This Week in Bamboo (May 26th, 2013 – June 1st, 2013)

For This Week in Bamboo, we rolled out to our storefront another set of SharePoint 2013 products as follows:  PM Central, List Rollup, Mini–Calendar, My Alert Organizer, Lookup Selector, Rich Text Column, Validator Column, and Column Level Security.  While checking out the Bamboo storefront with the new releases, you may want to check out our patches for Task Master and List Rotator.  For more details about the new set of SharePoint 2013 releases and the patches of this week please see the list below.

SA12 PM Central for SharePoint 2013 Release 4.0.86

Initial Release on Microsoft SharePoint Foundation 2013 and Microsoft SharePoint Server 2013.

This build runs on SharePoint Foundation 2013 and SharePoint Server 2013. This release contains the same functionality as the equivalent version number of the SharePoint 2010 build of this product.

Includes updated versions of the following components:

• Tree View Web Part R1.7.23 (file version
• Alert Plus R3.2.124 (file version
• List Search Simple Web Part R2.1.167 (file version
• List Search Advanced Web Part R1.8.121 (file version
• Group Email Web Part R1.7.46 (file version
• Calendar Plus Web Part R4.1.155 (file version
• List Rollup Web Part R6.0.70 (file version
• Chart Plus Web Part R3.5.143 (file version
• Site Creation Plus R1.4.71 (file version
• Data-Viewer Web Part R3.5.57 (file version
• KPI Column R1.3.78 (file version
• Visual Indicator Column R1.3.79 (file version
• Task Master R3.5.118 (file version
• List Print R1.4.36 (file version
• Navigators R1.3.57 (file version
• Project Portfolio Dashboard R1.8.80 (file version

Resolved Customer-Reported Bugs and Known Issues/Limitations:

• The Resource Assignments Gantt chart on the portfolio site may time out if more than 10,000 items are aggregated.
• The filter in the Timeline Gantt Web Part in the PM Central Lite Portfolio Site does not work. It is always showing all the projects.
• In R4.0, all PM Central tasks lists have the Assigned To field set for multiple assignees. When a workflow runs it creates a task with an Assigned To field set for a single assignee. Therefore, all the List Rollup schemas of tasks do not show any data since it requires all the tasks with Assigned to set for multiple assignees.

Known Issues:

