This Week in Bamboo (May 22th, 2011 – May 28th, 2011)

Have you checked out the latest release of Knowledge Base Solution Accelerator yet? A minor release of Knowledge Base Solution Accelerator R2.0 was launched to our storefront this week with many new and improved features along with many resolved bugs.  Please see the release announcement blog post our Product Manager for more details.  At the same time, we released the patches for Data-Viewer Web Part, Bamboo Rich Text, and SharePoint Navigator.  For more information about new features, bug fixes, known issues and limitations of the patches please see the list below.

SA05 Knowledge Base Solution Accelerator Release 2.0.71 (SharePoint 2007) and Release 2.0.56 (SharePoint 2010) have the same Release Notes:

New Features:

• Repackage with fixes for manualinstallation.ps1 and manualuninstallation.ps1 in misc folder (SharePoint 2010 only).

• Include the following web parts in the package:

  1. HW55 SharePoint Navigator R1.3.14 (SharePoint 2007 only)
  2. HW37 Data-Viewer Web Part R3.3.14 (Both SharePoint 2007 and 2010)
  3. HW12 Group Redirect Web Part R2.3.16 (SharePoint 2007) and R2.3.21 (SharePoint 2010)
• KB Search Enhancements:

• Allows users to enter search scope name or keyword to narrow down the search result and to speed up the full text search. Users can search all columns omitting other search columns in the Web Part Settings. Note: In order to use this option, the SharePoint Search (i.e. crawl and managed properties) needs to be configured. The Search scopes are only configurable in MOSS 2007 or SharePoint Server 2010.
• New search criteria options added:

 • Search for exact phrases (join all words with AND) surrounding text in quotation marks (“search phrase”).
 • Search for any of multiple words (join all words with OR) separating each word with a space (word1 word2).
 • Exclude words from a search prefixing the word with a hyphen/minus (-word).
 • Perform searches on Date/Time columns plus or minus a desired number of days.
 • Yes/No columns now displayed as a drop-down list to allow searches either Yes or No (or both).
 • Search Choice and Lookup columns for multiple values (joined OR).

• New options for viewing and interacting with search results:

 • Search results are now displayed in a grid format.
 • Users can define custom search result views, including columns displayed, item limits, and sort order.
 • Search results can be sorted clicking on a column header in the search results page.
 • Results can be printed.
 • Results can be exported to Microsoft Excel.
 • The updated Web Part Settings screen uses a pop-up interface.

• Item Security Enhancements:

 • Allows users to configure security for the KB Client site 1) Using an access account to search and display KB articles in the KB Admin site, or 2) Using regular SharePoint item security to provide security trimming for KB articles in the KB Admin site.
 • Allows users to configure anonymous access to the KB Client site with the access account option.
 • Allow the Knowledge Base Administrator to set permissions to the articles and categories in batches.

• Reporting Enhancements

 Provides the following reports:

 • Article Usage Report
 • Article Counts Categories
 • Article Counts Article Type
 • Ask a Question

• KB Articles Enhancements:

 • Provides an Authors section in the KB Admin site to show All Articles and My Articles using the Data-Viewer Web Part/grid view. Users can sort, filter, and make changes in datasheet view.
 • Allows users to adjust the width of the category field in the new and edit form.
 • Allows users to set the expiration date for KB articles.

• KB Questions and Answers Enhancement:

 • Mark a question as already answered or mark a question as needing a Knowledge Base article.

• KB Comments Enhancement:

 • Allows the Knowledge Base Administrator to publish the comments using the Publish button.

• KB Article Display Enhancement:

 • Articles can be exported to PDF or printed.

• Integratation with Workflow Conductor 1.6 for the following processes:

 • Publishing Knowledge Base articles
 • Publishing comments

• Other Enhancements:

 • Centralized KB Admin and KB Client sites using navigation tabs on top of the KB Admin and KB Client sites. Note: See the upgrade instructions for 1.5 to 2.0 to utilize the centralized sites.
 • Performance improvement in Tree View and Search.

Bugs Fixed:

• Users can see pending versions of KB articles in the KB Admin site when Article Content Approval and Versioning features are turned on.
• The keyword search returns results that are not linked to the articles in the KB Client site when the “ArticleText” column is omitted from the search results.
• When users click on an item in the Search Results page in the KB client site, they are taken to the Article View in the KB Admin site.
• The link in the Email Article section resolves to Internal AAM URL.
• Boolean searches do not work when searching the Article Keywords or Article Title fields.
• Using folders in the KB Articles List causes many things to not work properly.

2010 Only:

• When users click on the attached file from within the KB Article screen, they receive a blank page, a status of “Done” on the browser, and the link in the URL box.


• Users are unable to change the choices in the Article Status drop-down in the KB Admin site.

There are some limitations with the upgrade. Users can follow the upgrade procedures to manually configure or add the Web Parts in order to take advantage of some of the new features:
– Does not upgrade the master page that includes Bamboo Navigators to show the two tabs.
– Does not add the Content Editor Web Part to the page to allow user to manipulate the width of the Category and Related KB articles columns.
– Does not add the Group Redirect Web Part to the page.

HW37 Data-Viewer Web Part Release 3.3.14 (SharePoint 2007) and Release 3.3.14 (SharePoint 2010) have the same new features and bug fixes:

• Allow Edit in datasheet mode for LRU, SQL mode.
• Allow users to do runtime filter for more than 1 column in SP, SQL, LRU and BDC mode.
• Provide new option to export all Nested data to Excel.
Bug Fixed:
• Condition format settings not working correctly with calculated field.
• Cannot localize the web part.

Current Limitations and Known Issues:

1. Please see current limitation and known issue for SharePoint 2007 version here:

2. Please see current limitations and known issue for SharePoint 2010 version here:

HW41C Bamboo Rich Text Release 1.3.13 (SharePoint 2007)

Bug Fixed:

• Script error when apply CSS.

HW55 SharePoint Navigator Release 1.3.14 (SharePoint 2007)

Bug Fixed:

• Internal bug fix to support for SA05 SharePoint KB Solution Accelerator R2.0.