This Week in Bamboo (February 20th, 2011 – February 26th, 2011)

Have you tried Bamboo products with our new setup program?  Want to try some more?  This week at Bamboo, we rolled out another batch of products with the new, improved setup program for both SharePoint 2007 and SharePoint 2010.  The most important patches of the week are Workflow Conductor (Release 1.6), SharePoint Project Management Central (Release 2.1) for SharePoint 2007 and SharePoint 2010 and Data-Viewer Web Part (Release 3.2) for SharePoint 2007 where we have some great new features, and many bug fixes, along with the new setup program.  Please check out our storefront for the latest releases of the week, and see below for additional details.

SharePoint 2007 Products:

SA08 Workflow Conductor Release 1.6

New Features:
• New Widget – Collect Data From User: Collect data from a user mid-workflow with a SharePoint task.
• New Widget – Create SharePoint Group: Create a new SharePoint group for a site in a site collection.
• New Widget – Remove User from AD Group: Remove a user from an Active Directory group.
• New Widget – Remove User from SP Group: Remove a user from a SharePoint group.
• Two new pre-defined conditions for the Conditional Branch Widget:
• Current item was created between these dates.
• Current item was modified between these dates.
• External lookups now support lookups for Site, List, and Field names.
• Uses new Setup program.

Resolved Bugs:
• If a task due date is set to the current date using a workflow initiation form Date/Time field formatted as Date only, the task due date is not set.
• Conductor Studio calendar control does not format time display according to regional settings.
• Send Email does not work if the recipient property is a lookup to a SharePoint Person/Group column that allows multiple selections.
• Some widgets fail if widget properties are lookups to FBA users.
• Add User to AD Group fails if the Active Directory group name contains special characters.
• In order to save the Access Accounts settings, you must first fill in the SQL Server name in General Settings. Details
• Other general bug fixes.

SA12 SharePoint Project Management Central Release 2.1

• Uses the new Setup program.
• Uses Data-Viewer Web Part R3.2 (HW37), which has 2 new features: 1) Allows editing in datasheet mode for SharePoint lists and 2) Allows users to define the size of the grid in the Scrollbar Settings section of the tool pane.
• Schedule tab/Gantt View: Replaced the event receiver with the Bamboo Update Dashboard List timer job for updates. The timer job runs every 5 minutes. This helps with the server performance.

Bug Fixed:
• Adding a user from the Enterprise Resource Pool to the Contacts List removes that user from the SharePoint group.
• Reporting does not display the correct hour value for users when the Start Date and Due Date have different years.
• Users cannot upgrade from R1.5/1.6/1.7 to 2.0 without upgrading to 1.8 first. With this build users can now upgrade directly from 1.5/1.6/1.7 to 2.0.
• The Site Template drop-down list does not show any selections after adding the Site Creation Plus Web Part to the portfolio site. This issue is fixed with Site Creation Plus R1.4.32.
• Editing the Top Link Bar (Site Actions > Site Settings > Look and Feel > Top Link Bar) and clicking New Link results in the error “Value does not fall within the expected range”. This is fixed in 2.0.101.
• On German sites, when users create the site collection using a PM Central top-site template, the Task Summary chart does not display properly. This issue is fixed in Chart Plus R2.5.43.
• Users need to log in with a farm administrator account in order to filter the department site if a PM Central top-site template was used to create the top site in the site collection and then a department site was created.

Current Limitations:
• Users cannot delete resources from the Enterprise Resource Pool in the department site if the department site is the site collection. Users must go to the portfolio site to delete resources if needed.
• Adding a new resource from a task item will wipe out information that you enter in the fields, such as Title.
• Users using an anonymous login cannot see the Tasks or Issues lists in the project site.
• Update Data does not load the Load run time value.
• The Bamboo Microsoft Project Add-in does not draw the % Complete column when publishing the value from Microsoft Project.
• “Layouts/areaWelcomePage.aspx” – Why it doesn’t work for this customer?
• The Bamboo Microsoft Project Add-in cannot map and import resources in.
• In the project site’s Tasks tab under Tracking View, the headers for Cost, Actual Cost and %Complete are not aligned to the left like the other fields.

