Want to Win a Commemorative SPC 2012 T-shirt?

Did you get to spend a week attending Microsoft SharePoint Conference 2012 in fabulous Las Vegas earlier this month? Well, I didn’t. It was a ghost town here at Bamboo Global Marketing Headquarters.

Being the newest member of Bamboo’s marketing team, I got to “man the fort” while everyone else spent the week in Nevada. Have you ever been the only person in a fort? It’s pretty boring. Now, I wasn’t the only person in the building, but I was the only member of the marketing team, and the second-most senior employee in my section of the office (and I only started in July). It was a quiet week. In an effort to spread some fun to my fellow non-SPC attendees, I’ve decided to give away some of the extra t-shirts that we featured at the SPC booth. It’s probably OK with my boss … I mean, they’re just sitting around the office, like I was Stick out tongue. Anyway they’re available in stylish black, and feature this design on the back:

The front has a smaller “SPC 2012 Las Vegas” design similar to the back. If you didn’t get to go to SPC and would like to enter to win one of these commemorative shirts, send the following information to sharepointdaily@gmail.com:

Name (first and last)
T-shirt Size

We have a few shirts available in small, medium, large, and extra large sizes, so there will be more than one winner. We’ll contact you to let you know if you should be expecting a sweet new shirt once the entry period is over, which is ambiguous at the moment, so you might as well enter now!

Good luck!
