Why List Rollup’s Data Capabilities Are Off The Charts (And On Them)

Happy List Rollup Party Day 2 to you! In case you missed it, yesterday we announced that we are highlighting our List Rollup web part and teaching you all about the integration power List Rollup has with some of our other top products. We’re also holding a great sales promotion from now through the end of June if any of these product combinations pique your interest. Feel free to reach out to an account manager for more information!

Today, I’d like to walk you through the dynamic duo of List Rollup and Chart Plus. If you aren’t familiar, our Chart Plus web part has recently gotten an amazing face-lift, and the new version boasts up-to-date, interactive charts and reports for use across your entire organization.

With interactive features such as selectable legends, hover-over tooltips, and runtime filtering, Chart Plus is the ultimate product for reporting in SharePoint.  Here’s a quick example of some of the charts that can be set up in a matter of minutes:

Chart Plus deserves a post by itself, but today I want to show you the power behind the scenes – connecting Chart Plus with List Rollup.  Chart Plus alone can connect to multiple data sources, but can only connect to one source at a time.  If that doesn’t quite cut the mustard for your organization’s needs, we have an answer for that!  When paired with List Rollup, you can also:

– Chart data aggregated from across sites and site collections

– Automatically add data from newly created lists to Chart Plus

– Filter to only include lists of a specific type and/or location

This opens up a whole new world of possibilities in SharePoint® charting. For example, we use this combination internally when it comes to our annual budget. Each department manager is responsible for creating and maintaining a departmental budget. These budgets are housed on each department site within our portal. Since I am in charge of the overall company budget, I’d much prefer to see these all in one view. All I have to do is create an aggregated list using List Rollup, pull in the cost items from each department site, and connect that aggregated list to Chart Plus, and BAM! Just like that, I have a chart showing the full company budget by department.

Even better, I have configured List Rollup to auto-discover any new lists created using certain criteria, so even though I set this chart up before all departments had their budgets finalized, once those were loaded into the portal, List Rollup automatically added them to my list, and Chart Plus updated to pull in the new data. That way I don’t have to go to each department site to see when the data is available – I can rest assured knowing that as soon as it’s in the portal, it will also show in my aggregated, company-wide budget chart. Talk about efficiency!  Now, I’d show you a copy of this chart, but the powers that be may not be happy with me airing our financial data out to the world, so I’ll let your imagination run on this one. And don’t worry, List Rollup includes Security Trimming, so anyone that shouldn’t see this type of data, won’t.

To check out List Rollup, Chart Plus, or any other products we are highlighting this week, check out our Free Trials page, and download your copy today!

Alert! Don’t forget tomorrow’s installment, when we talk about Alerts!