This Week in Bamboo (November 25th, 2012 – December 1st, 2012)

At Bamboo this week, a minor release of Password Expiration Web Part was released to the storefront with great new features along with the following patches: Tree View Web Part, List Print, Team Calendar, KPI Column and Project Portfolio Dashboard.  Please check out our storefront for the latest releases of this week and see below for more information on all the bug fixes, and great new features.

HW23 Password Expiration Web Part for SharePoint 2010 (Release 1.6.41)

New Features:

• Added support for Password Settings Object (PSO). NOTE: For PSO support, a Domain Administrator account must be provided in the configuration of the Web Part.
• SharePoint Administrator credentials are no longer required, removed this section from the Web Part tool pane.
• Expanded the capabilities of the display message capabilities replacing the original text boxes with a single rich text box, providing the capabilities of HTML support and optional variables, including logged in user account Full Name, days till password expires, and optionally redirect URL.
• Miscellaneous text changes in the Web Part configuration.

No bug fixes.

No new Known Issues and Limitations.

HW03 Tree View Web Part for SharePoint 2010 (Release 1.7.82)

Bug Fixes:

• If the view “Edit in Datasheet” has been disabled on the List or Library, users can still access the option from Tree View Web Part.
• The folders displayed in the tree view in the left frame are not sorted in alphabetically.

No new Known Issue and Limitations.

HW50 List Print for SharePoint 2007 (Release 1.4.14) and Share Point 2010 (Release 1.4.26)

Bug Fixes:

• Columns of type Bamboo Lookup Selector display the parsing character semi-colon “;”.

No new Known Issues or Limitations

HW34 Team Calendar for SharePoint 2010 (Release 1.7.18)

Bug Fixes:

• If the Regional Settings is set to German, Team Calendar Web Part displays an error message in the “Today” view and the border fails to display for the current date in all views.

No new Known Issues and Limitations

HW41J KPI Column for SharePoint 2010 (Release 1.3.62)

Bug Fixes:
• Receive an error in the SharePoint logs and in the resulting .STP file when saving a site as a template that contains a site column of type Bamboo KPI. NOTE: After upgrading Bamboo KPI Column, open the site column settings and save the settings before saving the site as a template.

No new Known Issues and Limitations

SA35 Project Portfolio Dashboard for SharePoint 2010 (Release 1.8.58)        

Bug Fixes:

• Internal bug fixes to support Bamboo Project Management Central Release 4.0.

No new Known Issues and Limitations