This Week in Bamboo (March 28th, 2010 – April 3rd, 2010)

For this week in Bamboo, we fixed some bugs and released the patches for the following products: List Search Simple Web Part, List Integrity, and Calendar Plus Web Part. Check out the new feature of List Search Simple Web Part (HW11A R1.8.25) which allows users to enter search scope names to narrow down the search result and speed up the full-text search. For the new version of Calendar Plus Web Part (HW20 R3.4.30) users can span the calendar correctly when using the InfoPath form. More information about bug fixes can be found below.

HW11A List Simple Search (R1.8.25)


  • Allow user to enter search scope name to narrow down the search result and speed up the full-text search.

Bug Fixed:

  • Error Message When Customer Search Key word: Result: System.ServiceProcess.TimeoutException: System error. at Microsoft.Office.Server.Search.Query.FullTextSqlQuery.
  • Search in All columns not working in sub-sites.
  • System.ArgumentException: Type of value has a mismatch with column type.
  • Not creating HTTP links from calculated columns.

HW01 List Integrity (R2.4.6)

Bug Fixed:

  • Lost menu option when used with Echo Technology Outlook Power Tool Plus.

HW20 Calendar Plus Web Part (R3.4.30)

Bug Fixed:

  • Calendar spans incorrectly when using Info Path form.
  • Object reference is not set to an instance of an object when connected to Bamboo List Rollup and that rolls up site has unique site permission.

Known Issue:

  • Calendar Plus will not display Bamboo rollup of Calendar list from different sites that have different regional settings.