This Week in Bamboo (October 14th, 2012 – October 20th, 2012)

This week in Bamboo, we released two minor releases to our store: List Bulk Import R2.5, and Chart Plus Web Part R3.5. Please see the release announcement blogs for details: Announcing the Release of List Bulk Import 2.5, and Announcing the Release of Chart Plus 3.5 for SharePoint 2010. For a complete list of bug fixes, great new features, limitations and known issues about this week’s releases, please see below.

HW18 List Bulk Import for SharePoint 2007, SharePoint 2010 and SharePoint Online (Office 365) Release 2.5.103

New Feature:

Extended Source and Target List authentication support:

SharePoint 2007

• Windows

o Active Directory Services
o NT Directory Services

• Forms

o SQL Server membership provider
o Active Directory membership provider

SharePoint 2010

• Windows (Classic Mode Authentication)

o Active Directory Services
o NT Directory Services

• Windows (Claim Based Authentication)

o Active Directory Services
o NT Directory Services

• Forms Based Authentication

o SQL Server membership provider
o Active Directory membership provider

SharePoint Online (Office 365)

• Office 365 build-in authentication provider

– Required Columns are now optional when mapping the Source to the Target columns.
– Improved user interface throughout the application.
– Ability to create scheduled imports directly from List Bulk Import application.
– The following Bamboo products are supported as both the source and the target:

Custom Columns

• Column Level Security (HW41G)
• Custom Identifier Column (HW41H)
• KPI Column (HW41J)
• List Integrity (HW01 – SharePoint 2007) *Source only
• Lookup Selector Column (HW41AB)
• Validator Column (HW41E)
• Visual Indicator Column (HW41D)

Custom Libraries

• Video Library (HW69) *Not connected to Bamboo File Shave
• Discussion Board Plus (SA75)

Bug Fixes:

• Unattended imports result in the target list being emptied and no data being imported even though the Import Template runs correctly through an attended import.
• Last item in the source always fails to upload to the target Document Library.
• Unable to update existing records, returned failure for all existing records to be updated.
• Column schema for Choice column not copied if new list is created during import process.
• Excel, CSV, Text file setting “First column contains column headers” is not recognized in the saved template file.
• Running an unattended import job from command line fails.
• When importing from CSV file, mapped Lookup columns in the target list is not updated correctly.

Current Limitations

• When a new Calendar list is created from List Bulk Import, the Content Type “Schedule” is not marked as the Default Content Type, resulting in missing columns displayed in the New, Display and Edit forms. To resolve, mark the “Schedule” content type as default.
• Excel as Source, supports only columns formatted as: General; Number; Currency; Date [MM/DD/YYYY]; Text
• CSV as the Source – Can only import Date formatted as [MM/DD/YYYY].
• When importing from a SharePoint List with content types enabled, the option “Allow management of content type” is not enabled in the newly created target SharePoint List.
• Fail to import into target SharePoint Lists that contains the name “Discussion Board Plus”.
• To successfully update the read-only columns Created, Created By, Modified, Modified By in the target SharePoint List, the configured login account connecting to the target SharePoint List must have the permission level “Full Control” to the list.
• Cannot create a new SharePoint List from List Bulk Import if the source is a SharePoint 2007 list and the target is a SharePoint 2010 list.
• List Bulk Import does not support the following Bamboo custom columns as the source or target: Rating Column, Rich Text Column, and Visual Indicator Column.
• List Bulk Import does not support Bamboo File Share Library as the source or target.
• List Bulk Import does not support Bamboo Video Library connected to Bamboo File Share Library.
• Fails to connect to SharePoint Online if account configured in List Bulk Import is a member of a custom SharePoint Group.
• Importing to the target SharePoint List of type Calendar fails if an item in the source has recurrence enabled with frequency of Year.
• List Bulk Import does not support SharePoint Lists of type Survey as either the source or the target list.
• Only current versions of items are imported. This includes Multiple Lines of Text with Append Changes to Existing Text enabled.

HW27 Chart Plus Web Part for SharePoint 2010 (Release 3.5.105) 

New Features:

• Read data from Excel workbooks to generate charts using Excel Services. Excel 2007, 2010, and 2013 files are supported.
• Display charts from an external list using External Content Type based on SQL Server Table data.
• Use a Secure Store Service account to connect with, and display charts from, a SQL Server table on an external SQL server.
• Dynamically filter charts using Runtime Filter View.
• Dynamically filter charts using Web Part Connection.
• Filter charts based on SQL table data using criteria options.
• Use interactive reports to quickly and dynamically change a bar chart to a pie chart or a line chart, and back again.
• Click the chart to get to the data source where the data source is a SharePoint list.
• Edit format data series labels.
• Enable tooltips for bubble charts when mousing over.
Bug Fixes:

• Chart Plus does not show anything when the list has 4000 items or more.
• Chart elements and legend items are duplicated when the “Alternative Name” is a number instead of text and the X-Axis Category is set to “None”.

Known Issues:

• When Web Part Connection is used for filtering, if “Send first row to connected Web Parts when page loads” in the Miscellaneous of the consumer Web Part’s tool pane is not checked users will see the “No data to display…” error since the Data View sends empty value to the consumer of the connection. (Note: If this “Send first row to connected Web Parts when page loads” property is set TRUE (checked), the Web part will initiate (fire) its connection when the page containing the part is first loaded in the web browser. The Data View sends the data for the first row in the result set XML data to the Web Part that is the consumer of the connection. This property allows a Web Part page with connected Data Views to have a reasonable initial state then the page is opened in the web browser.)
• Some labels are displayed in the wrong place when the orientation of the chart is changed from vertical to horizontal. 
• When using List Rollup version 5.0 as the data source, Chart Plus displays incorrect time data and still shows time with the “date” datatype only instead of “date and time”.
• When using a SQL data source, Chart Plus does not display the data in the correct order when “Enable grouping” is selected.

• When Web Part Connection is used for filtering and the x-axis and y-axis are empty for one of the items, the “No Data to display…” error is displayed. 
• When connect with Excel Services, the original currency is not displayed, e.g. € is displayed as $.
• When connect with Excel Services and the Date/Time column is selected from the worksheet to display, the Bar (Date/Time) option is not available as part of the Chart Type’s drop down options.

HW41H Bamboo Custom Identifier Column for SharePoint 2010 (1.0.43)

Bug Fixes:

• If user modifies the New or Display item forms and the Bamboo Custom Identifier Column includes the component “Include Column From Current Item”, the value from the associated column is not included in the Custom Identifier Columns resulting value. Note: The Internet Explorer Cache (Temporary Internet Files) must be deleted for changes to take affect after upgrade on the client machine.

New Known Issue:

• When customer upgrades from version 1.0.41 to version 1.0.43, they will receive a JavaScript error when creating or modifying a column of type Bamboo Custom Identifier. To resolve, the Internet Explorer Cache (Temporary Internet Files) must be deleted on the client machine.