This Week in Bamboo (September 26th, 2010 – October 2nd, 2010)

This week, Bamboo is proud to announce the release of Workflow Conductor version 1.5 for SharePoint 2007.  This release offers dozens of new and updated features, as well as numerous bug fixes and performance improvements.  Please see the announcement blog post from Product Manager Jeff Tubb for more details on the new features in this release. For a list of new features, known issues and limitations, and other recently released products for SharePoint 2010, please see the information below.

SharePoint 2007 Product:

SA08 Workflow Conductor Release 1.5

New Features and Enhancements:

• Widgets can access items in other site collections.
• Widgets can run with the permission of the workflow initiator, the workflow designer, or any other account.
• The Calculate widget now supports Excel-style date, mathematical, and string functions.
• Designers can run workflows in Simulation Mode.
• Set workflow start options at design time.
• Administrators can limit workflow deployments to scheduled times.
• Administrators can designate specific workflow designers.
• Administrators can define approved Active Directory paths for Active Directory widgets.
• Improved reporting features.
• New Easy Reference lookups.
• Support for SQL records in the Query DB and Create Item widgets.
• Support for INSERT, UPDATE, and DELETE statements in the Query DB widget.
• Central management of deployed Workflow Conductor workflow solutions.
• Editable e-mail templates for Request Approval and Request Feedback task notifications.
• Designers can change the logging level for widgets when starting a workflow.
• Conductor Studio performance enhancements.

New Widgets:

• Repeat For Each Item – Repeat part of a workflow for each item in a list or library.
• Create AD Account – Create an account in Active Directory.
• Delete AD Account – Delete an account in Active Directory.
• Add User to AD Group – Add a user to an Active Directory group.
• Add User to SharePoint Group – Add a user to a SharePoint group.
• Get User Info – Retrieve a SharePoint user profile property.

Bugs Fixed:

• When Conductor is uninstalled, the Workflow Conductor Control Panel tab is not removed from the Central Administration site.
• When you delete a widget from the Studio diagram, the property of the widget is still displayed in the right panel.
• If you use the Copy Item widget to copy an item with an Approval Status column, the status will always be "Pending". 
• Saved property values are not displayed for many widgets.
• Query Database cannot connect with OLEDB connection strings.
• Other general bug fixes.

Known Issues and Limitations:

• You must disable UAC Admin Approval Mode or turn off UAC to run Conductor on Windows Server 2008.
• When upgrading Workflow Conductor, the database configuration may fail if the previous version's Widget Category settings were modified from the default.
• When upgrading Workflow Conductor, workflows that are "In Progress" and waiting for Delay For, Delay Until, Wait For Field Change, Request Approval, Or Request Feedback widgets do not complete after upgrading to Conductor 1.5.
• When installing Workflow Conductor for the first time, you may need to reset IIS and clear your browser cache to see Active Directory settings in the Workflow Conductor Control Panel.
• Some SharePoint site themes do not work well with Conductor Studio.
• If you start a workflow in Simulation Mode, the Repeat While widget Loop Delay property is not set to "0".
• If you use a Run Parallel widget with an Update Item in one branch and a Set Approval Status in the other, the item's Approval Status will always be set to "Pending" no matter what is specified in the Set Approval Status widget.
• In some cases, the Approval Status of an item is not set properly for workflows deployed with the Start Option "Start this workflow to approve publishing a major version of an item."
• If a Set Approval Status widget is configured to Run As "Initiator" or "Other", the item shows as Modified By "System Account".
• The Repeat For Each Item widget "Start Item" condition does not work when using the "Is Null" operator with a Date/Time or Person/Group column.
• Send Email does not work if the recipient property is a lookup to a SharePoint group or a Person/Group column that allows multiple selections.
• Set Field Value can incorrectly set a Person/Group (Person only) column to a SharePoint group name.
• Create Item cannot create an item in a list name that includes an apostrophe (').
• Create Item can only set one value for a Lookup column that allows multiple selections.
• Start Another Workflow fails if the workflow is associated to a different list than the one it was originally deployed to.
• An error message is displayed when adding a hyperlink in the Comments field of a Request Approval or Request Feedback task form.
• Saved property values are not displayed when you edit the Run As > Other widget property.
• Saved property values are not displayed when you edit the Access SP via REST widget properties.
• In Update Item, cannot change the "Site" property selection if the widget is configured to update another item in the Current Site.
• Cannot assign a Request Approval or Request Feedback task to a user in another site collection.
• In the View Workflow Status page, "Starts With" and "Ends With" filters do not work on the Workflow Name and List columns.

SharePoint 2010 Products:

New Releases:

The following products have the same release notes:

1. HW51 Wiki Publisher Release 1.0 
2. HW06 Password Change Web Part Release 3.5


• Initial release on SharePoint Foundation and SharePoint Server 2010.