This Week in Bamboo (May 11th, 2014 – May 17th, 2014)

For this week in Bamboo, we are very excited to roll out a new SharePoint App product: Calendar Plus SharePoint App Release 1.0 for SharePoint Online and SharePoint 2013.  To learn more details about Calendar Plus SharePoint App, please check out the release announcement blog from our Product Manager, Hanif Khalid, and give it a try for a 30-day free trial.  At the same time, we resolved some bugs and released a minor release of Time Tracking and Management Release 1.7 for SharePoint 2013 along with the following patches: List Bulk Import, List Search Advanced Web Part, Group Email Web Part, List Rollup Web Part, and List Rotator Web Part. For a complete list of bug fixes, new features, limitations, and known issues about this week’s releases, please see below.

AP20 Calendar Plus App for SharePoint Online and SharePoint 2013 Release 1.0

Initial Release on Microsoft SharePoint Online/Office 365, Microsoft Windows SharePoint Foundation 2013, and Microsoft Office SharePoint Server 2013.

New Features:

This product provides the following features:

• Add an unlimited number of lists within the site to be displayed in the Calendar Plus SharePoint App.
• Display activities, events, and tasks from multiple lists in a single calendar view.
• Color-code the different calendars according to their list of origin, as well as color-code individual items based on their column value.
• Rich tooltips display for the selected columns when users hover over an item in the calendar view.
• View data in views that include: Day, Week, Work Week, and Month.
• Simple, intuitive interface.

Known Issues:

• When dragging maker to pick a color for color-coding, some hex color values such as 017f3fff, 003f7fff, 00bf00ff, 00bf5fff, 005fbfff, 00ff7fff, 007fffff, 00ffffff are not supported.
•  The Calendar Plus List or Library settings cannot be modified if the Calendar Name or List Name contains a special character(s).
•  Print function may not print entire content for Full Day views for Day, Week, and Work Week, and with calendars containing scroll-bars
•  Resizing the print preview screen in Firefox, Chrome, or Opera browsers causes the item alignment to shift when printing.


• Calendar Plus App cannot be configured with anonymous access sites.

SA12A Time Tracking and Management for SharePoint 2013 Release R

New Features:

• Provides users the option in the Timesheet Entry Web Part to collapse or expand Project Name groups.
• Provides an option in the Report Center Web Part for the administrator to give users who do not have access to reports.
• A “View Report” button has been added to reports in the Report Center. Reports will not generate until the “View Report” button is clicked.
• A shortcut has been added to the Report Center on the left navigation.

Includes updated versions of the following components:

• Alert Plus R3.2.124.2013 (file version
• List Rollup Web Part R3.0.96.2013 (file version

Bug Fixes:

• Action button in Report Center Page does nothing when clicked.
• The manager cannot approve timesheets when the start date and due date of task A are modified to the future date value, it means the start date value of task A is greater than the end period value of the period range of the created timesheet (end period date < start date < due date).
• User cannot access the Reporting page when he is not directly granted permission to Reporting Page, but the AD group that contains that user is.
• User cannot submit timesheet if have both Read and Contribute permission Shows “No data” error when extracting data using the date range and the selected start date for the date range falls in the period where no time was submitted.
• Show a “No data” error when extracting data using the date range and the selected end date for the date range falls in the period where no time was submitted.
• Date column does not display based on the regional settings, e.g. Monday 12/23 instead of Monday 23/12.
• When accessing the timesheets under the Timesheet Entry, Time Tracking and Management display the administrative time with duplicate records for some users.

Known Issues:

