This Week in Bamboo (February 13th, 2011 – February 19th, 2011)

For this week, we released a few products with some updated features, bug fixes and a new set of other products using our new installation program for both SharePoint 2007 and SharePoint 2010.  The highlight of the week is the new releases of Calendar Plus Web Part Release 4.1, and Team Calendar Web Part Release 1.6.  Please see below for more details about the patches.

HW20 Calendar Plus Web Part Release 4.1.11 (SharePoint 2007) and Release 4.1.14 (SharePoint 2010) have the same Release Notes:

New Features:

• Enable Web Part Connection support. See Limitations for R4.1 for additional details.
• Enabled support with Bamboo List Filter Web Part that is part of the Bamboo product Filters Collection. See Known Issues for R4.1 for additional details.
• Improved data source category SharePoint List and Library interface in Calendar Plus Web Part Settings window.
• Packaged with the new Setup interface.

Resolved Customer Reported Bugs and Known Issues/Limitations:

• When Calendar Plus Web Part is connected to a SharePoint List or Library, defined color-coding becomes skewed in certain cases with columns of type Choice.
• Day view does not display all All-Day Events.
• When using Custom CSS mode on certain Master Pages, Calendar View buttons are not displaying in toolbar.
• When using SharePoint List Views as a filter, certain filter combinations in that List View returns no items in Calendar Plus Web Part.
• On Calendar Plus Web Part first load, Holiday color-coding does not appear.
• Filtering of SharePoint Lists in Calendar Plus Web Part using Not Equal To returns no results even though items meet the criteria.
• When connecting to SQL Table or View, if the user enters the format of a date column in a format different from United States, the Calendar Plus Web Part will return the following error: “Error RenderCalendar: The conversion of a char data type to a datetime data type resulted in an out-of-range datetime value.”
• If SharePoint Site is using SharePoint Theme Vintage with Default.MasterPage, the tooltip widths do not resize correctly.
• If the SharePoint Site uses a custom MasterPage style, defined colors code for Item Identification does not apply successfully.
• When connected to SharePoint List or Library, in certain cases not all items from the source list are being displayed in Calendar Plus Web Part.
• When connected to SharePoint List or Library, in certain cases newly created items are not displayed in Calendar Plus Web Part.
• When connected to SharePoint List or Library, selecting a column of type Calculated as the Display Column displays html tags.
• When connected to SharePoint List or Library, if filtering on columns that include a “space” no items are returned.
• When connected to Bamboo List Rollup, filtering in Calendar Plus Web Part is not applied to the List Rollup data set. NOTE: Bamboo List Rollup Web Part Release 5.0.84 or later is required.
• If more than one value used for color-coding ends in the same text, all items displays the same color in the calendar views.
• If the option Include Associated Content Types is enabled, the Content Types’ sub-menu does not display the description of the included Content Types.
• If the color legend spans beyond the height of the Web Part, scroll bars are shown. If the user expands and collapses List and Library groupings, the scroll bar is no longer available.
• Holiday lists do not text wrap even if the setting is enabled.
• If user creates a new SharePoint Events item and selects the option to create a Workspace, the Workspace creation page is not displayed
• If viewing Bamboo List Rollup data in Gantt view, the Gantt chart does not span the full width of the Web Part.

HW34 Team Calendar Web Part Release 1.6.6 (SharePoint 2007) and Release 1.6.6 (SharePoint 2010) have the same Release Notes:

New Features:

• Improved interface:
• New calendar control, including displaying items that span multiple days as a single item cell.
• Calendar Item’s tooltip supports rich text content.
• Improved Appointment, Meeting and Schedule Assistant forms.
• Rewording of settings’ labels in the Web Part tool pane.
• Use Exchange Server’s Time Zone to retrieve data, and display based on SharePoint’s local regional settings.
• Packaged with the new Setup interface

Resolved Customer Reported Bugs and Known Issues/Limitations:

