This Week in Bamboo (March 20th, 2011 – March 26th, 2011)

Workflow Conductor R1.6.1 was released to our storefront this week for both SharePoint 2007 and SharePoint 2010 with some new features and a lot of resolved bugs.  Please check out Bamboo store for the latest version of Workflow Conductor.  Also for this week, we fixed many customer issues and released the patches for the following products in both SharePoint 2007 and SharePoint 2010: Tree View Web Part, Calendar Plus Web Part and Alert Plus.  Please see below for more details about the list of patches, bugs fixed, along with limitations and known issues.

SharePoint 2007 Products:

SA08 Workflow Conductor Release 1.6.1

New Features:
• Added support for users in Active directory sub-domains to user lookups, e-mail recipients, and Active Directory Widgets.

Bugs Fixed:
• If a Request Approval Widget is configured to require multiple approvers, the box to enter the number of approvers is missing in Workflow Conductor 1.6.
• Workflows containing a Collect Data From User Widget may display the following error when deploying in a SharePoint environment with a remote database: Workflow Compiler Errors: The type or namespace name ‘var’ could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
• Some users may see the following error when clicking the item link at the top of a Request Approval or Request Feedback task form: The webpage cannot be found
• When exporting data from the View Workflow Status page, the date and time format is incorrect.
• Other general bug fixes.

Known Issues:
• Some Widgets and task forms may not work correctly on German-language installations.
• When upgrading Workflow Conductor, the database configuration may fail if the previous version’s Widget Category settings were modified from the default. Details
• When upgrading Workflow Conductor, workflows that are “In Progress” and waiting for Delay For, Delay Until, Wait For Field Change, Request Approval, Or Request Feedback widgets do not complete after upgrading to Conductor 1.5.
• If you start a workflow in Simulation Mode, the Repeat While widget Loop Delay property is not set to “0”.
• If you use a Run Parallel widget with an Update Item in one branch and a Set Approval Status in the other, the item’s Approval Status will always be set to “Pending” no matter what is specified in the Set Approval Status widget.
• In some cases, the Approval Status of an item is not set properly for workflows deployed with the Start Option “Start this workflow to approve publishing a major version of an item.”
• If a Set Approval Status widget is configured to Run As “Initiator” or “Other”, the item shows as Modified By “System Account”.
• The Repeat For Each Item widget “Start Item” condition does not work when using the “Is Null” operator with a Date/Time or Person/Group column.
• Set Field Value can incorrectly set a Person/Group (Person only) column to a SharePoint group name.
• Rich content editor in Conductor Studio shows error message when pasting text as HTML.
• An error message is displayed when adding a hyperlink in the Comments field of a Request Approval or Request Feedback task form.
• Saved property values are not displayed when you edit the Access SP via REST widget properties.
• In the View Workflow Status page, “Starts With”, “Ends With”, “Equal To”, and “Not Equal To” filters do not work on the Workflow Name and List columns.

• You must disable UAC Admin Approval Mode or turn off UAC to run Conductor on Windows Server 2008. Details
• Some SharePoint site themes do not work well with Conductor Studio.
• Send Email does not work if the recipient property is a lookup to a SharePoint group or a Person/Group column allowing multiple selections that contains a group in another site collection.
• Create Item cannot create an item in a list name that includes an apostrophe (‘).
• Cannot assign a Request Approval or Request Feedback task to a user in another site collection who is not also in the current site collection.
• Get User Info will fail if the user does not have an entry in the SharePoint User Information List.
• The full account name must be used to lookup an FBA user in the Conductor Studio User Lookup form.
• In the Wait for Field Change widget, lookups are not available for Yes/No and Choice fields.

HW03 Tree View Web Part Release 1.7.35

Bug Fixed:
• Get the error message when click on the + sign next to a folder which has “[” in the name.
• Tree view shows folders but does not show document if many Tree view web parts were added on a Publishing site.
• Tree View won’t show files configured for document library with customer content type. When clicking on a folder’s name that has documents in it, the UI displays error: “Input string was not in a correct format”.
• Provide different icons between a folder and a document set.

Current Known Issues:
• Scrollbar is very short When Config in tool part is list Team Discussion.

