What’s for Dinner? Grooper!!

Drowning in a sea of unstructured data? What a great tagline. Bamboo is excited to have partnered with Oklahoma’s Business Imaging Systems to bring Grooper to the SharePoint world. Often with our services clients, we are faced with a mountain of unstructured data that needs to move to SharePoint. But not just moved, but organized, categorized, cleaned up, OCR’d, and anything else you need to make the content meaningful.

This is where Grooper comes in. At a basic level, this product will grab files in any format from any source (think file shares or ECMs), process those files (which includes extracting data, and redacting information), and then move them along with their data to a new location i.e. SharePoint. All of this processing will result in searchable files that are more secure and accessible to those that need them!

The primary use cases may be file shares that contain gigabytes of contract or project files, images, or PDFs that are part of an acquisition where the information contained in their unstructured data needs to be integrated quickly into your company’s systems. Other cases we have seen are where there may already be a mountain of files in SharePoint from a migration. Grooper can process that data at rest in SharePoint to make the information both usable and secure.

To learn more visit our Grooper product page or contact us at Sales@BambooSolutions.com to schedule a demo. Once you get a taste, it will leave you wanting more.