• Reports – If the resource’s profile does not contain a Display Name, the reports display a special character and cannot calculate the working hours of the resource. For example, the resource is DomainabcJSmith. The Resource field will show as DomainabcJSmith. And the Resource Timeline Management cannot display the working hours.
• Bamboo Microsoft Project Addin-Import function – If the Risks list is selected in SharePoint to import the tasks from Microsoft Project 2013, they will show errors during import.
• Workflow Conductor and Windows Server 2012 – In Windows Server 2012 environment, if deployed using the deploy button they will see a javascript error “Sys.ArgumentException: Cannot Deserialize.”.
• Bamboo Microsoft Project Addin-Import/Sync function – If Import/Sync with Project lite, the option Map “Resource Names” to “Resource” field is not grayed out.
• Resource Assignments (Gantt chart and Performance) – If there are a lot of resource assignments and projects and therefore a large volume of data to update, information will not be updated immediately even after clicking Run Now with the Bamboo Gantt Chart Timer Job. See the troubleshooting section for the Resource Assignment not showing data online documentation for more information.
• Resource Availability report – If the user selects to view the Resource Availability with a date range span across 2 years such as 12/1/2012 to 1/15/2013, the capacity for the first year will display as 0 instead of 8 hours for 1 day or 160 hours for 1 month.
• When PM Central tasks are merged with Microsoft Project tasks using Microsoft Project Add-In and with Microsoft Add-In is set using the Auto Schedule option, if the tasks in SharePoint have a Start Date different than the Start Date of the project and tasks in Microsoft Project after a merge, the tasks will show up with the wrong Start Date and may result in breaking the parent-child relationship.
• If you merge tasks between PM Central and Microsoft Project using the Microsoft Project Add-in, and the tasks have the same name with different Work Breakdown Structure, after the merge the tasks will show the wrong parent-child relationship and the wrong work breakdown structure.
• When using the Request New PMC Project Site workflow, the title is missing in the breadcrumb in the form for Start Workflow.
• When customizing any site page in SharePoint Designer, you must check out the page first. When you are finished editing in SharePoint Designer, save the page and check it in.
• If you export tasks to Microsoft Project using the Bamboo Microsoft Project Add-in and then move a task in Microsoft Project, the task will be incorrectly be displayed as a child task if you export the PM Central Tasks list again using the “Merge” option.
• When exporting the Resource Task Timeline report to Excel, the Gantt bar does not show an accurate time span.
• In User Profiles Import search results, the contents of the About Me field include HTML markup.
• When upgrading PM Central, you must restart the Windows SharePoint Services Timer service before upgrading PM Central sites in Central Administration.
• The User Profiles Import utility displays a maximum of 1000 results.
• If you change an existing selection for the Project Department or Project fields in a report, the Resource field does not update with the choices that match the new Project Department and Project combination.
• When Microsoft Project synchronizes task updates to a connected PM Central Tasks list, “Constraint Date” values of “NA” in Microsoft Project—which indicates a constraint type of “As Soon as Possible”—may be set to today’s date when synchronized to the PM Central Tasks list. This does not impact the project schedule.
• When browsing a PM Central site in HTTPS, chart images exported from the Reporting Web Part to Microsoft Excel are displayed as a red “X” in the Excel workbook.
• If a project site has unique permissions and its users do not have access to the portfolio site, data from the Enterprise Resource Pool in the portfolio site is still visible in the project site Contacts list.
• In the Gantt View of Active Projects on the portfolio site Schedules tab, special characters in the Project Manager field are expanded to their corresponding numeric value. For example, “D’Angelo” will be displayed as “D’Angelo”.
• After upgrading PM Central, the Project Portfolio Dashboard does not display data on the portfolio site’s Schedules tab or in the Portfolio Dashboard List after clicking Refresh for the first time. To resolve this issue, restart the SharePoint 2010 Timer service. See KB.12641 for more information.
• Anonymous users are prompted for a user name and password to access some PM Central pages.


