This Week in Bamboo (May 8th, 2011 – May 14th, 2011)

At Bamboo this week, a minor release of Alert Plus Web Part was released with many resolved bugs, new improvements and updated features for both SharePoint 2007 and SharePoint 2010.  Please check out our storefront for the latest of Alert Plus Web Part version 3.1 and see below for a complete list of bug fixes, great new features, limitations and known issues about the patch.

Alert Plus Release 3.1.28 (SharePoint 2007) and Release 3.1.28 (SharePoint 2010) have the same Release Notes:

New Features:

• Support for sending non-HTML e-mail from Alert Plus.
• New option to set alert e-mail priority.
• Additional custom schedule options.
• Support for alerting on individual items in a recurring Calendar list event.
• Multiple SharePoint site/site collection groups can be selected as alert recipients.
• Support for relative paths when selecting lists.
• Improved summary e-mail formatting.
• Only the message body is repeated in alert summary e-mails; the alert title is no longer included in the message body. The subject of the summary e-mail is the subject entered in the Mail Format tab.
• Special alert tokens used in alert e-mails are now case-insensitive.
• Created, Modified, and CreatedOrModified triggers read data directly from the list and not from the Alert Change List (Alert List Site Type Option “0”).
• The Admin tab has been removed. Settings from this tab have been moved to the Event tab.
• General UI improvements.

Resolved Customer-Reported Bugs and Known Issues/Limitations:

• Custom Schedule stays checked even if unchecked and saved. Note: Admin tab removed in R3.1. Custom schedules are now on the Event tab.
• {sitelink} hyperlink in Subject link not formatted correctly.
• Alert does not run if “A specific column in the list changes” trigger uses a CAML query for a column of data type “Boolean”.
• Alert Plus Web Part requires stored credentials to configure Web Part.
• Alerts are not sent if the alert list includes a Bamboo Column Level Security column.
• Some dates display incorrectly when a token for a Date/Time column is used in the alert e-mail
• No e-mail sent if recipient user has not logged into SharePoint.
• Alerts for recurring Calendar events do not use the correct dates for individual items in the series.
• Alert Plus fails when one of the site collections in the Web app is locked.
• Alert item list selected using a CAML statement is different than the item list using a list view with the same filter. Note: Use OffsetDays instead of addValue in CAML queries. addValue is supported for backwards compatibility, but OffsetDays is preferred and supported SharePoint.


• Outlook clients cannot view images included in an Alert Plus e-mail body using Image Manager or the <IMG> tag if viewing the image link requires authentication. 
• Alert Plus supports alerts on recurring items in a Calendar list. However, if the series is modified and a user has an “item modified” alert on the recurring item, the user will get an alert for each item in the series.
• When selecting alert recipients using the “Lookup an E-mail Address in another List (Advanced)” option, the columns linking the lookup list to the alert list must be the same data type.
• Column display names are no longer supported in CAML queries for alerts on List Rollup Schemas. Use the “Upgrade Alert Plus” tab in the Alert Plus Utilities to fix existing List Rollup Schema alerts that use display names in CAML queries.
• Some custom schedules from previous Alert Plus versions are not fully supported in Alert Plus 3.1. See “Upgrading Alert Plus” in the Online Documentation for more information.

Known Issues:

• Alerts are not sent for documents if the Document Library option “Require documents to be checked out before they can be edited?” is set to “Yes”. Workaround: Create an “item exists” alert on the document library. Enter the CAML statement Created = [Today]. Set Follow-up Wait Days to 1 or 2. 
• E-mail is not sent for “item created” alerts on a document library if the CAML query is checking a Date and Time column in the library. 
• If an alert is created on a “My Tasks” view, the Last Run Status will display the following error: “Input string was not in a correct format.” This is because the view query is based on a user ID that is not available when Alert Plus runs. 
• Alerts for items in an InfoPath Form Library selected using a CAML query may fail in some cases.