This Week in Bamboo (June 20th, 2010 – June 26th, 2010)

This Week in Bamboo we’re so excited to announce some of our products are now available for SharePoint 2010.  More information on all of the changes can be found below (see table), along with enhancements and known issues related to additional products.



Release Notes

SharePoint Project Management Central

SA12 R1.8

Initial Release

Known Issues:

• Copy from Enterprise Resource Pool (ERP) to Contacts list only work the first time and not for new updates from ERP.


• SharePoint 2010 List View Threshold of 5000 items. See Microsoft KB. To change the limits, go to Central Admin > Application Management>Web Application, select General Settings > Resource Throttling and change the values of List View Threshold.
• After export excel from report, open this file and make a change on file (widen a column for example) and save it. It will create a folder has name like the exported file.
• This package is not tested in an environment where SP 2007 is in-placed upgraded to SP 2010.

Version needed to support SA12 on SharePoint 2010:

• Alert Plus HW05 R2.8
• List Rollup HW24R4.4
• Chart Plus HW27 R2.5
• Calendar Plus HW20 R3.4
• Site Creation Plus HW28 R1.4  
• Data-Viewer HW37 R3.1
• SharePoint Navigators R1.3  
• Task Master HW45 R1.7 
• Project Portfolio Dashboard SA35 R1.8  
• Tree View Web Part HW03 R1.7 
• List Simple & Advance Search Web Part HW11 R1.8 
• Bamboo Visual Indicator HW41D R1.3 
• Bamboo Group Email Web Part HW14 R1.7 
• Bamboo KPI Column HW41I R1.3
• Bamboo List Print HW50 R1.4 
• Bamboo Navigators HW55 R1.3

See our Product Manager Announcement blog for more infomation about SA12 PM Central for SharePoint 2010.

Tree View Web Part

HW03 R1.7 




•  Initial release on O14.

Known Issues:

•  Unable to render Wiki Content Column.
•  Tree View keeps showing loading status when changing current view then double click on the tree node.
•  Cannot open context menu if change list selection in the tool part.
•  If you're at the root and upload document you will not see any documents display after uploading. Refresh the page will show the document.
•  Change view to thumbnails don't see anything until click on folder again.
•  Tree View is not refreshed after creating new folder from the tree. Refresh the page will show new folder in the tree.

O14 Initial Release Limitations:

• This web part is not tested in an environment where SP 2007 is in-placed upgraded to SP 2010.

Alert Plus

HW05 R2.8


• Initial release on O14.

O14 Initial Release Limitations:

• This web part is not tested in an environment where SP 2007 is in-placed upgraded to SP 2010.

List Search Simple  

HW11A R1.8


• Initial release on O14.

O14 Initial Release Limitations:

• This web part is not tested in an environment where SP 2007 is in-placed upgraded to SP 2010.

List Search Advanced

HW11B R1.8


• Initial release on O14

Known Issues:

• Incorrect search result when search for column type = choice in List Rollup mode.

O14 Initial Release Limitations: 

• This web part is not tested in an environment where SP 2007 is in-placed upgraded to SP 2010.

Group Email Web Part

HW14 R1.7


• Initial release on O14

Known Issues:

• If a List web part is used on the same page as HW14 Group Email, list columns data type = Multiple lines of text cannot be used with Rich text option. The edit form will have java script error "null" is null or not an object.  Enhance Rich Text or Plain Text option should be used with Multiple Lines of text.

O14 Initial Release Limitations:

• This web part is not tested in an environment where SP 2007 is in-placed upgraded to SP 2010.

Calendar Plus Web Part

HW20 R3.4


• Initial release on O14.

Known Issues:

• Gantt View in List Rollup mode doesn't expand the whole web part width.
• Week view of SQL Mode doesn't display item start time and end time correctly.
• SQL mode does not show the columns in the dropdown for selecting Milestone Date when configure the web part for the first time.

O14 Initial Release Limitations:

• This web part is not tested in an environment where SP 2007 is in-placed upgraded to SP 2010.
• This web part does not support BDC connection yet.

SharePoint Task Master

HW45 R1.7




• Initial release on O14.

O14 Initial Release Limitations:

• This web part is not tested in an environment where SP 2007 is in-placed upgraded to SP 2010.

Chart Plust Web Part

HW27 R2.5


• Initial release on O14.

O14 Initial Release Limitations:

• This web part is not tested in an environment where SP 2007 is in-placed upgraded to SP 2010.

Site Creation Plus

HW28 R1.4



• Initial release on O14.

O14 Initial Release Limitations:

• This web part is not tested in an environment where SP 2007 is in-placed upgraded to SP 2010.

Data-Viewer Web Part

HW37 R3.1


• Initial release on O14.

O14 Initial Release Limitations:

• This web part is not tested in an environment where SP 2007 is in-placed upgraded to SP 2010.

List Print

HW50 R1.4




• Initial release on O14.

O14 Initial Release Limitations:

• This custom feature is not tested in an environment where SP 2007 is in-placed upgraded to SP 2010.

List Rollup Web Part

HW24 R4.4




• Initial release on O14.

O14 Initial Release Limitations:

• This web part is not tested in an environment where SP 2007 is in-placed upgraded to SP 2010.

SharePoint Project Portfolio Dashboard

SA35 R1.8


• Initial release on O14.

O14 Initial Release Limitations: 

• This web part is not tested in an environment where SP 2007 is in-placed upgraded to SP 2010.

SharePoint Navigators

HW55 R1.3


• Initial release on O14.

O14 Initial Release Limitations: 

• This web part is not tested in an environment where SP 2007 is in-placed upgraded to SP 2010.

Bamboo Visual Indicator

HW41D R1.3


• Initial release on O14.

O14 Initial Release Limitations: 

• This custom column is not tested in an environment where SP 2007 is in-placed upgraded to SP 2010.
• This custom column does not support additional columns in the looked up list that can be added to the view when displaying the list item yet.

Bamboo KPI Column

HW41J R1.3


• Initial release on O14.

O14 Initial Release Limitations:

• This custom column is not tested in an environment where SP 2007 is in-placed upgraded to SP 2010.