Current Known Issues:
• In two upgrade cases (1.2->1.5->1.6->1.7->1.8->2.1 and 1.8->2.1): The upgrade fails and the Project Central Upgrade Monitoring Page in Central Administration displays an error. To resolve this issue, restart the Windows SharePoint Services Time service.
• After upgrading to R2.1, SharePoint Project Portfolio Dashboard does not display data on the portfolio site’s Schedules tab or in the Portfolio Dashboard List after clicking Refresh for the first time. To resolve this issue, restart the Windows SharePoint Services Timer service. See KB.12641 for more information.
• After upgrading from 1.5->1.7->1.8->2.1, task items in the project site’s Tasks List do not show the Maximum Unit or Assignment Units fields. Do one of the following to resolve this issue:
       1. Restart the Windows SharePoint Services Timer service and wait for the Bamboo Update Task, Issues, Project Health Lists timer job to run and update values.
       2. Or, navigate to Central Administration > Bamboo Project Central Timer Job Scheduler and run the Bamboo Update Task, Issues, Project Health Lists timer job.
       3. Or, navigate to the portfolio site’s Settings tab, click Update Data and run the Bamboo Update Task, Issues, Project Health Lists timer job.
• When upgrading for a unique site 1.8->2.0->2.1, the project site’s Contacts List shows the group that the user belongs to in the Resource Column in the view but not in the edit form.
• In two upgrade cases (1.5->1.6->1.7->1.8->2.0) and (1.6->1.7->1.8->2.0): When a user logs in to the site with Full Control permissions, but the user does not belong to any group, the user will not see the Tasks List or the Issues List in the project site.
• SharePoint Project Portfolio Dashboard does not update the Portfolio Dashboard List when a project is deleted if that project name contains a space, such as “Alpha Project”.
• Users with Design permissions can see the option Add New Project but they cannot create a project. In R3.0, we will remove the option so that users with Design permissions will not be able to see the Add New Project option.
• Users using an anonymous login must input a user name and password.
• The Site Path data is not exported when users click Master Grid Excel Export.
• On the portfolio site’s Reporting tab, when users click the Last Page button, the page number changes to 0.
• When upgrading from R1.8 or older directly to R2.1, the project site’s Project Health List displays a Content Type column. This has no impact on the application’s processes.

HW45 SharePoint Task Master Release 2.0.158

• Uses the new Setup program.

Bug Fixed:
• Publishing site issue: The page is set to not require checkin and checkout. Versioning is set to major/minor. The page editing toolbar is visible after editing a task in the Task List, and the page has advanced a minor draft version.
• Publishing site issue when the following two options are turned on: 1) Require content approval for submitting items and 2) Require documents to be checked out before they can be edited. Editing a page in publishing site then publishing it will show the following error: “The operation could not be completed because the Web Part was deleted another user or is invalid”.
• Activation error in the Bamboo Custom Column feature.

Current Limitations:
• Task(s) will not show up on the interface if the Gantt interval does not contain the tasks’ dates.

Current Known Issues:
• Due to the current control that Task Master is using, when dragging and dropping a task in the Gantt view, the task might position outside of the Task Master Web Part.
• After upgrading from an older version to R2.0, when adding a new task in the grid, Task Master will display a JavaScript error. Users are required to refresh the page the first time via Control + F5 for the error to go away.
• If the options to use Save and Refresh are turned on, after clicking the Save button, the Filters drop-down list will not display any options. Users need to refresh the browser using the option Control + F5.
• When upgrading from R1.8 or older to R2.0, the existing task items will display a 0 value for the Work and Duration columns. Users are required to click on the Recalculate button.
• When Task Master is first installed or new items are first added, even if the tool pane is set to Automatically Expand Level as (blank), the items will be collapsed. Users are required to edit the tool pane and click Apply and OK again.
• When Task Master is not set to expand and users expand certain task summaries, if they go to another site and come back, this information is not cached in the browser, and all the items will be displayed as collapsed.
• The Gantt view will display in the grid view if users click on the Gantt view.
• If the bar in the Gantt view is short, representing the length of a task, when users drag and drop, the result will not be as expected.
• The Start Date and Due Date cannot be the same if the Duration is greater than zero and the Start Date and Due Date are set to Date only in the SharePoint list. See KB.12570.
• Clicking an item in the Gantt view may cause the item to appear higher on the page that the mouse cursor.
• Dragging and dropping tasks in the Gantt view does not work properly when the browser displays a horizontal scrollbar.
• Task items do not expand the first time when users click on the + sign.
• If the Gantt view is set to Day View and a task item’s Due Date is later than the current day, the browser window will expand wider than the actual page.
• Missing Image tag appears at the bottom of the Gantt for a certain view/time scale.
• The Print window only allows users to print what is shown on the screen. Clicking on zoom (+/- signs) on the print screen will generate script errors.

