This Week in Bamboo (March 13th, 2011 – March 19th, 2011)

This week in Bamboo, we launched a major new product available for both SharePoint 2007 and SharePoint 2010 to our storefront: Bamboo Rating Column (HW41I Release 1.0).  What is Bamboo Rating Column? How does it work? You can check out our storefront for the 30-day free trial download. And also see the new release announcement blog post our Product Manager, Jeff Kozloff for more details.  At the same time, we fixed some bugs and released the patches for Bamboo Rich Text, and Bamboo Lookup Selector.  For a complete list of the new release, patches and bugs fixed for both SharePoint 2007 and SharePoint 2010 please see below.

HW41I Rating Column for Release 1.0.19 (SharePoint 2007) and Release 1.0.27 (SharePoint 2010) have the same Release Notes:

Initial Release.

Current Limitations:

• No support for rating recurrence items in Calendar List.
• Add rating web part to rate for 1 item in Post list, all items in the Post list will have the same rating.
• Rating column will not show correctly when list items are grouped.
• Rating is not updated immediately after user rate item on the Display Form then close the form.
• Rating display issues when switching between Edit DataSheet and Standard View.
• No support for rating column used in discussion board list.

Current Known Issues:
• Show Error: undefined when editing selection on German Site.

HW41C Bamboo Rich Text Release 1.3.11 (SharePoint 2007) and Release 1.3.17 (SharePoint 2010) have the same Release Notes:


• Use the new setup program.

HW41AB Bamboo Lookup Selector Release 2.3.20 (SharePoint 2010)

Bug Fixes:

• Cannot create dependent lookup filtered “Content Type” column. 

Current Limitations:

• Our product is inherited from regular SharePoint Lookup column. SharePoint lookup column cannot look up across Site Collection even if it is on the same Web Application in certain setup. Therefore Bamboo Lookup Selector column cannot lookup across site collection in the following condition:

 o Bamboo Lookup Selector column cannot be used for look up in the same web application or different web applications when the site collection is in different content databases.

• Opening a document in a client program (e.g. MS Word, MS Excel…, etc.) from a Document Library, where one of the columns contains Bamboo Lookup Selector column with either filter value or multiple values, resulted in error.