HW20 Calendar Plus Web Part Release 4.1.23

Bug Fixed:
• TODAY view should show events based on Site Regional Settings (not server).
• Web part connection with HW61 List Filter Web Part using multi-lookup column does not work properly.
• Calendar plus connected to HW61 List Filter Web Part. The data source for calendar is a List Rollup Classic. Move from one month to the next, the calendar becomes un-filtered. Need to click the “Apply Filter” link each time to get filtered data.
• Year view truncated.
• The display data is not sorted the Start date column in Gantt View List Rollup schema mode.
• Some recurrent events don’t show text in Work Week view when configuring items with the description column.
• Recurrent events don’t show text if calendar width is narrow.
• Text in cells disappears if they are recurring events in users’ custom master page.
• The width of last item is great than first items on the same day.
• Resolve issues for Day and week view.
• Day view display issue has 8+ all day events on one day. Set month view to show 5 and see the More… link. Click on More links, all the events for that day are not shown in day view.
• CSS doesn’t effect when customer upgrade from R3.4 to R4.X
Current Limitations:
• Use web part in List View and getting error: “ListRollupSettings :: btnWegPart_Click :: Invalid URL argument.” Work around: use the web part in web part page or non-list view page.
• View that limits items does not limit items in Calendar Plus.
• Can only display one SharePoint List in Gantt View.
• Unable to change the column header text in the Select List/Library grid.
• Distinct values of top 200 records of List Rollup are used to color codes.
• Calendar only print HTML and doesn’t do page break for each view.
• Gantt print doesn’t print all items, it prints the scroll bars on the view.

Current Known Issues:
• Don’t show data at Quarter, year , week view when Filter datetime ( in List Rollup classic mode).
• Columns used in Use Filter option need to be added to the Selected Columns – If these column are not added to Selected columns, users will see System.Data.SyntaxErrorException in the log file.
• When there are more than 100 users in a site, if users want to color code User filed, use people picker. Check users name function for this field in the tool part is disable in this release.

SharePoint 2010 Products:

SA08 Workflow Conductor Release 1.6.1:

New Features:
• Added support for users in Active directory sub-domains to user lookups, e-mail recipients, and Active Directory Widgets.

Bugs Fixed:
• If a Request Approval Widget is configured to require multiple approvers, the box to enter the number of approvers is missing in Workflow Conductor 1.6.
• Some users may see the following error when clicking the item link at the top of a Request Approval or Request Feedback task form: “The webpage cannot be found”
• When exporting data from the View Workflow Status page, the date and time format is incorrect.
• Some users may see the following error message when starting Studio for the first time: “An unexpected error has occurred.”
• Other general bug fixes.

Known Issues:
• Some Widgets and task forms may not work correctly on German-language installations.
• When upgrading Workflow Conductor, the database configuration may fail if the previous version’s Widget Category settings were modified from the default. Details 
• When upgrading Workflow Conductor, workflows that are “In Progress” and waiting for Delay For, Delay Until, Wait For Field Change, Request Approval, Or Request Feedback widgets do not complete after upgrading to Conductor 1.5.
• If you start a workflow in Simulation Mode, the Repeat While widget Loop Delay property is not set to “0”.
• In some cases, the Approval Status of an item is not set properly for workflows deployed with the Start Option “Start this workflow to approve publishing a major version of an item.”
• If a Set Approval Status widget is configured to Run As “Initiator” or “Other”, the item shows as Modified By “System Account”.
• The Repeat For Each Item widget “Start Item” condition does not work when using the “Is Null” operator with a Date/Time or Person/Group column.
• Set Field Value can incorrectly set a Person/Group (Person only) column to a SharePoint group name.
• Saved property values are not displayed when you edit the Access SP via REST widget properties.
• In the View Workflow Status page, “Starts With”, “Ends With”, “Equal To”, and “Not Equal To” filters do not work on the Workflow Name and List columns.

• You must disable UAC Admin Approval Mode or turn off UAC to run Conductor on Windows Server 2008. Details 
• Some SharePoint site themes do not work well with Conductor Studio.
• Send Email does not work if the recipient property is a lookup to a SharePoint group or a Person/Group column allowing multiple selections that contains a group in another site collection.
• Create Item cannot create an item in a list name that includes an apostrophe (‘).
• Cannot assign a Request Approval or Request Feedback task to a user in another site collection who is not also in the current site collection.
• The full account name must be used to lookup an FBA user in the Conductor Studio User Lookup form.
• The Wait For Field Change widget does not support lookups for Yes/No and Choice columns.
• This product can be migrated from SharePoint 2007 to SharePoint 2010. However, there are limitations to the migration procedure. Read KB.12627: How to Migrate Bamboo Products from SharePoint 2007 to SharePoint 2010 for more information.

