This Week in Bamboo (March 18th, 2012 – March 24th, 2012)

This week in Bamboo, File Share Library Release 2.0, Video Library Release 2.0 and Knowledge Base Solution Accelerator Release 2.2 for SharePoint 2010 were released to the storefront with new improvements, new features and some resolved bugs. For details about the latest releases of File Share Library, Video Library and Knowledge Base Solution Accelerator, please see our Product Manager Announcement blogs: Product Release Announcement: File Share Library 2.0, Now Featuring Improved Synchronization , Announcing Video Library 2.0 – Utilize Your Existing File System with File Share Library Integration and Knowledge Base Solution Accelerator: New SharePoint 2010 Release Offers Improved Performance and Usability. For a complete list of bug fixes, great new features, limitations and known issues about this week’s release, please see below.

HW60 File Share Library for SharePoint 2010 (2.0.46)

New Features:

Improved synchronization options:

• Define what happens when a file is uploaded through File Share Library.
• Define what happens when a file is imported from the network file share.
• Define what happens when a file is deleted from the network file share or File Share Library.

Bug fixes:

• File Share Library blocks the upload or sync of *.html or *.htm files even though they are not listed in the Blocked File Types in Central Administration.
• Files that contain an apostrophe (‘) in the file name are stored in File Share Library as “_x0027_”, causing a failure connecting to the source file in the Network Share.
• After uninstalling the File Share Library and removing the corresponding solutions, the following element is still present in the Web.config file: <add name=”upload_module” … />
• When opening a document from the File Share Library, users receive the following error: “This file could not be found”. This is a known issue when using Internet Explorer version 9. To resolve this issue, download the file and open it instead of opening the file from the File Share Library, or use Internet Explorer version 8.
• When a file is opened from the File Share Library, a numeric suffix is added to the displayed file name because the file was automatically saved to the Temporary Internet Files folder.

Known Issues:

• Status column does not show value for new folder when upgrading from R1.0 to R2.0 version.


• File Share Library is only tested with Internet Explorer 8 or higher. Users may experience problems interacting with File Share Library on other browsers.
• Additional content types added to File Share Library are not available for creating new items.
• File Share Library does not support Windows Explorer mode, so the “Open with Windows Explorer” option in the Library ribbon is disabled.
• If a File Share Library item appears in the search results, clicking the result link does not open the file. To resolve this issue, see KB.12743.
• When saving a file, spaces in the file name are replaced with an underscore (_) or plus sign (+), depending on version of Internet Explorer.
• File Share Library does not support versioning when files are stored in the network file share.
• A link to an item in a File Share Library, such as a link provided the “E-mail a Link” option in the Documents ribbon, does not work if the item is stored in the network file share.
• The “New Document” option is hidden in the Documents ribbon.
• Item status icons may not refresh until the File Share Library page is reloaded.
• After upgrading File Share Library to R2.0, go to the File Share Library Settings page and click OK to enable the “Sync File Share Library” and “Mark File for Import” options in the ribbon.
• New folders created in the File Share Library are also created in the network file share, even when the option “Add the item to the File Share Library only” is selected in the File Share Library Settings page.
• Attempting to upload files larger than 2 GB may result in a 404 error. To work around this issue, add files larger than 2 GB directly to the network file share and wait for them to sync to the File Share Library.
• When an item is renamed in the network file share, the original placeholder file in the File Share Library is marked as “File not available” and a new placeholder is created with the new file name.
• If a file is renamed in the File Share Library, the change is not reflected in the network file share. If the item is modified in the File Share Library, item check-in will fail, since the File Share Library name does not match the network file share name.
• If File Share Library is uninstalled without first deleting all instances of the library, SharePoint Designer displays an error when accessing Lists and Libraries. To resolve this issue, reinstall File Share Library and delete all instances of the library before uninstalling again, or open a ticket with Bamboo Support to obtain a Microsoft PowerShell script to automate this process.
• If an instance of File Share Library is connected to a Video Library, the network file share path cannot be changed and the File Share Library cannot be deleted until either the connected Video Library is deleted or the connection is reset in the Video Library Settings page.
• The following file types are not supported File Share Library: MHTML, WSP, EXE, DLL, MSI, CHM.
• Tree View Web Part does not support File Share Libraries.
• A File Share Library cannot be saved as a list template. When you create a new File Share Library from a template, the File Share Library Settings are blank.
• The network files share and the SharePoint server should be on the same domain, and the network file share access account should be a domain account.
• None of the following configuration scenarios are supported:

• The network file share and SharePoint servers are in different trusted domains.
• The network file share and SharePoint servers are in the same domain, but the network file share access account is in another domain that is part of a trusted Active Directory forest.