• (Microsoft Project Add-in) Microsoft Project 2010 contains a component that is required during the installation of the Bamboo Microsoft Project Add-In in order to for it to work correctly with Microsoft Project 2013. To work with MS Project 2013 and Bamboo Microsoft Project Add-in, Microsoft Office 2010 requires to be installed first. See KB.12977 for more information.
• Lite project site template cannot be saved as a site template to be used later to create another project site template.
• When using the Microsoft Project Add-In, if users modify the Outline level field in Microsoft Project without adjusting the WBS field, they will see an error during the merge between PM Central Tasks and Microsoft Project tasks, e.g. Outline Level field is 1 and WBS is 1.1.
• If you import or export tasks to and from Microsoft Project using the Bamboo Microsoft Project Add-in, it skips the accounts that contain characters such as “[” and “]”.
• Addin – New/Merge/Append to Microsoft Project – If the Cost and Actual Cost fields for the tasks and parent tasks are populated using Cost (Enter) and Actual Cost (Enter), when exporting to Microsoft Project for new/merge/append, the Cost and Actual fields in the Microsoft Project will not match what is in PM Central’s SharePoint tasks list.
• If creating a Portfolio site that is the child of a Team site, the Bamboo Project Central Content Types feature must be activated before creating them.
• When tasks are exported to Microsoft Project using the “Merge” option with the Bamboo Microsoft Project Add-in, child tasks may be merged to the wrong summary task if multiple summary tasks have the same name.
• When importing tasks from Microsoft Project to a SharePoint Tasks list using the Bamboo Microsoft Project Add-in, the Constraint Date field cannot be updated if the Constraint Date in Microsoft Project is equal to “NA”.
• Addin – Export to MS Project – Show Duration in MS Project don’t like Duration in SharePoint Task list with use case working mode between MS project and Task Master different. => WAD
• The User Profile Import Utility can only map User Profile properties with a privacy setting of “Everyone”.
• If data displayed using the Data-Viewer Web Part is grouped and a group of data spans multiple pages, all data for the same group may not be displayed continuously on the next page. For example, page 2 may start with a different data group instead of continuing the list of items from page 1.
• Clicking “Add new item” in the Discussion tab does not display the New Item pop-up form.
• After exporting a PM Central Tasks list using the “Connect to Microsoft Project” feature, new tasks created in Microsoft Project with a blank Start Date and Due Date will be incorrectly updated when the task is synchronized to PM Central with the “Synchronize” feature. The Start Date will be set to the Project Start Date from Microsoft Project, and the Due Date will be the next day.
• When Microsoft Project synchronizes task updates to a connected PM Central Tasks lists, the “Assigned To” field value is not copied if it was updated in Microsoft Project to a resource name that does not exist in Active Directory.
• If a Calculated column type is displayed in SharePoint Task Master, the calculated value is not updated when the user clicks Recalculate. To view the updated values for Calculated columns, refresh the browser using Control + F5.
• Users cannot delete resources from the Enterprise Resource Pool in the department site if the department site is the root of the site collection. Users must go to the portfolio site to delete resources.
• When users create a new Web Part Page in the portfolio site and try to make this page the default page by updating the URL in /_Layouts/AreaWelcomePage.aspx, they will receive the following error: “The site is not valid. The ‘Pages’ document library is missing.” This is a SharePoint limitation.
• Users logged into the portfolio site with a site collection administrator account will not see rolled-up data in the following tabs: My Summary, Resources, Schedules, Issues, and Reporting. This is a SharePoint limitation. To change the limits, go to Central Administration > Manage Web Applications. Select the desired site collection, and then select General Settings > Resource Throttling from the ribbon to change the values.
• In the “Tasks” tab of the project site under Tracking View, the headers for “Cost”, “Actual Cost” and “% Complete” are not aligned to the left like in other fields.

Current Known Issues for In-Place Upgrade:

• After an in-place upgrade, then click “Update All” and “Update Project” from the All Tasks tab results in an error. The workaround for this issue is to run iisreset.

Limitations for In-Place Upgrade:

• Any customizations made to the sites (master pages, CSS, logos, etc.) will not be retained after running the in-place upgrade to SharePoint 2013.
• The upgrade must be run on a new SharePoint 2013 server with content that was upgraded from a SharePoint 2010 server using the database attach and upgrade method.
• Upgrading PM Central on a server that was upgraded from SharePoint 2010 to SharePoint 2013 (Foundation or Server) on the same hardware will not work.

HW24 List Rollup for SharePoint 2013 Release

Initial Release on Microsoft SharePoint Foundation 2013 and Microsoft SharePoint Server 2013.

This build runs on SharePoint Foundation 2013 and SharePoint Server 2013. This release contains the same functionality as the equivalent version number of the SharePoint 2010 build of this product.

See the Known Issues and Limitations section for the latest known issues and limitations related to this release. For information about using this product, read the Online Documentation.

Known Issues:

• Calculated item (with Drop-Down-menu) is not displayed when rollup on the LRU Gridview
• The site shows an error when Download a Copy Document from the Edit Drop-down menu.

List Rollup Schema Designer:

• Can’t edit/ copy/ delete Schema when adding with Task Manager on the same page
• Cannot open files clicking the “Type” icon when aggregating Bamboo SharePoint File Share Libraries.
• Anonymous users and users with the Read permission level see the following error message when attempting to view a Discussion Board list rollup in List Rollup Grid View Web Part: “BindDataForControl ::::::::::: Access is denied”
• Does not support sorting items across lists.
• When modifying the schema “Timesheet Tasks Rollup” in the Bamboo Time Tracking and Management application, the user will initially receive the error “”GetOldColumn: Column ‘CostEnterCode’ does not exist.[…]”. To resolve, click “Create/Update Schema and then reopen the schema in List Rollup Schema Designer.
• List Rollup Grid View Web Part displays the pound “#” sign for columns of type Lookup with Multiple Selection enabled.