• If the option to allow users to select which mailboxes to display is enabled, SharePoint Team Calendar Web Parts displays HTML instead of the checkboxes in the color legend.
• If user attaches a file of 10MB or greater in size to an Appointment or Meeting, the file is automatically deleted from the submission form.
• If more than one instance of SharePoint Team Calendar is on the same page, item cells do not appear correctly in the calendar views in each Web Part instance.
• If custom master page is used, SharePoint Team Calendar will not display correctly if the option “Fit in web part zone” is not selected.
• If custom master page is used, the mini-calendar will not display correctly.
• When accessing Schedule Assistant, while the window is reloading, relocating the Schedule Assistant will cause the pop up window to stick.

SA06 SharePoint In/Out Schedule Board Release 1.3.11 (SharePoint 2007) and Release 1.3.32 (SharePoint 2010) have the same Release Notes:

• Use new setup.

Bug Fixes:
• Recurrent event displayed incorrectly.
• Web part displays incorrect time. 

SA07 SharePoint User Registration Accelerator Release 1.3.10 (SharePoint 2007) and Release 1.3.14 (SharePoint 2010) have the same Release Notes:


• Use new setup.
• Use merged assembly and deploys Bamboo.Core.wsp and Bamboo.Core.V1.2.msi.

Current Limitations:

• Opera Browser Unable to expand Tool Part to display full width.
• User can only use one SA07 web part per page.

Current Known Issue:

• Unable to do custom lay out using edit source in the tool part for Netscape Navigator, Opera browser.

HW51 Wiki Publisher Release 1.0.47 (SharePoint 2007) and Release 1.0.44 (SharePoint 2010) have the same Release Notes:


• Use new setup.
Bug Fixes:
• Partially fixed. Wiki Publisher doesn’t preserve the hypertext links within the PDF document and displayed them as html elements in the document. We will preserve the original text but cannot preserve the hypertext link due to our product limitations.

Current Limitations:

Note: Due to 3rd party main limitations (Sync Fusion) we will have the same limitations:

Paragraph and Character formatting
• Borders around paragraphs.
• Full Justification.

Multi-Column Texts
• The output may look different in case full-justification formatting is applied on to the columns.
• Bulleted, numbered and multi-level lists
• In some case, the image bullets which are set on document may be replaced other symbols in the generated document.

• The images placed inside a shape will not be preserved in the generated PDF document.

• Tables making use of patterns and 3D borders will not be retained in the output document.
• Absolutely positioned tables are not supported.

• The OLEObjects are partially supported, (i.e.) image which represents a particular document will be available in the generated PDF document. But the object associated with the object will not be converted into the generated document.
Un-Supported Elements

The following are the list of un-supported elements, which will be supported in the future releases and will not be preserved in the generated PDF document.
• Shapes and auto shapes.
• Comments.
• Hyperlinks.
• Bookmarks.
• Foot note and end note.
• Dynamic Fields.
• Charts.
• Table of Contents.


Wiki Publisher component’s Essential DocIO makes sensible decision while lay outing the text, and its supported elements while generating the PDF documents. But however, we cannot guarantee pagination with all the documents. 

Current Known Issues:

• Cannot import documents have footnotes for 2010 documents. See work around in

The following products have the same Release Notes for both SharePoint 2007 and SharePoint 2010:

1. HW12 Group Redirect Web Part Release 2.3.13 (SharePoint 2007) and Release 2.3.18 (SharePoint 2010).
2. HW13 User Redirect Web Part Release 1.5.5 (SharePoint 2007) and Release 1.5.16 (SharePoint 2010).
3. HW41G Bamboo Column Level Security Release 1.3.5 (SharePoint 2007) and Release 1.3.8 (SharePoint 2010).
4. HW04 SQL View Web Part Release 1.6.19 (SharePoint 2007) and Release 1.6.26 (SharePoint 2010)


• Use new setup.