HW69 Video Library for SharePoint 2010 (2.0.72)

New Features:

• Connect Video Library to a Bamboo File Share Library (sold separately) to store media files in a network file share instead of the SharePoint content database (requires File Share Library R2.0.46 or higher).
• Includes Bamboo Web License Manager Version

Bug fixes:

• Video Library does not display the video title for YouTube media links if the title contains Cyrillic characters.
• Film edge borders still displayed for thumbnail images in the Standard view even when the “Display thumbnail film edge border” setting is set to “No”.

Known Issues:

• In some cases, Expression Encoder may fail to generate a thumbnail image. If this issue occurs, assign a custom thumbnail image to the video instead.
• When Video Library is connected to a File Share Library, overwriting a file directly in the File Share Library’s network file share causes the file’s metadata properties to be out of sync in the Video Library.
• When configuring Video Library to connect to a File Share Library, the required IIS virtual directory path must be HTTP.
• When Video Library is installed or upgraded, the Bamboo Video Library Master Timer Job Web application feature may need to be manually activated in Central Administration before Video Library can successfully sync with a File Share Library. See KB.12816 for details.
• Auto-detected aspect ratio always used even when the “Auto-detect aspect ratio” setting is set to “No” in the Video Library advanced settings.


• Video Library can only connect to File Share Libraries in the same Web application.
• To connect Video Library to a File Share Library, the administrator configuring the Video Library settings must have the Manage Lists permission on the File Share Library.
• After a File Share Library is connected to a Video Library, its network file share path cannot be changed and the File Share Library cannot be deleted unless the Video Library is deleted or the connection to the File Share Library is reset.
• A File Share Library can only be connected to one Video Library at a time.
• A Video Library cannot be saved as a list template.
• After upgrading to Video Library R2.0, film edge borders no longer display on thumbnails. Go to the Video Library Settings page and save the configuration again.
• Users may receive a timeout error when uploading large video files (>50MB) to a Bamboo Video Library. For more information, see
• A mixed content warning is displayed if an absolute HTTP path is entered for a custom thumbnail image in an HTTPS SharePoint environment. Workaround: Use a relative path (/site/path) for custom thumbnail images.
• If a YouTube media link has a Description field that contains more than 255 characters, the following warning is displayed in the Edit Item page: “This field can have no more than 255 characters.”
• Thumbnails are not generated for video file types such as MP4 and FLV. This is a limitation of Microsoft Expression Encoder 3 (free version).
• Unable to send an item from a Bamboo Video Library to another SharePoint library which uses a different content type.
• ACC file types do not show metadata information such as format, duration, resolution and channel.
• When videos are uploaded, a copy is temporarily stored on the Web front-end server. Uploading multiple videos at once can reduce available hard drive space on the server.
• SharePoint Video Library content types cannot be modified.

SA05 Knowledge Base Solution Accelerator for SharePoint 2010 (2.2.37)

New Features:

• In the Knowledge Base Client Site, when a user clicks on an article link in the KB Tree View, KB Search Results, or KB Tag Cloud, the article is displayed in a pop-up window.

Bug fixes:

• If two or more root folders contain subfolders with identical names, the contents of the first subfolder will be displayed in the subsequent subfolders with the same name.
• Users experience performance issues when uploading images or managing the KB Picture Library using the Image Manager.
• In certain cases, the user interface does not display correctly when a user attempts to upload an image using the Image Manager.
• Users experience performance issues when expanding multiple levels in KB Tree View.

Known Issues:

• When upgrading Knowledge Base Solution Accelerator, the following items are automatically created in the Bamboo Navigators list if they do not already exist:

• KB Client Site

• KB Client
• KB Admin

• KB Admin Site

• Article Counts Categories
• Article Counts Article Type
• Article Usage Report
• Ask a Question Report


• If Bamboo Rating Column is installed, users must upgrade to version or higher before upgrading Knowledge Base Solution Accelerator.

Included Bamboo products:

 Data Viewer Web Part (HW37) Version 30.3.67
• Group Redirect Web Part (HW12) Version 20.3.27
• Navigators (HW55) Version 10.3.35

HW22 Mini-Calendar Web Part for SharePoint 2007 (2.8.89)


• Mini-Calendar now includes Bamboo Web License Manager version

Bug fixes:

• After upgrading Mini-Calendar, the following error message is displayed when the Web Part settings are modified in the tool pane: “ToolPart Error:: OnPreRender:: Could not load file or assembly ‘Bamboo.SharePoint.Portal.Security, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=2cc91efae2d531be’ or one of its dependencies. The system cannot find the file specified.”
• Mini-Calendar displays all items from the connected SharePoint list instead of the selected list view.

No new Known Issues and Limitations

SA06 In/Out Schedule Board for SharePoint 2007 (1.3.32) and SharePoint 2010 (1.3.53)

Bug fixes:

• The following error message is displayed when calling the SPLimitedWebPartManager.WebParts function through a console application or Microsoft PowerShell script to query for Web Parts in In-Out Schedule Board pages: “Microsoft.SharePoint.WebPartPages.ErrorWebPart”.

No new Known Issues and Limitations.