This Week in Bamboo (December 18th, 2011 – December 31st, 2011)

For this week in Bamboo, we released SharePoint Project Management Central Release 3.0 for SharePoint 2007 to the storefront with many new improved features along with many resolved bugs. Please see the release announcement blog post our Product Managers for more details.  Patches for the following products were also released at the same time:  SharePoint Task Master, Poll Web Part, List Search Simple, Password Reset Web Part and World Clock and Weather Web Part.  Please see more details on all of the changes can be found below, along with new features, bug fixes and known issues related to additional products.

SA12 Project Management Central for SharePoint 2007 Release 3.0

New features:

Task and Schedule Management:

• Assign multiple predecessors to a task to more accurately define task dependencies.
• Exclude weekends and holidays from task schedules.
• Highlight the critical path for project tasks and display Total Slack, Early Start, Early Finish, Late Start and Late Finish.
• Insert new tasks directly in the task grid.
• Now supports the Microsoft Project Add-in for Microsoft Project Professional 2010 with the following functions:

o Export tasks as an MPP file from the PM Central Tasks list using Connect to Microsoft Project.
o Synchronize task updates from Microsoft Project to the PM Central Tasks list.
o Import tasks from Microsoft Project into the Tasks list with validation to avoid task duplication.

• Create new project items (tasks, issues, risks, change requests) from the Central Actions menu in the project site.
• Create multiple baselines for tasks, project schedule, and project cost for improved schedule management.
• Display project schedules and milestones in a convenient Timeline Gantt.

Resource Management:

• Import resources from the SharePoint User Profile database (MOSS 2007) or User Information List (WSS) to the portfolio site Enterprise Resource Pool (ERP) or project site Contacts list.

Usability Improvements:

• A new Quick Launch menu provides easy access to site lists and libraries. Note: When upgrading from certain versions of existing PM Central sites, this feature must be enabled using SharePoint Designer.
• Portfolio site charts are no longer displayed with scroll bars.
• Visual Studio Tools for Office no longer required for the Bamboo Microsoft Project Add-in with Microsoft Project Professional 2010.
• Inline editing now available for tasks, risks and issues in the project site My Summary and Overview pages.
• Select resources from the ERP typing the first few letters of the resource name.


• PM Central now supports translation to other languages using resource files.
• Easily apply new site skins for portfolio and project sites from the Settings page.

Process Management:

• Project Status and Task Status reports allow project managers and team members to provide regular status updates for projects and tasks.
• Project managers and team members can submit project Change Requests, with an optional approval process using Workflow Conductor (sold separately).


• Improved performance for reports.
• New reports added for the portfolio site:

o Budget Cost report that shows Budget Cost vs. Project Cost vs. Project Actual Cost.
o Budget Work report that shows Budget Work vs. Project Work vs. Project Actual Work.
o Resource Work Department report that shows resource allocation project department.
o Resource Work Manager report that shows resource allocation manager

Includes all the new features of the following updated Web Parts:

• HW27 Bamboo Chart Plus R3.0.43 (File Version 3.0.43)
• HW45 Bamboo Task Master R3.0.23 (File Version 3.0.23)

Also updated to include the latest version of the following Web Parts:

• HW03 Tree View Web Part R1.7.42 (File Version 1.7.42)
• HW05 Alert Plus R3.2 (File Version 3.2.52)
• HW11A List Search Simple Web Part R2.1.61 (File Version 2.1.61)
• HW11B List Search Advanced Search R1.8.83 (File Version 1.8.83)
• HW14 Group Email Web Part R1.7.22 (File Version 1.7.22)
• HW20 Calendar Plus Web Part R4.1.76 (File Version 4.1.76)
• HW24 List Rollup Web Part R5.0.161 (File Version 5.0.146)
• HW28 Site Creation Plus R1.4.50 (File Version 1.4.50)
• HW37 Data-Viewer Web Part R3.3.51 (File Version 3.3.51)
• HW41D Bamboo Visual Indicator R1.3.32 (File Version 1.3.32)
• HW41J Bamboo KPI Column R1.3.57 (File Version 1.3.57)
• HW50 List Print R1.4.9.1 (File Version
• HW55 SharePoint Navigators R1.3.26 (File Version 1.3.26)
• SA35 SharePoint Project Portfolio Dashboard R1.8.38 (File Version 1.8.38)

Bug Fixes:

• A user with the correct permissions cannot create project sites. The following error is displayed: “You do not have permission to create a site.”
• The SharePoint Project Portfolio Dashboard does not update the Portfolio Dashboard List when a project is deleted if that project name contains a space, such as “Alpha Project”.
• The Tasks and Project Health lists are not upgraded successfully using the “Repair Existing/Install New” option in the Setup program, even when the upgrade is successful.
• The portfolio and project sites are not upgraded successfully using the “Repair Existing/Install New” option in the Setup program.
• Users with the Design permission level incorrectly see the “Add New Project” option in the Central Actions menu, though they cannot create a project.
• The Bamboo Microsoft Project Add-in does not update the “% Complete” column when publishing the value from Microsoft Project.
• If you click the Last Page link on the Reporting tab of the portfolio site, the page number changes to 0.

