This Week in Bamboo (September 5th, 2010 – September 11th, 2010)

This Week in Bamboo we’re excited to launch the three major releases of SharePoint 2007 for Alert Plus Release 3.0, Calendar Plus Web Part Release 4.0 and List Rollup Web Part Release 5.0.  Want to know why? Check out our storefront for the 30-day free trial download.  You will be amazed at what you will find all about the new and exciting changes, new features, faster performance and much more. Please see below for details, along with enhancements, bug fixes, limitations and known issues related to additional products.

SharePoint 2007 Products:

HW05 Alert Plus Release 3.0:

New Features:

• Removed web service backend – Use SharePoint timer job to execute alerts.

Bugs Fixed:

• Hyperlink field is not rendered as Link in the message when the description for the Link has comma OR the URL has https// .
• Alert does not fire when selecting "A specific column in the list changes" trigger and using a CAML query for a column of data type "Boolean. Users need to put 1 OR 0 instead of YES or NO" for Boolean type.
• Outgoing Email Address is invalid. R3.0 – Use outgoing E-Mail Settings of SharePoint
• Email message – Cannot get value of fields have type Publishing Image, Publishing HTML 
• Alerts stop firing for a list if there are many alert items alert for the list. Customer should use our Bamboo Event Receiver Cleanup utility to clean up then event receiver and reapply the alerts.
• Alert using the recipient feature "Lookup e-mail in another list (advanced). Lookup using Bamboo Lookup Column.
• list with versioning turned on and a column with multiple lines of text and Append text = Yes
• Lookup using Bamboo Lookup Column.
• Extraneous characters display in email when using columnName token. Using a columnName token – specifically {Assigned To} the resulting email message has a prepend of 'XXXX; # + userName.


• Alert on recurring item in a calendar list. R3.0 provides support for alerting on recurring items in a calendar list. However if the series is modified, the users will get emails for each recurrence items if they alert on items modified etc…

Known Issues:

• Don't send mail when Document with required documents to be checked out – Use work around 1) Create an item exists alert on the doc lib. 2) Put a calm with Created = [Today] 3) Set follows up days to 1 or 2.
• No e-mail is send when create new column – Create new column with "Date and Time" type (Date only) for Shared Documents list.
• Last Run Status –> see error "Input string was not in a correct format" when triggers the alert: "An item in the list is created" for My Task View. The query is based on the userid, and since when alert plus is running no user is logged in, the query will not work.

Upgrade Notes:

• Upgrade users should shutdown the old web service backend service prior to upgrading to R3.0

HW20 Calendar Plus Web Part Release 4.0

New Features:

• New Configuration Window.
• Updated Calendar Views.
• Display Lists across Sites/Site Collections.
• Display up to 10 SharePoint Lists in a single Calendar view; identify items of a given list with color code and ability to identify each list with an alias name.  Merge ANY list type.
• Define order of Calendar views in the Action bar.
• Span Holiday List Items across multiple days.
• Option to Disable Item's Display Column Link in Calendar views.
• Solid or Progressive Color options for Color Code.
• Icon Coding of Items similar to Color Coding but using an image.
• Icon Coding and Color Coding of items based on List Name or Site Name from List Rollup.
• Improved Tool Tip supporting all SharePoint and Bamboo Solution Column Data Types and displays for 45 seconds.
• Color Legend can be displayed Left, Right or Bottom of Calendar.
• Ability to hide errors from being displayed in Calendar.
• Ability to control text height for Text Wrap in Settings screen without requiring modification of CSS.
• Display Reoccurring icon in Day, Week, Work Week, Month, Quarter and Year View.
• In Day and Work Week view can display description details.
• Improved Color Code control.
• Gantt and Task View combined into a single Gantt view.
• pop-up New Item form for SharePoint Lists.
• Improved Go To Date control.
• Size calendar to smaller size without scroll bars appearing full length of Web Part (Minimum size: height 100 Pixels; Width: 750 Pixels).
• Single Occurrences deleted from Series still displays in Calendar views.
• Don't show Tool Tip if no Columns are set to be displayed.
• Enable Gantt View button by default.

