This Week in Bamboo (March 1st, 2015 – March 7th, 2015)

In Bamboo this week a minor release of List Search Simple Web Part for SharePoint 2013 with new improved features and resolved bugs was released to Bamboo’s storefront this week along with patches release of List Search Simple and Advanced Pack, Calendar Plus Web Part, and Password Reset Web Part.  Check out our store for the new releases and more details can be found below.

HW11A List Search Simple Web Part for SharePoint 2013 Release

New Features:

• Display the search result summary for the current page and the total results found (e.g. X to X of XX).
• Improved pagination that allows navigation via page number, previous/next buttons, and first/last buttons.
• Jump to Page function to allow entering a page number to skip to the desired page.
• Ability to apply custom CSS to the Search in All Columns text field.
• Ability to apply custom CSS to the Date Picker controls.

Bug Fixes:

• Editing or deleting items from the search results causes the search to automatically re-run.
• CSS changes to the invalid DateTime error message are not displayed in the web part interface.
• CSS changes to the TextBoxControlsNumber class are not displayed in the web part interface.
• The Web Part displays an error when searching with Bamboo’s Lookup Selector column.

New Limitations:

• The Web Part displays a JavaScript error when clicking the edit icon in the search results displaying Site Pages.

New Known Issues:

• Multiple lines of text content may not be correctly formatted when exported to Excel.
• The Comments column content of Issue Tracking lists are not displayed when exported to Excel.
• Images may overlap or not display if multiple columns contain images when printing or exporting results to Excel.
• Images in the People and Group column may not export to Excel in a Unified Access Gateway (UAG) environment.
• SharePoint column icons are not displayed when exported to Excel.
• The Delete Item option is not disabled in the modal window for anonymous users accessing the Web Part from an anonymous access site.
• Selecting the Last/First buttons multiple times simultaneously may cause incorrect pagination and the number of results to be displayed (Fix: Clear browser cache [Ctrl + F5]).
• Check-In/ Check-Out functions from the View Properties modal window cause an error.

HW11AB List Search Simple and Advanced Pack for SharePoint 2013 Release

Includes updated versions of the following components:

HW11A List Search Simple Web Part R2.3.1.2013 (File version – Release Date: 2/23/2015
HW11B List Search Advanced Web Part R1.9.77.2013 (File version R10.9.77.2013) – Release Date: 10/10/2014

HW20 Calendar Plus Web Part for SharePoint 2013 Release

New Feature:

• Ability to connect to SQL Server 2012 Table or View as the data source.

New Known Issues:

• Calendar values displayed in the legend are persistent with no correlating events appearing on the calendar interface.

HW10 Password Reset Web Part for SharePoint 2010 Release 2.4.76

Bug Fixes:

• Attempting to reuse a password reset URL more than once will display the form where a new password reset email can be requested, but new requests will fail when accessed via that URL.

No New Known Issues or New Limitations