This Week in Bamboo (January 29th, 2012 – February 4th, 2012)

This week in Bamboo, we resolved many bugs and released the patch for Alert Plus Web Part in both SharePoint 2007 and SharePoint 2010 versions.  Please also note that Alert Plus is now updated with our latest Web License Manager  Check out our storefront for the latest release of Alert Plus.  For details about this week’s release, please see below.

HW05 Alert Plus Web Part for SharePoint 2007 (3.2.65)


Alert Plus now uses Web License Manager Version

Bug fixes:

• Alert Plus does not send emails for alerts created on site collections other than the main site collection for the following triggers: “A specific column in the list changes” and “An item in the list is deleted”.
• After upgrading from version 2.x to 3.2.x, event receivers are not sent to Alert Plus for the following triggers: “A specific column in the list changes” and “An item in the list is deleted”.
• Alert Plus experiences performance issues when the Web application contains more than 1,000 site collections.
• Users receive the error message: Undisposed object issue.
• Alert Plus does not send alerts for restored site collections that have been migrated using stsadm commands.
• Alert Plus sends duplicate alert emails for items that are created during the first eight seconds of even-numbered minutes.
• The Document Name field in alert emails does not display the descriptive document name entered when the alert was created.
• Alert Plus experiences performance issues while updating data in Datasheet view for the trigger “A specific column in the list changes”.
• Alert Plus does not send alert emails for Calendar lists for the trigger “A specific column in the list changes”.
• Alert emails do not reflect font changes configured the user.
• Alert emails include extraneous data.

No new Known Issues or Limitations

HW05 Alert Plus Web Part for SharePoint 2010 (3.2.66)

Bug fixes:

• Alert Plus does not send emails for alerts created on site collections other than the main site collection for the following triggers: “A specific column in the list changes” and “An item in the list is deleted”.
• After upgrading from version 2.x to 3.2.x, event receivers are not sent to Alert Plus for the following triggers: “A specific column in the list changes” and “An item in the list is deleted”.
• Alert Plus experiences performance issues when the Web application contains more than 1,000 site collections.
• Alert Plus sends duplicate alert emails for items that are created during the first eight seconds of even-numbered minutes.
• The Document Name field in alert emails does not display the descriptive document name entered when the alert was created.
• Alert Plus experiences performance issues while updating data in Datasheet view for the trigger “A specific column in the list changes”.
• Alert Plus does not send alert emails for Calendar lists for the trigger “A specific column in the list changes”.
• Alert Plus does not send alert emails when the Alert List Column is mapped to a metadata column.

No new Known Issues or Limitations