Current Limitations:

• If the option “Get Data from Timer Job” is selected in the Reporting Web Part settings, the following message may be displayed even after the timer job runs successfully: “Your request has been submitted. Please check back in a few minutes.”
• If you export a report from the Reporting tab to Microsoft Excel and then export a second report without closing the first Excel workbook, the second workbook may display the wrong chart.
• The “Connect to Microsoft Project” option does not work on Windows Vista.
• If data displayed using the Data-Viewer Web Part is grouped and a group of data spans multiple pages, all data for the same group may not be displayed continuously on the next page. For example, page 2 may start with a different data group instead of continuing the list of items from page 1.
• When browsing a PM Central site in HTTPS, chart images exported from the Reporting Web Part to Microsoft Excel are displayed as a red “X” in the Excel workbook.
• When exporting milestones or tasks that are 0% complete with an empty “Due Date” field from a PM Central Tasks list to Microsoft Project using the “Connect to Microsoft Project” feature, the “% Complete” value will be incorrectly updated to 99% and the tasks will be converted to milestones in Microsoft Project.
• After exporting a PM Central Tasks list using the “Connect to Microsoft Project” feature, new tasks created in Microsoft Project with a blank Start Date and Due Date will be incorrectly updated when the task is synchronized to PM Central with the “Synchronize” feature. The Start Date will be set to the Project Start Date from Microsoft Project, and the Due Date will be the next day.
• When Microsoft Project synchronizes task updates to a connected PM Central Tasks lists, the “Assigned To” field value is not copied if it was updated in Microsoft Project to a resource name that does not exist in Active Directory.
• If a Calculated column type is displayed in SharePoint Task Master, the calculated value is not updated when the user clicks Recalculate. To view the updated values for Calculated columns, refresh the browser using Control + F5.
• Users cannot delete resources from the Enterprise Resource Pool in the department site if the department site is the site collection. Users must go to the portfolio site to delete resources if needed.
• Adding a new resource from a task item will wipe out any information that you enter in the fields, such as Title, Status…etc..
• Anonymous users cannot see the Tasks or Issues lists in the project site.
• “Update Data” does not load the “Load run time” value.
• When users create a new Web Part page in the portfolio site and try to make this page the default page updating the URL in /_Layouts/AreaWelcomePage.aspx, they will receive the following error: “The site is not valid. The ‘Pages’ document library is missing.” This is a SharePoint limitation.
• The Bamboo Microsoft Project Add-in cannot map and import resources mapping the Resource (custom field) to Microsoft Project ResourceNames.
• In the “Tasks” tab of the project site under Tracking View, the headers for “Cost”, “Actual Cost” and “% Complete” are not aligned to the left like in other fields.

Current Known Issues:

• When Microsoft Project synchronizes task updates to a connected PM Central Tasks list, “Constraint Date” values of “NA” in Microsoft Project–which indicates a constraint type of “As Soon as Possible”–may be set to today’s date when synchronized to the PM Central Tasks list. This should not impact the project schedule.
• When upgrading PM Central, you must restart the Windows SharePoint Services Timer service before upgrading PM Central sites in Central Administration.
• The User Profile Import Utility in the Resources tab cannot import users from SQL or Active Directory membership providers.
• A JavaScript error is displayed when anonymous users edit items in the Schedule tab on the portfolio site using the inline edit function.
• Project Schedule and Scheduled Tasks baselines cannot be created if the project or tasks span three years or more.
• The “Quick Launch” feature is not visible when upgrading sites that were created in PM Central R1.8. Sites upgraded from R2.0 or higher correctly display the Quick Launch menu.
• If a project site has unique permissions and its users do not have access to the portfolio site, data from the Enterprise Resource Pool in the portfolio site is still visible in the project site Contacts list.
• In the Gantt View of Active Projects on the portfolio site Schedules tab, special characters in the Project Manager field are expanded to their corresponding numeric value. For example, “D’Angelo” will be displayed as “D&#39Angelo”.
• Anonymous users are prompted for a user name and password to access some PM Central pages.
• Site Path values are not exported when exporting data using the Master Grid Excel Export feature.

