User’s Guide to Password Change Web Part, Part 2: How to Change a Password for a User with Forms-based Authentication in SharePoint 2013

Part 2: How to change a password for a user with Forms-based Authentication

With the ability to configure multiple authentication service providers, Bamboo’s Password Change Web Part is your one-stop shop for changing passwords, simply by adding multiple instances of the Web Part to a single SharePoint page. The lockable Domain and User Name fields make telling one account from the other a simple matter, and the configurable text block for the password policy means there’s no more need to remember how many capital letters, numbers, or special characters you need to add.

As part two of two in a new mini-series on Password Change Web Part and its key functionalities, this post will show you how to change a password for Forms-based Authentication (Note: For Forms-based Authentication, the SQL and Active Directory membership providers are supported.).

To begin, make sure that you are logged into the Forms-based Authentication (FBA) site when you configure the tool pane for Password Change Web Part:

Next, navigate to the Edit Page menu and click on the Insert tab. Choose Bamboo Solutions from Categories, and Password Change Web Part from Parts:

Once added, the Bamboo Password Change Web Part will display on your screen as shown below:

To configure the settings for the Web Part, select Modify from the tool pane. Next, click on the General Settings tab.

In the Web Application Zone Settings section, select Intranet from the drop-down menu. This means that we will be using SQL providers:

Once again, select Modify from the tool pane. Next, click on the General Settings tab.

In the Web Application Zone Settings section, select Internet from the drop-down menu. This means that we will be using Active Directory membership providers:

In the Claims Authentication Types section, select the Forms-based Authentication radio button.

In Account Display Settings, you have three different options from which to choose:

  • Display membership provider
  • Display Account
  • Lock Account

In the Password Change Messages section, you have two different options from which to choose, as follows:

If you check the Display password strength meter checkbox, the Web Part will display a block under New Password that rates the strength of the password you have entered:

If you select the Display confirmation message after a password change, the Web Part will display the following message on your screen:

In the Password Change Logging section, if you select Log all password changes, the information will be saved on the Bamboo Password Change Audit Log list:

Now, when you go to Site Contents, you will see that a Bamboo Password Change Audit Log list has been automatically created:

To access the audit log list, click on the Bamboo Password Change Audit Log:

In the Password Policy Display section, you can review the details of your password policy by selecting the Display password policy description checkbox. Additionally, you can edit the content of the policy in the Rich text.  You are also able to choose the position for the text, including the Top, Bottom, Left, and Right.

In the Domain Administrator Credentials (Optional) section, if you want to use the Password Settings Object, fill out the Fully Qualified Domain Name, User Name, and Password textboxes:

Click Save and close out of the tool part.

To change a user’s password, go to the Web Part and fill in the user information and new password.  Next, click the Change Password button.

After you have successfully changed the password, the Web Part will give you a confirmation message:

Ready to give Bamboo Password Change Web Part a try? Jump over to the Bamboo Password Change Web Part product page, and select Add to Cart!

Want even more Password Change Web Part? Check out part one of our mini-series: Password Change Web Part User Guide, Part 1: How to Change a Password for a User with Windows Authentication in SharePoint 2013