This Week in Bamboo (October 23rd, 2011 – October 29th, 2011)

At Bamboo this week, we released to our store two major enhancements for Chart Plus Web Part R3.0 and SharePoint Task Master R3.0 along with the patches of the following products: List Search Advanced Web Part, Site Creation Plus, Group Email Web Part, Bamboo Visual Indicator Column, Bamboo Validator Column, List Print, Tree View Web Part, Alert Plus, Password Reset, List Search Simple Web Part, Data-Viewer Web Part, Custom Identifier Column, KPI Column, Navigators and Project Portfolio Dashboard.  For details about the latest release of Chart Plus Web Part and SharePoint Task Master please see our Product Manager Announcement blogs:  Announcing Chart Plus 3.0 – Packed with New Features and Enhancements, and Announcing Task Master 3.0 – A Project Scheduling Tool Bursting with New Features.  For a complete list of bug fixes, great new features, limitations and known issues about the patches release, please see below.

HW27 Chart Plus Web Part for SharePoint 2007 (3.0.43) and SharePoint 2010 (3.0.43)

New Features:

• Interactive controls allow users to quickly and dynamically change a line chart to a bar chart or a pie chart to a line
• Provides more customization options without the need to modify the custom stylesheet (css)
• Includes the option to preview the chart in the tool pane before saving changes.
• Improves the tool pane interface.
• Allows users to set the legend position on the chart
• Provides the ability to change the orientation of the chart
• Provides the option to export a copy of the chart to excel.
• Allows users to customize legend values instead of using the category and series names from the data source.
• Adds the ability to customize the legend text in the tool pane.
• Allows the user to choose Site Path or List Name as the X-Axis value when using List Rollup as the data source.
• Intelligent Labels create a less cluttered display of data points to get the look you need.
• Provides the ability to customize chart colors using HexaDecimal values.
• Users may now increase the thickness of series lines on Line Charts.
• Users may now specify a custom values for chart axes origins. For example: Y or X Axis can start from 999 instead of the default 0.
• Now supports the use of the Calculated Field Type column as the X-Axis.
• Charts dynamically resize to fit the size of the Web Part Zone.

Bug Fixes:

• Chart Plus does not honor regional settings such as displaying x,x as x,x and not xx.
• The legend overlaps the chart.
• The Chart Plus Web Part does not support variables in the JavaScript that contain a hyphen.
• When one or more of the data points has no data, the line chart plots it as 0 (Null).
• Internal bug fixes to support SA12 Project Management Central.

Current Known Issues:

• Some labels are displayed in the wrong place when the orientation of the chart is changed from vertical to horizontal.
• When using List Rollup version 5.0 as the data source, Chart Plus displays incorrect time data and still shows time with the “date” data type only instead of “date and time”.
• When using a SQL data source, Chart Plus does not display the data in the correct order when “Enable grouping” is selected.
• Chart elements and legend items are duplicated when the “Alternative Name” is a number instead of text and the X-Axis Category is set to “None”.

HW45 Task Master for SharePoint 2010 (3.0.59)

New Features:

• Exclude Weekends and Holidays
• Allow the option to track % Work Complete.
• Display Critical Path
• Allow the option to assign multiple predecessors to a task
• Use relative path for tasks list
• Allow the option for color coding the milestone column based on a choice column
• Display the status of a task using the Schedule Status custom column
• Allow the option to turn on or off (Go to List, Gant, Grid, Show Legends, Show Critical Path, Allow Insert Task).
• Works with Bamboo Custom Identifier Column.

Bug Fixes:

• When upgrading Project Management Central from R2.1 to R2.2 using a template with seed data, Task Master Day view may only display two days of data with no scroll bar. To display the data correctly, navigate to another view or page and return to Task Master Day view.
• Sometimes a popup box reading “Stop running this script….” appears while loading data when the amount of data is more than 1,500 items.
• If the Task List has about 1,000+ items, users will see a timeout when they click Recalculate in PM Central R2.1 (SA12). Users need to upgrade to the latest Visual Indicator Column (HW41D). 
• The date of the parent items in the grid are shown as bold font when changing the date of a child item then clicking on the Recalculate button and the Save button. It will not be refreshed until the Web Part is refreshed in a new instance of the browser.
• Coloring Gantt based on a custom column with conditions.

