This Week in Bamboo (November 28th, 2010 – December 4th, 2010)

For this week in Bamboo, we were very busy fixing bugs and releasing many patches for both SharePoint 2007 products and SharePoint 2010 products using our new Web License Manager version 1.3.9.  For more details about the list of patches and bugs fixed, please see below.

SharePoint 2007 products:

HW05 Alert Plus Release 3.0.62

 Use Web License Manager 1.3.9

Bug Fixes:
 Getting error message as using Alert web part in German site.
• Alert Plus alerts do not fire on Bamboo Video Library.

HW11A List Search Simple Web Part Release 1.8.64

Bug Fixes:
• Search results when searching date only return results matching the date searched minus one day.

HW12 Group Redirect Web Part Release 2.3.11

• Use Web License Manager 1.3.9
• Use merged assembly and deploy Bamboo.Core.wsp and Bamboo.Core.V1.2.msi.
• Use new bundle installation.

HW13 User Redirect Web Part Release 1.5.3

• Use Web License Manager 1.3.9
• Use merged assembly and deploy Bamboo.Core.wsp and Bamboo.Core.V1.2.msi.
• Use new bundle installation.

HW18 List Bulk Import Release 2.1

• Use License Manager 2.9

Bug Fixes:
• The target is not deleted when using the command line. 
• No import of versions of Document list from SP2007 to SP2010.
• Bulk Import has out of memory errors with target list has several thousand items.   
• Error importing – no detail of failures in log files.
• Get error message “Cannot connect to the SharePoint Server.  Please make sure the server is online and available.
• Cannot connect to the SharePoint Server error when using Replicate Document/Picture Library > Replicate Files from SharePoint Server. 
• Upload to SharePoint 2010 from .CSV file. 

HW39 Alerts Administrator Release 1.4.13

• Use Web License Manager 1.3.9
• Use merged assembly and deploy Bamboo.Core.wsp and Bamboo.Core.V1.2.msi.
• Use new bundle installation.

Bug Fixes:
• The link on the site points to the intranet website and not the external internet site.   

HW40 My Alerts Organizer Release 1.4.13

• Use Web License Manager 1.3.9 
• Use merged assembly and deploy Bamboo.Core.wsp and Bamboo.Core.V1.2.msi.
• Use new bundle installation.

Bug Fixes:
• The link on the site points to the intranet website and not the external internet site.   

HW51 Wiki Publisher Release 1.0.44

• Use Web License Manager 1.3.9

Bug Fixes:
• If Table of Content object is inserted in the Word Document, causes all text to become underlined 
• Other languages (Except English) – Cannot get document lists from the dropdown list .
• Wiki Publisher has issue “Can’t see the images library when setting Bamboo Wiki Publisher
• Error “(401) Unauthorized” while customer do export to PDF. 

HW60 SharePoint File Share Library Release  1.2

• Use Web License Manager 1.3.9
• Use new bundle installation

Bug Fixes:
• 128 character limit on (sync) timer job name.
• User in Viewers group should not see Upload button.

SA05 SharePoint Knowledge Base Solution Accelerator Release 1.5.20

 Use Web License Manager 1.3.9
• Use merged assembly and deploy Bamboo.Core.wsp and Bamboo.Core.V1.2.msi.
• Use new bundle installation.

Bug Fixes:
 Related Links and Attachments are resolving to AAM Internal URL.
• Script error when trying to print an article with title containing apostrophe.
• Show wrong text size in bamboo rich text editor.   

SA08 Workflow Conductor Release 1.5.1

Bugs Fixes:
• Link to item on task forms incorrect for sub-sites.
• Error sometimes displayed when Studio diagram is refreshed after successful workflow deployment.
• Saved property values are not displayed when you edit the Run As > Other widget property.
• IIS reset required to view Active Directory settings after installing and configuring Workflow Conductor for the first time.
• Repeat For Each Item start and stop conditions do not match date values.
• Repeat For Each Item start and stop conditions do not match when comparing a Current Item percent column to a percent column in another list.
• In Update Item, cannot change the “Site” property selection if the widget is configured to update another item in the Current Site.
• Error displayed when running a workflow with an initialization form containing a date/time field with a default value of “Today’s date” and a constraint of “Required value must be greater than the date and time the form is loaded.”
• “Start Time” Easy Reference is a date and time instead of just a time.

Known Issues and Limitations:
• Any known issue listed for release 1.5 and not specifically listed in the “Bug Fixes” section above.

SharePoint 2010 products:

HW05 Alert Plus Release 3.0.59

• Use Web License Manager 1.3.9

Bug Fixes:
• Getting error message as using Alert web part in German site.
• Alert Plus alerts do not fire on Bamboo Video Library

HW13 User Redirect Web Part Release 1.5.14

 Use Web License Manager 1.3.9

HW28 Site Creation Plus Release 1.4.17

• Use Web License Manager 1.3.9

Bug Fixes:
• Internal Bug fixes to support for PM Central SA12 R2.0

HW33 List Bulk Export Release 1.4

• Now supported on SharePoint Foundation 2010 and SharePoint Server 2010.
• Uses Bamboo License Manager 2.9

Bug Fixes:
• Bulk Export Ignores Column Order in Scheduled Task.
• Export Form Library returns “Invalid value used” error. 

HW55 SharePoint Navigators Release 1.3.12 
        • Use Web License Manager 1.3.9

SA05 SharePoint Knowledge Base Solution Accelerator Release 1.5.36

Bug Fixes:
• After Add New Category receive Error: KBTreeView::BuildUserInterface: Failed to load view state.