Bugs Fixed:

• Missing items in day view when interface with List Rollup Classic
• Get web page not found error after deleting an item from calendar.
• User can not access holiday list from another web application and web part show wrong item of holiday list on same web application. 
• Week heading displays incorrectly.
• Gantt Grouping isn't right if data is from SP list and filter uses list view. 
• CodePlex "Custom Column" Type Custom Field not displayed in tool tip
• Print error in calendar.  
• Abnormal font size for user defined color coded items when Print.
• All Day event overrides user defined work week.


• Can only display one SharePoint List in Gantt View. 
• Unable to change the column header text in the Select List/Library grid.
• Distinct values of top 200 records of List Rollup is used to color codes.

Known Issues:

• Columns used in Use Filter option need to be added to the Selected Columns – If these column are not added to Selected columns, users will see System.Data.SyntaxErrorException in the log file.
• When there are more than 100 users in a site, if users want to color code User filed, use people picker. Check users name function for this field in the tool part is disable in this release.

HW24 List Rollup Web Part Release 5.0

New Features:

• List Rollup Schema allows users to rollup same list type. 
      o List Rollup Schema Designer Web Part to support the schema architecture.
      o List Rollup Grid View Web Part to support the schema architecture.
• Existing List Rollup Web Part name changed to List Rollup Classic Edition.
• Calendar Reoccurrence now supported both in List Rollup Classic Edition and LR Grid View/Schema.
• Resulting List Rollup Data Views using Classic Edition are visible by default.

Bugs Fixed:

List Rollup Classic:

• Duplicate Records from the same site collection – This is SharePoint issue. See KB Article.
• URL of the field – It is not working as designed. 
• Times adjusted to Regional settings on server, not site – Use LR 5.0 Grid View will solve this issue.
• An unexpected error has been encountered in this Web Part.  Type: Bamboo.WebParts.ListCollateWebPart, Error: One of the properties of the Web Part has an incorrect format. Windows SharePoint Services cannot deserialize the Web Part.
• Document link problem with Finnish language pack. 
• List Content Types and Type Icon Producing Error.
• List Rollup DataSource causes error "Object reference not set to an instance of an object" in Calendar Plus web part.
• Sorting a Lookup field in the List Rollup. 
• Item Limit in View not reflected in Data View. 


List Rollup Classic Edition does not support:

  • Bamboo Look up Plus: Data form is showing raw values: 2;#Civic;#4;#Pathfinder;#1;#Rav4
  • Bamboo Column Level Security: Unable to display.
  • Bamboo Visual Indicator: Show text only.
  • Bamboo Validator: Bamboo Validator don't display correctly 

List Rollup Schema Web Part does not support:

  • Bamboo Column Level Security: Encrypting data even if logged in with correct account.
  • Bamboo Video Library: Shows "No records to display" when rollup Video Library.

List Grid View Web Part: No support for Sorting/Filtering/Grouping of:

  • Site Name.
  • List Name.
  • Multi User Column.
  • Multi Lookup Column.
  • Hyperlink Column.
  • Calculated Column.

Known Issues for List Rollup 5.0 Grid View and Schema web parts:

• Cannot filter All Day Event in CAML Query (Design Mode).
• List Rollup GridView – Cannot filter data with [Today] and [Me] on Calendar List if recurrence is enable. Filter function doesn't work for all columns if recurrence is enabled.
• Runtime filtering for Data type = percent number, Currency (when decimal >1), Date Time, YesNo does not work correct when using Contains or StartsWith operator.
• List Rollup Schema-Cannot open file when clicking Type icon from File Share Library. 
• List Rollup Schema – Bamboo Validator have a space between number and % character. 
• Shows error " BindDataForControl :::::::::: : Access is denied" when login by Read permission or Anonymous when rolling up Discussion list.