Current Limitations:

• Since the new feature of R3.0 is to allow users to exclude weekend, upgrading from R2.0 to R3.0 will not keep the duration since the checkboxes are checked for all working days.
• When adding Task Master on the same page with Bamboo List Search and modify the tool pane, the browser will pop up asking to close the program.
• For Project Management Central working with Task Master, user should not add the “Maximum Unit” column to Task Master interface and proceed with inserting task. With inserting new task mode, maximum unit will show and save as 0% (the default maximum unit is 100%). Create a new task shows the correct percentage.
• If Task Master is set up to exclude certain dates (i.e. weekends) and the start date and due date fall on those dates, Task Master will compute that task as a milestone.
• Have to refresh page to change Gantt’s color when using column “Schedule Status” column with color coding settings.
• Allow the option for color coding the milestone column based on a choice column.
• Users cannot add the Web Part into a rich content zone on team sites.
• The printout does not show the same color as in the Task Master UI/legends.
• When the data set shown in Task Master spans across several years, the Print option will not show all items in the Gantt view. Users should use the “filtered date” option in the tool pane to filter to a smaller data set. Or, zoom out to show all items in the Gantt view without using scroll bar before printing.
• If users carry several changes, such as reconfiguring the scale for the Gantt view, editing the form of a task item, and dragging the scroll bar to line item 200, Task Master does not remember which line item that the users were at.
• After clicking Print from the Task Master toolbar, pressing Cancel in the Print Settings dialog box also cancels the Print Preview.
• Drag-and-drop functionality is limited to only dragging a task item to change its duration.

Current Known Issues:

• Sometimes Web Part shows an error message. User needs to refresh via Control + F5.
• If the summary task has a predecessor, child task’s start date will not change based on the parent’s predecessor due date if the child task has a constraint.
• Task Master does not display the Gantt bars in the Print preview, but the Gantt bars will print correctly.
• When saving or recalculating a task list with many items (>1,000), the client UI may time out. However, the update process will continue on the server. To view the results of the Save or Recalculate, refresh the browser using Control-F5. The issue only appears sometimes.
• Task Master does not update the %Complete on the Gantt chart for the Parent item the first time a user clicks Recalculate. To see the correct value, refresh the browser using Control-F5 or click Refresh again.
• In the auto save mode, when clicking on the Recalculate button for the first time, the Gantt view shows the wrong % Complete in the Gantt view.
• If the task summaries are collapsed and the user clicks on Show Items, Task Master does not show subtasks.
• When a task expands to several days, which includes times outside of the working hours, the task duration will not be drawn with the same length as another task with the same duration but not include times outside of the working hours.

HW11B List Search Advanced Web Part:

SharePoint 2007 (1.8.81)

Bug Fixes:

• SharePoint List Advanced Search experiences a severe performance issue when a site collection has a large number of sub sites and users.
• The “Search within this list” drop-down menu is not wide enough to view the full names of lists.
• When a list is set as the default list, it is not automatically chosen in the Web Part.
• The Web Part does not sort site content correctly when using custom site themes from third party vendors.
• Anonymous users receive a login prompt when using the web part to search.
• When using List Rollup data source, the “Name” column in the search result does not display a dropdown menu.

SharePoint 2010 (1.8.76)


• Use Web License Manager Version

Bug Fixes:

• SharePoint List Advanced Search experiences a severe performance issue when a site collection has a large number of sub sites and users.
• Web Part displays the Microsoft folder icon in the “Type” column instead of the Bamboo folder icon.
• Data from “Managed Metadata” columns are not listed in the Advanced Search results columns.
• The “Search within this list” drop-down menu is not wide enough to view the full names of lists.
• When a list is set as the default list, it is not automatically chosen in the Web Part.
• The Web Part does not sort site content correctly when using custom site themes from third party vendors.
• Anonymous users receive a login prompt when using the web part to search.
• When using List Rollup data source, the “Name” column in the search result does not display a dropdown menu.
• Internal bug fixes to support SA12 Project Management Central R3.0.

