User’s Guide to Chart Plus 3.5, Part 3: Using an External List

As you may already know, an External List is used to display content that comes from Business Connectivity Services (BCS) Enterprise content types in Chart Plus.

To do this, you must first create an External List, and in order to create an External List, you must first create an External Content Type. For instructions on how to create an External Content Type, please refer to the TechNet article, How to: Create an External Content Type Based on a SQL Server Table.

Note: In the Filter Parameters Configuration screen, enter a Filter Limit of 1000 as the Default Value. If the Default Value is not set to 1000, the external system may fail to return any data.


After you have created an External Content Type, you can create an External List. Refer to the TechNet article How to: Create External Lists in SharePoint for instructions on how to create an External List.

To create a chart using data stored in an External List, select SharePoint List or Library as your data source and select the external list that you created:


The data will be shown in a Chart:

Otherwise, you can use the Runtime Filter View option to limit data displayed in the Chart:


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