SA35 SharePoint Project Portfolio Dashboard Release 1.8.32

• Uses the new Setup program.
• Replaced the event receiver with the Bamboo Update Dashboard List timer job for updates. The timer job runs every 5 minutes.
• Uses Web License Manager 1.3.9.

HW61 Filters Collection Release 1.3.10

• Uses the new Setup program
• Uses Web License Manager 1.3.9
• Uses merged assembly and deploy Bamboo.Core.wsp and Bamboo.Core.V1.2.msi.
• Use new bundle installation

HW41AB Bamboo Lookup Selector Release 2.3.26

• Uses the new Setup program.

HW37 Data-Viewer Web Part Release 3.2.21

New Features:
• Allow users to edit items in Datasheet mode. To turn this feature on, select Allow Edit in Data Sheet in the section Dynamic Settings of the Web Part Tool Pane.
• Allow the SharePoint Administrator to define the size of the Web Part to enable scrollbars. To define the size of the Web Part, modify the settings in Scrollbar Settings section of the Web Part Tool Pane.
• Installation Package now contains a new Setup interface.

Resolved Bugs:
• In the SharePoint Log File, the user will see the error: Detected use of SPRequest for previously closed SPWeb object.
• Connected to a SQL 2005 Table or View: Conditional Format fails for columns of type Date.

Known Issues:
• The current release of Data-Viewer Web Part does not support migration to SharePoint 2010.
• Connected to any source with Nested Data: Expanding and collapsing a Nested Data set causes an extra line to appear when using skin Web20.
• Connected to SQL Table or View with Default Group By or Dynamic Grouping: If the SQL column contains a special character, the Web Part returns an error message.
• After initially configuring the Web Part to use Asynchronous Mode, must navigate away from the page for the data to show for the first time.

• Connected to SharePoint List in Datasheet Mode: If modifying a column of type Multiple Lines of Text that contains text surrounded tag characters (i.e.. <…>), the text will clear upon saving.
• Connected to SharePoint List in Datasheet Mode: If modifying a column of type Multiple Lines of Text that contains hyperlinks, the hyperlinks are lost upon saving the changes.
• Connected to SharePoint List in Datasheet Mode: When users are modifying a cell of the following Column Types, the users will see the raw data instead of the formatted data. Upon navigating away from the cell, the format will be displayed correctly.
• Choice (Checkboxes)
• Lookup (Both Single and Multiple Selection modes)
• Multiple Lines of Text (Rich Text and Enhanced Rich Text Modes)
• Person or Group (Single or Multiple Selection modes)
• Connected to SharePoint List in Datasheet Mode: Viewing or modifying columns of type Hyperlink or Picture displays only the Description text. User is not able to modify the URL.
• Connected to SharePoint List in Datasheet Mode: Viewing or modifying columns of type Multiple Lines of Text-Plain Text mode removes line breaks. If user modifies the column and saves changes, line breaks are removed from original column text.
• Connected to SharePoint List in Inline Edit mode and Datasheet mode: Columns of type Business Data are not supported in Inline Edit Mode and Datasheet mode and as a result are hidden in the two modes.
• Connected to SharePoint List in Inline Edit mode: Columns of type Multiple Lines of Text – Rich Text and Enhanced Rich Text modes display HTML tags. Alternatively use the Content Editor in Datasheet mode.
• Connected to SharePoint List in Inline Edit mode: Columns of type Lookup with Multiple Selections is not supported.
• Connected to SharePoint List in Inline Edit mode: No support for the following Bamboo Custom Columns:
• Bamboo Column Level Security
• Bamboo Lookup Selector
• Bamboo Rich Text
• Bamboo Validator
• Connected to SharePoint List in Datasheet mode: All Bamboo Custom Columns are not supported.
• Connected to SharePoint List with Export to Excel: Column display names with special characters are formatted incorrectly in the resulting Excel column headers.
• Connected to SharePoint List with Dynamic Filtering: If the backslash “” is included in the filter string, it will be removed automatically. If Filtering on Person or Group column, Bamboo recommends using the Contains operator and enters the User Name in the value instead.
• Connected to SharePoint List or List Rollup in Inline Edit and Datasheet Mode: These modes do not support modification of Recurrence and Workspace columns.
• Connected to SharePoint List or List Rollup in Inline Edit Mode: Columns of type Multiple Lines of Text – Rich Text or Enhanced Rich Text, displays html tags in the field.
• Connected to SharePoint List or List Rollup with Export to Excel: The following columns are not formatted correctly in the resulting Excel file:
• Calculate
• Lookup (Single and Multiple Selection modes)
• Person or Group (Single and Multiple Selection modes)
• List Rollup special columns: List Name and Site Name return blank values
• Connected to SharePoint List or List Rollup with Nested Data: Linking columns with multiple values for Nesting Data is not supported.
• Connected to SharePoint List or List Rollup with Default Filter and Dynamic Filtering: Columns with multiple values are not supported.
• Connected to SharePoint List or List Rollup with Conditional Formatting: Columns of type Hyperlink or Picture and Multiple Lines of Text are not supported.
• Connected to List Rollup with Default Filter and Dynamic Filtering: The following column types are not supported:
• Calculate
• Date & Time
• Hyperlink or Picture
• Lookup (Multiple Selection mode)
• Number
• Person or Group (Multiple Selection mode)
• Yes/No
• List Rollup special columns: List Name and Site Name
• Connected to List Rollup with Default Filter and Dynamic Filtering: The SharePoint variable [Today] is not supported.
• Connected to List Rollup with Default Sort and Dynamic Sorting: Columns returned List Rollup are formatted in String format, as a result, columns of type Date and Time & Number are not sorted correctly.
• Connected to List Rollup with Default Sort and Dynamic Sorting: Columns Person or Group is not sorted correctly due to the data includes the profile ID.
• Connected to List Rollup with Dynamic Sorting: Using the [Me] SharePoint variable is only supported with the operators Contains and Equals.
• Connected to List Rollup with Nesting Data option: Cannot link Nested Data set based on Lookup column in Master List.
• Connected to SQL Table or View or BDC/MashPoint with Calculated Settings: In certain cases the resulting value is not formatted correctly.
• Connected to SQL Table or View with Export to Excel: Date/Time columns formatted incorrectly in Excel.
• Connected to any source using Calculated Settings: If the column that is being Calculated on is also used for grouping the data, the resulting Calculated value is shown as the last item in the grouping instead of bottom of Grid View.
• Connected to any source using Dynamic Grouping: Dynamic Grouping only occurs on the current page in the grid and does not group the full data set.
• Connected to any source using Export to Excel: Master and Nested Data sets are exported in separate Excel files.
• No resources string available to modify the text “None” in the Calculated Settings section of the tool pane.