HW03 Tree View Web Part Release 1.7.40

Bug Fixed:
• Get the error message when click on the + sign next to a folder which has “[” in the name.
• Tree View shows folders but does not show document if many Tree view web parts were added on a Publishing site.
• Tree View won’t show files configured for document library with customer content type. When clicking on a folder’s name that has documents in it, the UI displays error: “Input string was not in a correct format”.
• Provide different icons between a folder and a document set.

Current Known Issues:
• Create a new folder, the folder is not added into tree view on left pane.
• Discuss board – Do not show data after new discussion created.
• Scrollbar is very short When Config in tool part is list Team Discussion
• SharePoint Site and BDC :”Fail to render “wiki content” column because of an error in … ” Message error
• New folder don’t display on tree view when I created a folder from branch of tree view.

HW20 Calendar Plus Web Part Release 4.1.22

Bug Fixed:
• TODAY view should show events based on Site Regional Settings (not server).
• Web part connection with HW61 List Filter Web Part using multi-lookup column doesn’t work properly. 
• Calendar plus connected to HW61 List Filter Web Part. The data source for calendar is a List Rollup Classic. Move from one month to the next, the calendar becomes un-filtered. Need to click the “Apply Filter” link each time to get filtered data.
• Year view truncated.
• The display data is not sorted the Start date column in Gantt View List Rollup schema mode.
• Some recurrent events don’t show text in Work Week view when configuring items with the description column.
• Recurrent events don’t show text if calendar width is narrow.
• Text in cells disappears if they are recurring events in users’ custom master page.
• The width of last item is great than first items on the same day.
• Resolve issues for Day and week view.
• Day view display issue has 8+ all day events on one day. Set month view to show 5 and see the More… link. Click on More links, all the events for that day are not shown in day view.
• CSS doesn’t effect when customer upgrade from R3.4 to R4.X

Current Limitations:
• Use web part in List View and getting error: “ListRollupSettings :: btnWegPart_Click :: Invalid URL argument.” Work around: use the web part in web part page or non-list view page.
• View that limits items does not limit items in Calendar Plus.
• Can only display one SharePoint List in Gantt View.
• Unable to change the column header text in the Select List/Library grid.
• Distinct values of top 200 records of List Rollup are used to color codes.
• Calendar only print HTML and doesn’t do page break for each view.
• Gantt print doesn’t print all items, it prints the scroll bars on the view.

Current Known Issues:
• Don’t show data at Quarter, year , week view when Filter datetime ( in List Rollup classic mode)
• Do not show time span color code completely in the last calendar cell
• Columns used in Use Filter option need to be added to the Selected Columns – If these column are not added to Selected columns, users will see System.Data.SyntaxErrorException in the log file.
• When there are more than 100 users in a site, if users want to color code User filed, use people picker. Check users name function for this field in the tool part is disable in this release.

HW05 Alert Plus Release 3.0.76 (SharePoint 2007) and Release 3.0.72 (SharePoint 2010) have the same Release Notes:

Bug Fixed:
• Alert plus displays incorrectly date with region New Zealand.
• Brackets “{” and “}” get encoded when tag is part of href. 
• “Use Custom Schedule” on the Admin Tab does not override set time on the Event tab.
• Cannot save a value of “Use Custom Schedule” in Admin Options tab on Win2k8 German OS + German SharePoint.
• An error “ System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object” appears when trying to select a document library with Information Management Policy attached to a content type.

Current Limitations:
• Alert plus web part cannot enclose image with the mail body when using Image Manger or <IMG> tag if we use Outlook to check mail and that image link required to authenticate.
• Alert on recurring item in a calendar list. R3.0 provides support for alerting on recurring items in a calendar list. However if the series is modified, the users will get emails for each recurrence items if they alert on items modified etc..

Current Known Issues:
• Don’t send mail when Document with required documents to be checked out – Use work around 1) Create an item exists alert on the doc lib. 2) Put calm with Created = [Today] 3) Set follow up days to 1 or 2.
• No e-mail is send when create new column – Create new column with “Date and Time” type (Date only) for Shared Documents list.
• Last Run Status –> see error “Input string was not in a correct format” when triggers the alert: “An item in the list is created” for My Task View. The query is based on the userid, and since when alert plus is running no user is logged in, the query will not work.