Use List Bulk Import and Roll with SharePoint 2016

Now available for SharePoint 2016. Do you want to move data from SharePoint 2010 or SharePoint 2013 to SharePoint 2016?

List Bulk Import 4.0 enables quick and easy data importing from SharePoint 2010 or SharePoint 2013 to SharePoint 2016 and gets you rolling, rather than waiting for your SharePoint 2010 or SharePoint 2013 environment to be upgraded.

With List Bulk Import 4.0, you can easily retain valuable index information when importing, thus eliminating the need for tedious data re-entry. As an added bonus, the import program has the option of running in the background, allowing users to continue to work while the application uploads documents and data.

How to import data from SharePoint 2010 or SharePoint 2013 to SharePoint 2016:

Open List Bulk Import. In the Home tab select SharePoint to SharePoint.

In the Source tab, enter the URL to your on-premises SharePoint site. Please note that List Bulk Import expects a Site URL or List URL. For example, you will want to enter{name_site} or{name_site}/Lists/{name_list} in the Site URL field.

In the Target tab, configure the target SharePoint Site in the same Source tab.

After configuring the Target tab and Source tab, you can select the Migration tab.

In the Source List or Library field, you will see List Name if you configured in the Source tab; or you can select the List or Library by clicking Select Source List

–  In the View or Folder field, you will see the default View Name or Folder Name. However, you can select another View Name or Folder Name.

–  In the Target List or Library field, you will see List Name if you configured in the Target tab; or you can select the List or Library by clicking Select Target List. Please note that you can create the List or Library if the List or Library does not exist.

–  In the Folder field, you will see the default for View Name or Folder Name. However, you can select another Folder Name.

–  In the Duplicate Records field, you will define how to source values that match the existing data in the Target List. Since SharePoint columns do not by default enforce unique values, the user defines which columns must match for a record to be considered duplication.  Next, you will define what happens if the Source record matches a target list item – by skipping the record or updating the record with the values stored in the source.

–  In the Column Mapping Grid, the mapping of the Target and Source columns takes place. List Bulk Import will attempt to automatically map the Source and Target columns, based on the display name in the Source and Target. By default, all target columns are automatically selected after selecting the Target list.

In the next step, you can see a summary of the migration. Click Start to execute a one-time import.

In the next step, you can see the information migration completed.

Finally, select View Log to see the details of your import, including successes and failures.

Now, you can log in to SharePoint 2016 to verify that all of your data has been imported successfully.

As with all Bamboo products, we invite you to download a 30-day free trial of List Bulk Import. As always, our product enhancements are driven by listening to our loyal customers, and we welcome your feedback in the List Bulk Import forum.