to only very specific groups only to prevent security breaches
  • Results can be sorted and exported
  • Keyword search is also available

Key Benefits

Audit your Tenant’s Security Risks
Prioritize and meet deadlines effectively

Audit and monitor user account-based security risks

Prioritize and meet deadlines effectively

View high risk events and corrective actions to be taken

Prioritize and meet deadlines effectively

Ability to search, sort, and export results

Prioritize and meet deadlines effectively

Requires very specific tenant access to view secure information

Alert Plus Web Part


This product is available and fully supported as a perpetual license as an individual purchase. Non-Production environments are ½ price.

Office 365


Price in USD Per SharePoint Domain

Click here for special pricing offered for small businesses, non-profits, and educational institutions.

Includes Year 1 Product Upgrades and Support*

*Price listed includes first-year maintenance and support for companies under 2,000 users. Year 2 Software Maintenance and Support is calculated as 22% of the price listed.  

For companies over 2,000 SharePoint users, an additional Enterprise Support Plan cost will be added only once to your account, regardless of the number of products owned, and, in subsequent years, to the total yearly software maintenance and support cost for an account.  More information on the Enterprise Support plan and its costs can be found here. 

Security Risk Prevention and Management.

Try Security Audit Plus Today.