SharePoint 2010 Products:

SA08 Workflow Conductor Release 1.6

New Features:
• New Widget – Collect Data From User: Collect data from a user mid-workflow with a SharePoint task.
• New Widget – Create SharePoint Group: Create a new SharePoint group for a site in a site collection.
• New Widget – Remove User from AD Group: Remove a user from an Active Directory group.
• New Widget – Remove User from SP Group: Remove a user from a SharePoint group.
• Two new pre-defined conditions for the Conditional Branch Widget:
• Current item was created between these dates.
• Current item was modified between these dates.
• External lookups now support lookups for Site, List, and Field names.
• Uses new Setup program.

Resolved Bugs:
• If a task due date is set to the current date using a workflow initiation form Date/Time field formatted as Date only, the task due date is not set.
• Conductor Studio calendar control does not format time display according to regional settings.
• Send Email does not work if the recipient property is a lookup to a SharePoint Person/Group column that allows multiple selections.
• Some widgets fail if widget properties are lookups to FBA users.
• Add User to AD Group fails if the Active Directory group name contains special characters.
• Update Item, Delete Item, Start Another Workflow, and Set Field Value Widgets will fail if the target is an External List Lookup to an item in another site collection using a date/time condition.
• Some Widgets fail if the workflow is run on a Document Set or a folder in a document library.
• Rich content editor in Conductor Studio shows error message when pasting text as HTML.
• In order to save the Access Accounts settings, you must first fill in the SQL Server name in General Settings. Details  
• Other general bug fixes.

SA12 SharePoint Project Management Central Release 2.1

• Uses the new Setup program. 
• Schedule tab/Gantt View: Replaced the event receiver with the Bamboo Update Dashboard List timer job for updates. The timer job runs every 30 minutes. This helps with the server performance.

