This Week in Bamboo (January 9th, 2011 – January 15th, 2011)

At Bamboo this week, we fixed some bugs and released patches for the following SharePoint 2007 and SharePoint 2010 products: List Integrity and User Directory Web Part. With the new release of User Directory Web Part for both SharePoint 2007 and SharePoint 2010, we fixed the issue of edited user details not appearing after saving unless the page is refreshed.  Please check out our storefront for the latest releases of the week, and see below for more details about the bug fixes.

SharePoint 2007 Product:

HW01 List Integrity Release 2.4.16

• Use Web License Manager 1.3.9
• Use new bundle installation.

Bug Fixes:
 • License error trying to delete parent list item.

HW08 User Directory Web Part Release 1.7.10

Bug Fixes:
• Edit user detail, it does not show the changes after saving it unless the page is refreshed.

SharePoint 2010 Product:

HW08 User Directory Web Part Release 1.7.10

Bug Fixes:
• Edit user detail, it does not show the changes after saving it unless the page is refreshed.