This Week in Bamboo (July 12th, 2015 – July 18th, 2015)

For this week in Bamboo, patches for Workflow Conductor, Calendar Plus Web Part, and World Clock & Weather Web Part were released to the storefront.  More details about the patches can be found below.

SA08 Workflow Conductor for SharePoint 2010 Release 4.0.2 (File version 40.0.2)

New Features:

• Added more chart types (Column, Line, Area, & Pie) to the existing Bar Chart layout in the Workflow Reports Web Part.

Bug Fixes:

• PowerShell scripts copied and pasted from other applications, such as a web browser, into the Run PowerShell widget may add extra rich text content that causes script execution to fail.
• Rich text content stored in Workflow Conductor variables, such as the comments for Request Approval, includes HTML tags when copied into a plain text field in SharePoint.
• URLs added using a rich text property, such as the email body in the Send Email widget, are not properly formed and do not work.

No New Known Issues or New Limitations

HW20 Calendar Plus Web Part for SharePoint 2007 Release 4.1.135

Bug Fixes:

• In Day views with multiple events, the hour time slots may appear with excessive white space.

No New Known Issues or New Limitations

HW17 World Clock & Weather Web Part for SharePoint 2007 Release 2.5.6, SharePoint 2010 Release 3.0.24 (File version 30.0.24) and SharePoint 2013 Release (File version

Bug Fixes:

• Times and time formats are not appearing correctly with certain combinations of language packs, default languages, alternate languages, locales, and time zones.
• “CreateListLocation::: String was not recognized as a valid DateTime.” may be displayed with certain combinations of language packs, default languages, alternate languages, locales, and time zones.
• “btnAddSearchResults_Click:: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.” may be displayed when attempting to add a location when using certain combinations of language packs, default languages, alternate languages, locales, and time zones.

No New Known Issues or New Limitations