No new Known Issues or Limitations

HW28 Site Creation Plus for SharePoint 2010 (1.4.40)


• Site Creation Plus Web Part now uses Web License Manager Version

Bug Fixes:

• Internal bug fixes to support SA12 Project Management Central

No new Known Issues or Limitations

HW14 Group Email Web Part for SharePoint 2010 (1.7.36)


• Group Email Web Part now uses Web License Manager Version

Bug Fixes:

• Internal bug fixes to support SA12 Project Management Central

No new Known Issues or Limitations

HW41D Bamboo Visual Indicator Column for SharePoint 2010 (1.3.44)


• The Bamboo Visual Indicator Column now uses Web License Manager Version

Bug Fixes:

• Internal bug fixes to support SA12 Project Management Central.

No new Known Issues or Limitations

HW41E Bamboo Validator Column for SharePoint 2010 (1.3.20)

• Bamboo Validator Column now uses Web License Manager Version

Bugs Fixes:
• Bamboo Validator Column does not require input when the “Input Required” option is activated.
• Internal bug fixes to support SA08 Workflow Conductor.

No new Known Issues or Limitations

HW50 List Print for SharePoint 2010 (1.4.22)


• List Print Web Part now uses Web License Manager Version

Bug Fixes:

• Internal bug fixes to support SA12 Project Management Central

No new Known Issues or Limitations

HW03 Tree View Web Part for SharePoint 2010 (1.7.58)

Bug Fixes:

• The Tree View Web Part does not allow users to open documents using the default application; instead it forces the user to view documents in the browser.
• Web Part does not expand folder contents in the right pane for an item in the left pane.
• Internal bug fixes to support SA12 Project Management Central

No new Known Issues or Limitations

HW05 Alert Plus for SharePoint 2007 (3.2.52) and SharePoint 2010 (3.2.52)


• Includes a drop down View that allows users to sort and filter alerts.
Bug Fixes:

• Add version info to the Alert Plus Utility tool on the window. Alert Plus does not include information about which version is currently installed.
• The Web Part returns a blank window when using a CAML query for a multiple choice column.
• Customers do not receive emails when the “Column to map to Alert List” and “Alert List Column” Advanced columns are configured for multiple values.
• There is no method for sorting or filtering alerts on the Alert Plus interface.
• Internal bug fixes to support SA12 Project Management Central

HW10 Password Reset for SharePoint 2007 (2.4.17) and SharePoint 2010 (2.4.39)

Bug Fixes:

• Passwords for users in AD groups cannot be reset.
• If AD group names contain spaces, the passwords for the users in those groups will be reset and the group is not excluded.

No New Known Issues and Limitation

HW11A List Search Simple Web Part

SharePoint 2007 (2.1.58)

Bug Fixes:

• Internal bug fixes to support SA12 Project Management Central.

No New Known Issues and Limitation

SharePoint 2010 (2.1.71)

Bugs Fixes:

• When attempting to open a document from the list of search results, the following error is shown: “This item is no longer available. It may have been deleted another user. Click “Ok” to refresh the page.”
• Internal bug fixes to support SA12 Project Management Central.

No new Known Issues or Limitations

HW37 Data-Viewer Web Part for SharePoint 2010 (3.3.63)

Bug Fixes:

• When clicking on the “No Filter” option and not entering parameters to the search field.
• Internal bug fixes to support SA12 Project Management Central

HW41H Custom Identifier Column for SharePoint 2007 (1.0.38) and SharePoint 2010 (1.0.41)

Bug Fixes:

• If an included column is a calculated column, extra characters are displayed in the Web Part.
• Internal bug fixes to support SA08 Workflow Conductor.

New Limitations:

• Data from the Bamboo Custom Identifier Column does not automatically populate in SharePoint workflows.

HW41J KPI Column for SharePoint 2007 (1.3.53) and SharePoint 2010 (1.3.51)

Bug Fixes:

• The performance indicator icons are aligned to right.
• Internal bug fixes to support SA12 Project Management Central

HW55 Navigators for SharePoint 2010 (1.3.30)

Bug Fixes:

• Internal bug fixes to support SA12 Project Management Central

SA35 Project Portfolio Dashboard for SharePoint 2010 (1.8.47)

Bug Fixes:

• Internal bug fixes to support SA12 Project Management Central