This Week in Bamboo (July 17th, 2016 – July 23rd, 2016)

This week in Bamboo, another new set of SharePoint 2016 products was rolled out to our storefront as follows: Column Level Security, Password Management Toolkit, Group Redirect Web Part, and World Clock & Weather Web Part.  A minor release for World Clock & Weather Web Part was also released along with a patch of Data-Viewer Web Part.  Please see more details below.

HW41G Column Level Security for SharePoint 2016 Release (File version

Initial Release on Microsoft SharePoint Server 2016

• This build runs on SharePoint Server 2016. This release contains the same functionality as the equivalent version number of the SharePoint 2013 build of this product.
• See the Known Issues and Limitations section for the latest known issues and limitations related to this release. For information about using this product, read the Online Documentation.

Known Issues:

• Installer occasionally fails to run the Upgrade/Repair option, displaying the following error message: “The solution does not have a WSP file associated with it.” Workaround: Reset the IIS/SharePoint Timer service, then use the Remove All option and install it again.
• During installation, the Web Part file will occasionally fail to deploy. Workaround: Reset the IIS/SharePoint Timer service, then use the Remove All option and install it again.
• Copying an item to a list or library using Bamboo’s Workflow Conductor is not supported if the source list contains a Bamboo Column Level Security field.


• None.

PB01 Password Management Toolkit for SharePoint 2016 Release (File version 

Initial Release on Microsoft SharePoint Server 2016

• This build runs on SharePoint Server 2016. This release contains the same functionality as the equivalent version number of the SharePoint 2013 build of this product.
• See the Known Issues and Limitations section for the latest known issues and limitations related to this release. For information about using this product, read the Online Documentation.

Includes updated versions of the following components:

Password Change Web Part R4.1.4.2016 (File version – Release Date: 04/8/2016
User Account Setup Web Part R4.1.13.2016 (File version – Release Date: 04/8/2016
Password Reset Web Part R2.4.12.2016 (File version – Release Date: 04/8/2016
Password Expiration Web Part R1.6.6.2016 (File version – Release Date: 04/8/2016

Known Issues: 

• Installer occasionally fails to run the Upgrade/Repair option, displaying the following error message: “The solution does not have a WSP file associated with it.” Workaround: Reset the IIS/SharePoint Timer service, then use the Remove All option and install it again.
• During installation, the Web Part file will occasionally fail to deploy. Workaround: Reset the IIS/SharePoint Timer service, then use the Remove All option and install it again.


• None.

HW12 Group Redirect Web Part for SharePoint 2016 Release (File version

Initial Release on Microsoft SharePoint Server 2016

• This build runs on SharePoint Server 2016. This release contains the same functionality as the equivalent version number of the SharePoint 2013 build of this product.
• See the Known Issues and Limitations section for the latest known issues and limitations related to this release. For information about using this product, read the Online Documentation.

Known Issues:

• Installer occasionally fails to run the Upgrade/Repair option, displaying the following error message: “The solution does not have a WSP file associated with it.” Workaround: Reset the IIS/SharePoint Timer service, then use the Remove All option and install it again.
• During installation, the Web Part file will occasionally fail to deploy. Workaround: Reset the IIS/SharePoint Timer service, then use the Remove All option and install it again.


• None

HW17 World Clock & Weather Web Part for SharePoint 2016 Release (File version

Initial Release on Microsoft SharePoint Server 2016

• This build runs on SharePoint Server 2016. This release contains the same functionality as the equivalent version number of the SharePoint 2013 build of this product.
• See the Known Issues and Limitations section for the latest known issues and limitations related to this release. For information about using this product, read the Online Documentation.

Known Issues: 

• Installer occasionally fails to run the Upgrade/Repair option, displaying the following error message: “The solution does not have a WSP file associated with it.” Workaround: Reset the IIS/SharePoint Timer service, then use the Remove All option and install it again.
• During installation, the Web Part file will occasionally fail to deploy. Workaround: Reset the IIS/SharePoint Timer service, then use the Remove All option and install it again.


• Data is not available if the same location is duplicated and set to different weather data providers.
• The current date shown in the forecast is incorrect in some locations when configured to use the Open Weather Map data provider.
• Anonymous users cannot view the detailed forecast when configured to use the Open Weather Map data provider.

HW17 World Clock & Weather Web Part for SharePoint 2010 Release 3.1.4 (File Version 30.1.4) and SharePoint 2013 Release (File Version\

New updates:

• Hover over the plus icon to display an extended forecast.
• Hover over the temperature or location to display detailed weather conditions.

No New Known Issues or New Limitations

HW37 Data-Viewer Web Part for SharePoint Release (File version

Bug Fixes:

• Issue opening PDF files directly from the Data-Viewer Web Part.

No New Known Issues or New Limitations