Bug Fixed:
• Reporting does not display the correct hour value for users when the Start Date and Due Date have different years.
• The Site Template drop-down list does not show any selections after adding the Site Creation Plus Web Part to the portfolio site. This issue is fixed with Site Creation Plus R1.4.32.
• Editing the Top Link Bar (Site Actions > Site Settings > Look and Feel > Top Link Bar) and clicking New Link resulted in the error “Value does not fall within the expected range”. This is fixed in 2.0.101.
• On German sites, when users create the site collection using a PM Central top-site template, the Task Summary chart does not display properly. This issue is fixed in Chart Plus R2.5.43.
• Users need to log in with a farm administrator account in order to filter the department site if a PM Central top-site template was used to create the top site in the site collection and then a department site was created.
• Adding a user from the Enterprise Resource Pool to the Contacts List removes that user from the SharePoint group.

Current Limitations:
• Users cannot delete resources from the Enterprise Resource Pool in the department site if the department site is the site collection. Users must go to the portfolio site to delete resources if needed.
• The Tasks and Project Health lists are not upgraded using the “Repair Existing/Install New” option in the Setup program, even though the upgrade was successful. Users are required to select “Removal All” and then “Install New” to upgrade.
• The portfolio and project sites do not upgrade successfully using the “Repair Existing/Install New” option in the Setup program. Users are required to select “Removal All” and then “Install New” to upgrade.
• Items in the project site, such as the Project Info section, do not display the context menu in the grid view if the data source is a SharePoint list or a Bamboo List Rollup.
• Adding a new resource from a task item will wipe out information that you enter in the fields, such as Title.
• Users using an anonymous login cannot see the Tasks or Issues lists in the project site.
• Update Data does not load the Load run time value.
• The Bamboo Microsoft Project Add-in does not draw the % Complete column when publishing the value from Microsoft Project.
•  “Layouts/areaWelcomePage.aspx” – Why it doesn’t work for this customer?
• Problem about roll up data on top site (performance)
• The Bamboo Microsoft Project Add-in cannot map and import resources in.
• In the project site’s Tasks tab under Tracking View, the headers for Cost, Actual Cost and %Complete are not aligned to the left like the other fields.

Current Known Issues:
• When upgrading from R1.8 to 2.1, the upgrade fails and the Project Central Upgrade Monitoring Page in Central Administration displays an error. To resolve this issue, restart the SharePoint 2010 Time service.
• Upgrading from R1.8 to R2.1 fails. To resolve this issue, restart the SharePoint 2010 Timer service, then run the upgrade again.
• After upgrading to R2.1, SharePoint Project Portfolio Dashboard does not display data on the portfolio site’s Schedules tab or in the Portfolio Dashboard List after clicking Refresh for the first time. To resolve this issue, restart the SharePoint 2010 Timer service. See KB.12641 for more information.
• SharePoint Project Portfolio Dashboard does not update the Portfolio Dashboard List when a project is deleted if that project name contains a space, such as “Alpha Project”.
• When users add a new item to the Contacts List where the Enterprise Resource Pool is not used for the selection, users will see a JavaScript error.
• Users with Design permissions can see the option Add New Project but they cannot create a project. In R3.0, we will remove the option so that users with Design permissions will not be able to see the Add New Project option.
• Users using an anonymous login must input a user name and password.
• The Site Path data is not exported when users click Master Grid Excel Export.
• On the portfolio site’s Reporting tab, when users click the Last Page button, the page number changes to 0. 

HW45 SharePoint Task Master Release 2.0.40

• Uses the new Setup program.

Bug Fixed:
• Publishing site issue: The page is set to not require checkin and checkout. Versioning is set to major/minor. The page editing toolbar is visible after editing a task in the Task List, and the page has advanced a minor draft version.
• Publishing site issue when the following two options are turned on: 1) Require content approval for submitting items and 2) Require documents to be checked out before they can be edited.
• Editing a page in publishing site then publishing it will show the following error: “The operation could not be completed because the Web Part was deleted another user or is invalid”.
• Activation error in the Bamboo Custom Column feature.

Current Limitations:
• In the Home site, the Titles of each task item will disappear when users mouse over them.
• Task(s) will not show up on the interface if the Gantt interval does not contain the tasks’ dates.