List Rollup – Classic Edition:

Note: List Rollup Classic Edition Web Part is now retired, please use List Rollup Schema Designer with Bamboo Aggregation Service as an alternative.

• To sort items across lists, users must modify the Web Part XML.
• List Rollup Data Views that take several seconds to load data results in the following error: “Unable to display this Web Part.” This limitation was introduced changes to XSLT transformation timeouts in the SharePoint June and August 2011 Cumulative Updates. To avoid timeout issues, create your data rollup using List Rollup Schema Designer. See KB.12802 for more information.
• When a rollup is created from List Rollup – Classic Edition Web Part, a Data Form Web Part is created to display the aggregated data. When the Data Form Web Part is created, the option “Enable Asynchronous Load” is available as an option in the Web Part Properties. SharePoint Data Forms does not support this option, and when a new Data Form Web Part is created using SharePoint Designer, this option is disabled. If a user enables the “Enable Asynchronous Load” option in the resulting List Rollup Data Form Web Part, the “Next and “Previous” navigation controls do not function.

The following limitations exist for Bamboo custom columns:

• Lookup Selector Column: Data form displays raw values: 2;#Civic;#4;#Pathfinder;#1;#Rav4
• Column Level Security: Unable to display.
• Visual Indicator Column: Shows text only.
• Validator Column: Does not display correctly.

List Rollup Schema Designer:

• Does not support Bamboo Column Level Security.
• Does not support Bamboo Video Library.
• Schema Description has a 1072 character limit. If this limit is exceeded, the following error is displayed when clicking the Schema Settings button: “The webpage cannot be found”.
• In Filter section – Unable to filter data set based on columns of type Calculated, formatted as Date and Time.
• No support for sites with Site Publishing feature enabled.

List Rollup Grid View Web Part:

• If the scope of recurring events is very large, List Rollup Grid View Web Part loads very slowly.
• Sort incorrectly after grouping on columns of type Calculated, Currency or Date and Time.
• No support for Sorting/Grouping of:

o Lookup columns that allow multiple values
o Person or Group columns that allow multiple selections
o Multiple lines of text columns
o Notes columns
o SharePoint Metadata columns with Multiple Selection enabled
o Calculated values from Choice types (Drop-Down menu option)

 No support for Filtering of:

o List Name
o Site Name
o Hyperlink columns
o Multiple lines of text columns
o Notes columns
o Calculated values from Choice types (Drop-Down menu option)
o Yes/No columns and Calculated values from Yes/No types

Other limitations for List Rollup Schema Designer and List Rollup Grid View Web Part:

• Cannot preview schema results if the schema includes Lookup columns configured to show additional fields.
• Due to lists of types Custom List do not have the same list schema, users will experience significant performance issues if Auto-Discovery is based on Custom List type. It is not recommended to auto-discover with this list type.
• Users receive script errors when they view a schema using SharePoint Aggregation Service for a library that is a configurator to allow management of content types.

HW22 Mini – Calendar for SharePoint 2013 Release

Initial Release on Microsoft SharePoint Foundation 2013 and Microsoft SharePoint Server 2013.

This build runs on SharePoint Foundation 2013 and SharePoint Server 2013. This release contains the same functionality as the equivalent version number of the SharePoint 2010 build of this product.

See the Known Issues and Limitations section for the latest known issues and limitations related to this release. For information about using this product, read the Online Documentation.


• When using a List Rollup connection, the Mini-Calendar Web Part regional setting should be the same as the List Rollup regional setting. If they are different, the Mini-Calendar Web Part may show data in the wrong format. For example, the currency might be formatted differently from the regional settings for the Mini-Calendar Web Part.

