User’s Guide to Time Tracking and Management for SharePoint 2010, Part 2: Configuring Cost Tracking & Entering Time in the Timesheet

Following on from part one of our User's Guide to Time Tracking and Management for SharePoint 2010, we're going to pick up right where we left off, moving on to…

4. Configuring Cost Tracking:

If your organization wants to use TTM to track the cost of work entered in timesheets, there are several configuration tasks that must first be completed. To help you complete all tasks in the correct order, the TTM site has organized these tasks in the Cost Tracking Configuration Checklist. You can also use the checklist to change cost tracking settings.

The Cost Tracking Configuration Checklist can be accessed in two ways:

  • If you have a new TTM site that has not yet been configured, a link to the checklist is provided in the welcome message at the top of the main site page. Click the link to access the checklist:


  • If the welcome message is no longer displayed on the main site page, go to Site Actions -> Time Tracking and Management Control Panel. In the Application Settings section, click Configure cost tracking:

For help with completing each task, click a task link as pictured below. After you have completed a task, click the checkmark next to the task in the checklist to mark it complete:

Cost Tracking Configuration Checklist Tasks

Configuring Cost Tracking Options
Time Tracking and Management can be configured to track the cost of work entered in timesheets based on labor rates that you provide. When costs are tracked, additional cost-related information is provided to timesheet managers while approving timesheets, and reports in the Report Center will include cost data. Click the hyperlink above, and follow the steps described to configure cost tracking.

Creating Cost Codes
A cost code is a short code assigned to timesheet tasks that can be used to bill work for that task to the correct department, cost center, accounting code, or other unique cost identifier. When a cost code is assigned to a resource in the resource list, it is available in the Cost Codes column of the timesheet and can be selected for timesheet tasks. Click the hyperlink above, and follow the steps described to configure the cost codes.

Entering Labor Rates
When you enable cost tracking for TTM so you can track task costs, the resulting cost calculations use the cost codes and rates entered in the Cost Codes and Cost Tracking lists in the TTM site. When a resource enters time for a task and selects a cost code, the rates for the associated cost code in the Cost Tracking list are used for cost calculations. Click the hyperlink above, and follow the steps described to configure the labor rates.

Assigning Cost Codes to Resources
Before a cost code can be used on timesheets, you must first assign it to the resources who can charge time to it. Click the hyperlink above, and follow the steps described to assign the cost codes in the Timesheet Resources list.

Now that you have successfully configured Time Tracking and management, follow the next few steps starting with step 5 to use the product.

5. Using Time Tracking and Management:

When you browse to the Time Tracking and Management (TTM) home page, a summary of timesheet status information is displayed. To return to the TTM home page at any time, click the Time Tracking and Management logo at the top of the page, or the site link in the top menu.



In the Timesheets section:

  • If you are a timesheet manager, the number of unsubmitted, or "past due" timesheets for resources you manage is displayed. The count will include saved timesheets that were due prior to today. The current reporting period is not considered "past due."
  • If you have not yet submitted a timesheet that was due prior to today, you will see a count of your own unsubmitted timesheets. An unsubmitted timesheet is one that was saved but not submitted by its due date. To view unsubmitted timesheets, click the Timesheet Entry link in the Quick Launch menu and find the timesheet you need to submit.

In the Approvals section:

  • If you are a timesheet manager, the number of timesheets pending your approval is displayed. Click the Pending My Approval link in the Quick Launch menu to approve timesheets.

a. Entering Time in the Timesheet:

Click the Timesheet Entry link in the Quick Launch menu to display the timesheet that includes today's date. If you want to enter time for a different time period, access it using one of these methods:

  • Browse to the time period using the arrow buttons on the right-hand side of the timesheet.

Click the Select Period link and enter the date for which you want to enter time. The timesheet that includes that date will be displayed:

Your timesheet automatically includes administrative time categories, such as vacation and sick time (if configured), and any tasks you have been assigned to. The header of the timesheet includes the following information:

  • Your name
  • Your primary and secondary timesheet manager (the people who can approve your timesheet)
  • The date your timesheet is due (the last day in the timesheet reporting period)
  • The time period for this timesheet
  • The total hours entered for the timesheet period
  • The total billable hours
  • Action buttons to save, submit, refresh, print, or export the timesheet

Refresh tasks: Before entering time, click the Refresh button at the top of the task list to refresh your list of tasks, available cost codes, and other timesheet data:




View task details: If you need more information about a task listed on your timesheet, click the task name to view its details. If the task is from a PM Central project, the task information from PM Central is displayed, as shown in the example below:





Enter hours: To enter time for any task, click inside the box for the day for which you want to enter time, in the same row as the task you worked on. Enter the time you worked (in hours). Hit the Enter key or click another time entry box to continue. Repeat for each day and task for which you want to enter time:




Select cost codes: If your administrator has configured cost codes, you will see a Cost Code column in the timesheet. Cost codes allow you to attribute time to specific cost centers or budgets. To assign a cost code to a task in your timesheet, click in the Cost Code box and select the appropriate cost code from the list:



As you enter time, you will see your per-task and per-day totals accumulate at the right and bottom of the timesheet, with the combined total in the lower-right corner:



Note: You cannot enter time for timesheets that have been submitted. If you need to modify time for a submitted timesheet, your timesheet manager must reject it in order to return it to you for modification.



When you save your timesheet, the Total and Billable hours are updated in the timesheet header, and the timesheet Status changes to Saved:



Warning: Your timesheet is not automatically saved! If you enter time and browse away from the timesheet before saving it, any changes made will be lost.

To view the timesheet for the current reporting period, click the Timesheet Entry link in the Quick Launch menu. The timesheet that includes today's date is automatically displayed:


If Time Tracking and Management sounds like it would benefit your organization, give it a try by downloading a free 30-day trial today.

Read the entire User's Guide to Time Tracking and Management for SharePoint 2010: