Power BI
See more from your data.
Discover insights hidden in your data
Find and share meaningful insights with hundreds of data visualizations.
Built in AI
Set up image recognition, text analytics and more when you integrate with Azure Machine Learning.
Data aggregation from a variety of sources
Applications, XML, mainframe, flat files, social media, Hadoop, NoSQL, RDBMS, machine data, etc.
Integrate with your other tools
Embed your Power BI into PowerApps or use built in APIs to get live visualizations as the data changes.
When used with the Power BI Service your reports can be shared for desktop or mobile clients, so you can see your reports from anywhere.

Built for your needs
Reports can be created to your specification, so you can easily see what is important.

Customizable user experience
Allow users to choose what they need to see and set alerts on key data.

Find trends and patterns
With the ability to arrange your data in multiple different ways you may notice patterns in your data that could help your business.

Security and usability
As a collaborative platform Power BI is easily shareable and accessible, while also retaining a high level of security to meet compliance and regulatory standards.

Get off the ground quick
With the Quick Insights, Power Pivot and Power View features you can start getting value from your data fast.

Consolidate large data sets
Power BI is efficient for business data organization no matter how much of that data there is.