Current Known Issues:
• The Start Date and Due Date are different after clicking on the Recalculate button 2 times.
• The color of items in the grid change after clicking on the Recalculate button. Press F5 and the color will go back to normal per the settings.
• After moving to another page and coming back to the page, Task Master collapses all items even though “Automatically Expand Level” is set as blank in the tool pane.
• If the task has a Task Summary and child tasks where one of the child tasks is outside of the Gantt interval scale, users are required to click two times to expand the tasks that are outside of the scale.
• Due to the current control that Task Master is using, when dragging and dropping a task in the Gantt view, the task might position outside of the Task Master Web Part.
• After upgrading from an older version to R2.0, when adding a new task in the grid, Task Master will display a JavaScript error. Users are required to refresh the page the first time via Control + F5 for the error to go away.
• If the options to use Save and Refresh are turned on, after clicking the Save button, the Filters drop-down list will not display any options. Users need to refresh the browser using the option Control + F5.
• When upgrading from R1.8 or older to R2.0, the existing task items will display a 0 value for the Work and Duration columns. Users are required to click on the Recalculate button.
• When Task Master is first installed or new items are first added, even if the tool pane is set to Automatically Expand Level as (blank), the items will be collapsed. Users are required to edit the tool pane and click Apply and OK again.
• When Task Master is not set to expand and users expand certain task summaries, if they go to another site and come back, this information is not cached in the browser, and all the items will be displayed as collapsed.
• The Gantt view will display in the grid view if users click on the Gantt view.
• If the bar in the Gantt view is short, representing the length of a task, when users drag and drop, the result will not be as expected.
• The Start Date and Due Date cannot be the same if the Duration is greater than zero and the Start Date and Due Date are set to Date only in the SharePoint list. See KB.12570.
• Clicking an item in the Gantt view may cause the item to appear higher on the page that the mouse cursor.
• Dragging and dropping tasks in the Gantt view does not work properly when the browser displays a horizontal scrollbar.
• Task items do not expand the first time when users click on the + sign.
• If the Gantt view is set to Day View and a task item’s Due Date is later than the current day, the browser window will expand wider than the actual page.
• Missing Image tag appears at the bottom of the Gantt for a certain view/time scale.
• The Print window only allows users to print what is shown on the screen. Clicking on zoom (+/- signs) on the print screen will generate script errors.

SA35 SharePoint Project Portfolio Dashboard Release 1.8.32

• Uses the new Setup program.
• Replaced the event receiver with the Bamboo Update Dashboard List timer job for updates. The timer job runs every 5 minutes. Note: The timer job frequency can be changed in SharePoint Central Administration only if users have both PM Central and SharePoint Project Portfolio Dashboard.

HW61 Filters Collection Release 1.3.15

• Uses the new Setup program.
• Uses Web License Manager 1.3.9
• Uses new bundle installation. 

HW41AB Bamboo Lookup Selector R2.3.17

• Uses the new Setup program.
• Uses Web License Manager 1.3.9
• Uses new bundle installation.

HW41AB Bamboo Lookup Selector Release 2.3.26 (SharePoint 2007) and Release 2.3.17 (SharePoint 2010) has the same Current Limitations:

Current Limitations:
• Our product is inherited from regular SharePoint Lookup column. SharePoint lookup column cannot look up across Site Collection even if it is on the same Web Application in certain setup. Therefore Bamboo Lookup Selector column cannot lookup across site collection in the following condition:
     o Bamboo Lookup Selector column cannot be used for look up in the same web application or different web applications when the site collection is in different content databases.
• Opening a document in a client program (e.g. MS Word, MS Excel…, etc.) from a Document Library, where one of the columns contains Bamboo Lookup Selector column with either filter value or multiple values, resulted in error.

HW28 Site Creation Plus Release 1.4.37 (SharePoint 2007) and Release 1.4.23 (SharePoint 2010) have the same Release Notes:

Bug Fixes:
• Internal bug fixes to support SA12 SharePoint Project Management Central Release 2.1

HW60 SharePoint File Share Library Release 1.2.10 (SharePoint 2007) and Release 1.2.97 (SharePoint 2010) have the same Release Notes:

• Uses the new Setup program.
Current Limitations:
• Document opens with extra numbering
• Tree View Web Part does not support File Share Libraries.
• List Templates are not supported.  When you create a new File Share Library from a template, File Share Settings are blank.
• New Document will create an entry in the File Share Library, but it is not sync’d back to the External File Share.
• Send To -> E-mail a Link in the document edit menu will send a link to of the document but if the document is not imported into SharePoint, the file will fail to open.
• File share and SharePoint servers should be on the same domain and the access account should be a domain account.
• None of the following scenarios is supported:
     1.Your network file share and SharePoint server sit on different domains – but those domains are trusted.
     2.The nfs server and SP servers are on the same domain, but the account you use to access the nfs is on another domain that is part of a trusted AD forest.
     3.The trusted AD account is on the same domain at the nfs, but the SP server is on a different domain.
     4.The trusted AD account is on the same domain as the SP server, but the nfs is on a different domain.