• Reporting- The ‘Total for date range’ row is wrong in the Planned Work column.
• Reporting- The tool part shows a javascript error in the FBA site.
• Reporting- On SharePoint UI2010, Actual Work reports show JavaScript errors on the chart in Actual Work reports.
• Reporting- On SharePoint UI2010, show a JavaScript error when clicking on the Pie Chart.
• Data is not shown on the “Total Time Resource” report, “Approved Timesheets” view. Workaround: Press the Refresh button.
• Reporting- On SharePoint UI2010, show a JavaScript error when clicking on the chart that has no data.
• Reporting- The text in the Legend extends out of the border or is lost some characters when clicking Save Chart.
• Reporting- The sort function does not work.
• After a report with big data is shown on the customer’s template site, a JavaScript error appears when doing anything (such as exporting to excel …) in the header tool on that report.
• After a report with big data is shown on the customer’s template site, an error appears when paging about 20 items per page.
• Due to the new 3rd party control, which is used for this version, the title is not displayed in the chart when the chart type is a pie chart.
• From Configure task lists in the Time Tracking and Management Control Panel, after viewing an item and close you might see a JavaScript error.
• When exporting reports to Excel, the chart does not show in the export file.
• Before running the in-place upgrade, if you use the absolute path in the tool pane of the Timesheet Entry Web Part for the data source then you should change them to the relative path before backing up the content database.
• After running the in-place upgrade, the title will be changed to “Home” instead of “Time Tracking and Management” after the upgrade. To change the title, go to Site Settings > Look and Feel > Top Link Bar or Site Settings > Look and Feel > Navigation (If you have the SharePoint Server Publishing Infrastructure feature is activated, you will see the Navigation option instead of the Top Link Bar option.) and change the title In the language files for the Alert Plus Web Part.
• If you modify the text to a value that includes a space, such as changing “Edit” to “Edit Message”, a JavaScript error is displayed in the browser. This issue will be addressed in the next patch release.
• When accessing the site using HTTPS, clicking the “Preview Data” button in List Rollup Schema Designer in the “Configure task lists” Control Panel page will display a JavaScript error in the browser. This issue will be addressed in the next patch release.
• If you access the “Configure Alerts” Control Panel page (AlertSetup.aspx) to configure alerts and have not installed and configured the Alert Plus Timer Job, the following error is displayed: “OnPreRender:: Could not load file or assembly ‘Bamboo.AlertPlus.Backend…”. KB.12690 for PM Central describes a similar error and how to remedy it.


• After migrating the site from SharePoint 2010 to SharePoint 2013 and the title “Time Tracking and Management” is not shown on the migrated site. Workaround: go to “Top Links Bar” then add a title.
• After migrating from SharePoint 2010 to SharePoint 2013, the site is using the default skin even though another skin is used in the original SharePoint 2010 site. To change the skin after the migration, go to Time Tracking and Management Control Panel > click Change Skin under the General Settings, select the skin under Available skins, and click Apply.
• Grouping is case-insensitive in Report Center reports. For example, in a report that groups timesheet data projects, data from two different projects with the names “Project A” and “project a” will be grouped together.
• When adding views to the Report Views field for an item in the Report Configuration list, view names are case-sensitive. For example, “Approved Timesheets” and “approved timesheets” are not the same. The text must match the view name configured in the Timesheet list exactly.

HW18 List Bulk Import for SharePoint 2007, SharePoint 2010, and SharePoint 2013 Release

Bug Fixes:

• The Log Viewer does not display failures or error details when importing files with invalid file names.
• Internal bug fixes to support SA02 Grants Management Solution Accelerator R10.5.25.2013

No New Known Issues or New Limitations

HW11B List Search Advanced Web Part for SharePoint 2013 Release

Bug Fixes:

• The Reset Button redirects the user to the site homepage, rather than clearing the search results and search criteria from the Web Part.
• Internal bug fixes to support SA02 Grants Management Solution Accelerator R10.5.25.2013

No New Known Issues or New Limitations

HW14 Group Email Web Part for SharePoint 2010 Release 1.7.49

Bug Fixes:

• Group Email does not filter out duplicate email addresses. This results in recipients getting the same email more than once.
• Web Part shows an error when configuring the Email Address settings to get data from Active Directory.

No New Known Issues or New Limitations

HW24 List Rollup Web Part for SharePoint 2013 Release

Bug Fixes:

• Internal bug fixes to support SA02 Bamboo’s Grants Management Solution Accelerator version

New Known Issues:

• Cannot edit, copy, or delete a Schema in the List Rollup Schema Designer when that Web Part is added to the same page as Bamboo’s Task Master Web Part.

No New Limitations

HW21 List Rotator Web Part for SharePoint 2013 Release 

Bug Fixes:

• Internal bug fixes to support SA02 Grants Management Solution Accelerator version

No New Known Issues or New Limitations