Windows 8 Highlights, Live from the Microsoft BUILD Conference

Editor’s note: Muhammad is attending the Microsoft BUILD conference this week. When he shared the following Windows 8 highlights internally, we knew we had to share his observations with Bamboo Nation.

Windows 8 highlights:

  • The new Windows 8 is excellent! It’s all about touch screens and a rich/fluid user experience. The focus is on content and not the application.
  • The new metro style (tile UI) completely blurs the desktop and web/mobile boundary.
  • Microsoft mentioned XAML throughout the talk without any mention of Silverlight.
  • JavaScript/HTML code works the same way as C#/XAML.
  • Introducing a new concept, The Windows Apps, downloadable from Windows Store.
  • Vigorous use of Windows Live ID and SkyDrive to manage roaming profiles and other connectivities.
  • The WinRT (the Windows core) will drop support for the GDI API, so there will be no more message boxes or message loops. UI is rendered DirectX engine.
  • Visual Studio 11 (express) makes writing code for Windows 8 a snap.

And one more thing: Microsoft gave away Samsung tablets (similar to the Galaxy model) with the Windows 8 preview pre-loaded, and AT&T 3G service for a year to all attendees. Now that’s awesome!

Tomorrow I will attend a few hands-on sessions to try out some cool features.


re: Windows 8 Highlights, Live from the Microsoft BUILD Conference
on Thu, Sep 15 2011 5:17 PM

Couple of hints if you are trying out the preview version:

1. if you are trying the preview using a virtual image, you should use either VWare Workstation version 8 or VirutalBox.  VMWare Workstation v7 does not support ACPI 2.0 and you will not be able to run Windows 8.

2. The first thing you should do after installing Windows 8 Preview is to enable .Net 3.5 (via Control Panel > Programs and Features.  Many applications still use this .Net version and if you try to enable it after you install a program (like Office 2010), you will most likely receive a 0x800F0906 error trying to connect to Windows Update.

Have fun!