Known Issues:

• None

HW40 My Alert Organizer for SharePoint 2013 Release

Initial Release on Microsoft SharePoint Foundation 2013 and Microsoft SharePoint Server 2013.

This build runs on SharePoint Foundation 2013 and SharePoint Server 2013. This release contains the same functionality as the equivalent version number of the SharePoint 2010 build of this product.

See the Known Issues and Limitations section for the latest known issues and limitations related to this release. For information about using this product, read the Online Documentation.


• None

Known Issues:

• None

HW41AB Lookup Selector Column for SharePoint 2013 Release

Initial Release on Microsoft SharePoint Foundation 2013 and Microsoft SharePoint Server 2013.

This build runs on SharePoint Foundation 2013 and SharePoint Server 2013. This release contains the same functionality as the equivalent version number of the SharePoint 2010 build of this product.

See the Known Issues and Limitations section for the latest known issues and limitations related to this release. For information about using this product, read the Online Documentation.


• Bamboo Lookup Selector shows read-only data when viewed in Datasheet View or the Document Information Pane (Microsoft Office).
• When exporting lists or libraries that contain the Bamboo Lookup Selector to Excel, values may contain the parsing characters # and ;, as well as the item ID.
• Bamboo Lookup Selector only supports lists or libraries from the same Site Collection.
• Bamboo Custom Columns are currently not supported on Microsoft Project Server.
• After the initial configuration of a Lookup Selector column, the list administrator cannot modify the Source Site URL.

HW41C Rich Text Column for SharePoint 2013 Release

Initial Release on Microsoft SharePoint Foundation 2013 and Microsoft SharePoint Server 2013.

This build runs on SharePoint Foundation 2013 and SharePoint Server 2013. This release contains the same functionality as the equivalent version number of the SharePoint 2010 build of this product.

See the Known Issues and Limitations section for the latest known issues and limitations related to this release. For information about using this product, read the Online Documentation.


• This column does not fully support the Data Sheet view.
• Bamboo Custom Columns are currently not supported in Project Server.

Known Issues:

• None

HW41E Validator Column for SharePoint 2013 Release

Initial Release on Microsoft SharePoint Foundation 2013 and Microsoft SharePoint Server 2013.

This build runs on SharePoint Foundation 2013 and SharePoint Server 2013. This release contains the same functionality as the equivalent version number of the SharePoint 2010 build of this product.

See the Known Issues and Limitations section for the latest known issues and limitations related to this release. For information about using this product, read the Online Documentation.


• Bamboo Custom Columns are currently not supported in Project Server

Known Issues:

• None

HW41G Column Level Security for SharePoint 2013 Release

Initial Release on Microsoft SharePoint Foundation 2013 and Microsoft SharePoint Server 2013.

This build runs on SharePoint Foundation 2013 and SharePoint Server 2013. This release contains the same functionality as the equivalent version number of the SharePoint 2010 build of this product.

See the Known Issues and Limitations section for the latest known issues and limitations related to this release. For information about using this product, read the Online Documentation.

Known Issues:

• None


• Encrypted data is only accessible from the View Item page, and can’t be referenced from outside the list (for security reasons).
• No support for CAML Query.
• Unable to encrypt text longer than 185 characters.
• Bamboo Custom Columns are currently not supported in Project Server.

HW45 Task Master for SharePoint 2013 Release Patch Update

Bugs fixes:

• When the site name contains a space (example: project 1 where the URL is, the view icon doesn’t not show and Task Master does not pop up the view form when clicking on the View Item column in the interface.

HW21 List Rotator for SharePoint 2010 Release 2.5.84 Patch Update

Bug fixes:

• List Rotator shows the following error message: “StyleBoxedNoLabel::Index (zero based) must be greater than or equal to zero and less than the size of the argument list”, when the URL in the Link column contains special characters (“{“, “}”). For example, the URL is{429FBE1C-DC3B-4DA6-9924-28A22737B5FF}&ID=94&ContentTypeID=0x01040016CE287AABEABF4687C1A8010F11F044.

No new Known Issues and Limitations