HW45 SharePoint Task Master for SharePoint 2010 (3.0.77)


• The Working Hours Settings in the Task Master Web Part now include all days as workdays default (including Saturday and Sunday). To exclude weekends, deselect days that are non-workdays and click Recalculate to update task schedules.

Bugs Fixes: For Current Limitations and Known Issues in R3.0

• If Task Master is configured to use a holiday Calendar list that includes events with a custom recurrence pattern, the Web Part cannot be rendered. All events in the list must use a standard recurrence pattern.

Current Limitations:

• If the Bamboo List Search Web Part is added to the same page as a Task Master Web Part, attempting to edit the List Search Web Part properties results in an Internet Explorer error message: “Internet Explorer has stopped working.”
• If the “Maximum Unit” field is displayed in the Web Part and you add a task using the Insert Task feature, the value of the field will be set to 0% instead of 100% (100% is the default when you add a task using the New Item form). When you assign a resource to the task using the Resource field, the Maximum Unit value will be updated correctly.
• If Task Master is configured to exclude certain days, such as weekends, and the task Start Date and Due Date fall on an excluded date, Task Master will compute that task as a milestone.
• If the Gantt chart color coding is assigned based on the “Schedule Status” column and your inline-edit of a task results in a change to the value of that column, you must refresh the browser to see the new color in the Gantt chart.
• To use the same color for all milestone tasks, you must first select a Choice column and then select the same color for all choices.
• Users cannot add the Web Part into a rich content zone on team sites.
• When printing data from Task Master, the printed version does not use the same colors as the Web Part.
• When the data set in the task list spans several years, the Print option will not display all items in the Gantt view. Limit the dates displayed in the Gantt chart using the Gantt View Display Settings in the tool pane, or zoom out until all items in the Gantt chart can be viewed without scroll bars before printing.
• If you make several view changes quickly and then edit a task using the Edit Item form, Task Master may not accurately set the focus back to the item you were editing when you save it and return to the Task Master Web Part.
• When using the Print feature, clicking Cancel in the Print Settings dialog box also cancels the Print Preview.
• Drag-and-drop functionality in the Gantt chart is limited to dragging a task item to change its schedule and duration.

Current Known Issues:

• If a PM Central (SA12) task list contains more than 2000 items, clicking Recalculate (if Task Master is configured to automatically save changes) or Save (if not) will cause a timeout error.
• The Web Part sometimes displays the SharePoint error message “An unexpected error has occurred.” Refresh the page using Control + F5 to clear it.
• If the summary task has a predecessor, the start date of a child task will not change based on the due date of the parent task predecessor if the child task has a constraint.
• Gantt bars are not displayed in the Print Preview. The Gantt bars print correctly.
• Saving or recalculating a task list with more than 1000 items may cause a timeout error in the client. The update process will continue on the server. To view the results of the Save or Recalculate, refresh the browser using Control + F5.
• The % Complete for summary tasks is not updated in the Gantt chart the first time you click Recalculate. To see the correct value, refresh the browser using Control + F5 or click Recalculate again.
• When Task Master is configured to automatically save changes made to the task list, the Gantt chart may display the wrong % Complete for a task the first time you click Recalculate. Click Recalculate again to see the correct value.
• If a selected summary task is collapsed when you click Show Items, child tasks are not displayed in the filtered view.
• When a task spans multiple days and includes time outside working hours, the task duration bar in the Gantt chart is longer than a task with the same duration that does not include time outside working hours.

HW38 Poll Web Part for SharePoint 2010 (1.4.43)

Poll Web Part now uses Web License Manager Version
Bug Fixes:
• Pie charts are displayed with minor cosmetic errors.

No new Known Issues or Limitations

HW11A List Search Simple for SharePoint 2010 (2.1.78)

Bug Fixes:

• When executing a search, users receive the error message “System.Format.Exception: Input string was not in correct format”.
• Changes to the names of drop-down list values in the Web Part are not applied after editing the 1036.French.xml file.

No new Known Issues or Limitations

HW10 Password Reset Web Part for SharePoint 2007 (2.4.22) and SharePoint 2010 (2.4.45)

Bug Fixes:

• The Administrative account uses the wrong domain name to reset the passwords of users in a sub-domain.

No new Known Issues or Limitations

HW17 World Clock and Weather Web Part for SharePoint 2007 (2.3.35) and SharePoint 2010 (2.3.32)


• The Web Part displays a more user-friendly error message when MSN weather service connectivity is unavailable.
• Several cosmetic errors have been removed from the weather images.
• The Web Part title now displays as Bamboo World Clock and Weather Web Part.
• In the Tooltip forecast, temperature High and Low now contain a space between “High” and “Low” and the temperature. Example: High 32, Low 24, Mostly Cloudy instead of High32, Low24, Mostly Cloudy.

No new Known Issues or Limitations