This Week in Bamboo (January 8th, 2012 – January 14th, 2012)

At Bamboo this week, the following patches were released to the storefront:  User Account Setup Web Part, Calendar Plus Web Part, SharePoint Knowledge Base Solutions Accelerator, Discussion Board Plus and Bamboo Lookup Selector Column.  For the latest versions of Calendar Plus Web Part and Bamboo Lookup Selector Column, we resolved some bugs and updated the web parts to use our latest version of Web License Manager Version  Please see below for more information on all of the changes, along with some new features, bug fixes, and limitations.

HW07 User Account Setup Web Part for SharePoint 2007 (4.0.95) and SharePoint 2010 (4.0.98)

Bug fixes:

• Cannot create a new user using Active Directory Services if the Manager field is not defined. The Web Part displays the following error message: “Click_CreateUserAD: Object reference not set to an instance of an object”.

No new Known Issues or Limitations

HW20 Calendar Plus Web Part for SharePoint 2007 (4.1.81) and SharePoint 2010 (4.1.83)

SharePoint 2007 (4.1.81)

Bug fixes:

• The Web Part displays list items incorrectly in views that include Start time and End time when these values are set at 15 or 45 minutes past the hour.
• The Web Part displays the error message “RenderCalendar: Invalid object name ‘sys.sql_logins” when using SQL authentication to connect to a SQL database.
• The user receives an “Access Denied” error when attempting to use a SharePoint List as a data source.
• Icons appear on the calendar, but not in the legend.
• JQuery version conflict.

No new Known Issues or Limitations

SharePoint 2010 (4.1.83)


• Calendar Plus Web Part now uses Web License Manager Version

Bug fixes:

• The Web Part displays list items incorrectly in views that include Start time and End time when these values are set at 15 or 45 minutes past the hour.
• The Web Part displays the error message “RenderCalendar: Invalid object name ‘sys.sql_logins” when using SQL authentication to connect to a SQL database.
• The user receives an “Access Denied” error when attempting to use a SharePoint List as a data source.
• Icons appear on the calendar, but not in the legend.
• The Web Part displays a script error when users add a New Item if the parent list name contains an apostrophe.
• JQuery version conflict.

No new Known Issues or Limitations

SA05 SharePoint Knowledge Base Solutions Accelerator for SharePoint 2010 (2.1.59)

Bug fixes:

• Creating a new article takes a long time when uploading images using Image Manager.
• When checking out, checking in, or saving articles to a Client Site that contains the Tree View Web Part, customers receive the following error: “This page contains content or formatting that is not valid. You can find more information in the affected sessions”.

No new Known Issues or Limitations

SA75 Discussion Board Plus for SharePoint 2010 (1.0.83)

Bug fixes:

• User avatars are not updated in Thread View after changing the My Site image.
• JQuery version conflict.

No new Known Issues or Limitations

HW41AB Bamboo Lookup Selector Column for SharePoint 2007 (1.3.38) and SharePoint 2010 (2.3.35)

SharePoint 2007 (1.3.38)


• Provides a new “Enable cascade dependency” option in the settings column.
• SharePoint list and library views can now be sorted and/or grouped Lookup Selector Column. NOTE: This feature is disabled if “Allow Multiple Selections” option is enabled.
• Lookup Selector Column now uses Web License Manager Version

Bug fixes:

• Lookup Selector Column does not support filtering values for multiple levels of dependency.
• When special characters exist in the dependent column, the corresponding values are not populated in the Lookup field.
• If a document library includes a Lookup Selector Column, metadata information is cleared for Multiple Lines of Text columns when users modify a document (.docx only) in Microsoft Word.

o After upgrading Lookup Selector Column, please go to Library Settings and open the settings for Bamboo Lookup Selector and click Save (no actual changes to the settings are required).
o This release only fixes the clearing of other metadata. Lookup Selector Column values cannot be updated through the Document Information Panel in Microsoft Office. Refer to the Limitations section for more details.

• Lookup Selector Column cannot check in a document in a document library if it has a Lookup Selector Column that has the “Allow multiple values” setting enabled.
• Email notifications sent from Alert Plus contain extraneous data from Lookup Selector Columns. If users experience this issue, upgrade Alert Plus to release 3.2 or higher.

New Limitations:

• Lookup Selector Column is not supported in Datasheet View or the Document Information Pane (Microsoft Office). When displayed in Datasheet View or the Document Information Pane, Lookup Selector Column will appear as a read-only value.
• When exporting lists or libraries to Excel that contain the Lookup Selector Column, the values will contain the parsing characters #; and item ID.
• Lookup Selector Column does not work properly when multiple content databases exist in a Web application.

No new Known Issues

SharePoint 2010 (2.3.35)


• Provides a new “Enable cascade dependency” option in the settings column.
• Lookup Selector Column now uses Web License Manager Version

Bug fixes:

• Lookup Selector Column does not support filtering values for multiple levels of dependency.
• Dependent fields do not populate data when adding a new item.
• When special characters exist in the dependent column, the corresponding values are not populated in the Lookup field.

No new Known Issues or Limitations