What’s New in Workflow Conductor 4.0?

Workflow Conductor 4.0 hasn’t changed much on the surface, but its performance has improved substantially. In this article, I’ll concentrate on Conductor Studio as it is in Workflow Conductor 4.0.

  1. Regarding performance, the Workflow Diagram Canvas is handled by using client control, instead of rendering Diagram as an image. The workflow diagram is generated purely with HTML, making Drag and Drop faster and moving widgets to new locations in the workflow canvas easier and without latency.
  2. The Diagram Canvas is now also wider and more convenient. The workflow settings have been moved to the ribbon and are configured via popup. Widget properties settings display when the user double-clicks on the widget. so the Diagram Canvas is extended to the right. And when the user moves a widget on Diagram Canvas, hotspots appear, helping the user place the widget in the right position.
  3. In prior versions, inserting a widget in a large workflow diagram could be difficult, particularly when prohibited from inserting a widget when the workflow diagram is zoomed out/in. Happily, the user can do this easily in Workflow Conductor 4.0., moving the workflow diagram smoothly, zooming at the desired location, and inserting or pasting a widget at will.
  4. Another improved item that can be useful is the widget search box. Workflow Conductor has 60 widgets and the user probably doesn’t know which category the widgets belong to. Now the user can easily find the desired widget from the search box, rather than having to expand each category.

Ultimately, there are no new widgets or features, but a completely rearranged Workflow Studio Designer and improved performance. These improvements make Workflow Conductor 4.0 one of the best SharePoint workflow designer products.