This Week in Bamboo (December 11th, 2011 – December 17th, 2011)

At Bamboo Solutions this week, SharePoint Task Master Release 3.0 for SharePoint 2007 was released to the storefront.  We also fixed some bugs and released the patch for SharePoint 2010 version of Workflow Conductor Release 2.1.2.  For more information about this week’s release, please see below.

HW45 SharePoint Task Master for SharePoint 2007 Release 3.0

New Features:

• Exclude weekends and holidays from task schedules.
• Track % Work Complete.
• Highlight the critical path for project tasks and display Total Slack, Early Start, Early Finish, Late Start and Late Finish.
• Assign multiple predecessors to a task to more accurately define task dependencies.
• Configure Task Master to use a task list in any site or site collection.
• Insert new tasks directly in the Web Part.
• Color code milestones in the Gantt chart based on a Choice column in the task list.
• Visually display task status with a customizable indicator using the new Schedule Status custom column.
• Turn Web Part features on or off:

o Show or hide the task grid, Gantt chart, or legend.
o Enable or disable quick access to the SharePoint list view of the task list.
o Enable or disable the ability to show the critical path or insert tasks.

• Now supports the Bamboo Custom Identifier Column (sold separately).

Resolved Customer-Reported Bugs and Known Issues/Limitations:

• After upgrading a PM Central (SA12) site that uses a template with seed data from R2.1 to R2.2, Task Master Day view may only display two days of data with no scroll bar.
• When loading a task list that contains more than 1500 items, the page may display a pop-up box with the message, “Stop running this script….”
• If a task list in PM Central R2.1 (SA12) contains more than 1000 items, clicking Recalculate will cause a timeout error until upgrading to a newer version of Visual Indicator Column (HW41D).
• Users cannot assign Gantt chart colors based on the results of a formula in a Calculated column.


• Clicking Go to Date displays a JavaScript error in Internet Explorer 8.
• Clicking one of the Gantt date range views, such as Month or Quarter, displays a JavaScript error.
• If the “Maximum Unit” field is displayed in the Web Part and you add a task using the Insert Task feature, the value of the field will be set to 0% instead of 100% (100% is the default when you add a task using the New Item form). When you assign a resource to the task using the Resource field, the Maximum Unit value will be updated correctly.
• If Task Master is configured to exclude certain days, such as weekends, and the task Start Date and Due Date fall on an excluded date, Task Master will compute that task as a milestone.
• If the Gantt chart color coding is assigned based on the “Schedule Status” column and your inline-edit of a task results in a change to the value of that column, you must refresh the browser to see the new color in the Gantt chart.
• To use the same color for all milestone tasks, you must first select a Choice column and then select the same color for all choices.
• When printing data from Task Master, the printed version does not use the same colors as the Web Part.
• When the data set in the task list spans several years, the Print option will not display all items in the Gantt view. Limit the dates displayed in the Gantt chart using the Gantt View Display Settings in the tool pane, or zoom out until all items in the Gantt chart can be viewed without scroll bars before printing.
• If you make several view changes quickly and then edit a task using the Edit Item form, Task Master may not accurately set the focus back to the item you were editing when you save it and return to the Task Master Web Part.
• When using the Print feature, clicking Cancel in the Print Settings dialog box also cancels the Print Preview.
• Drag-and-drop functionality in the Gantt chart is limited to dragging a task item to change its schedule and duration.

Known Issues:

• If a PM Central (SA12) task list contains more than 2000 items, clicking Recalculate (if Task Master is configured to automatically save changes) or Save (if not) will cause a timeout error.
• The date and time format for Start Date and Due Date columns displayed in the Task Master Web Part is not updated if you change your Regional Settings to the 24-hour time format.
• The Web Part sometimes displays the SharePoint error message “An unexpected error has occurred.” Refresh the page using Control + F5 to clear it.
• If the summary task has a predecessor, the start date of a child task will not change based on the due date of the parent task predecessor if the child task has a constraint.
• Gantt bars are not displayed in the Print Preview. The Gantt bars print correctly.
• The % Complete for summary tasks is not updated in the Gantt chart the first time you click Recalculate. To see the correct value, refresh the browser using Control + F5 or click Recalculate again.
• If a selected summary task is collapsed when you click Show Items, child tasks are not displayed in the filtered view.
• When a task spans multiple days and includes time outside working hours, the task duration bar in the Gantt chart is longer than a task with the same duration that does not include time outside working hours.

SA08 Workflow Conductor for SharePoint 2010 (2.1.2)

Resolved Customer-Reported Bugs and Known Issues/Limitations:

• Widgets configured with lookups to SharePoint Date and Time columns will fail if the regional settings on the site where the workflow runs are different than the regional settings on the server. Affected widgets include Delay Until, Request Approval, Request Feedback, Collect Data From User, and Create Task.
• A JavaScript error is displayed when configuring a Create Item widget for a Survey list that includes a question with multiple lines of text.
• A JavaScript error is displayed when configuring Set Item Permissions and Update Item widgets with an External List lookup to a Survey list where the selected filter field is a question with multiple lines of text.

No new Known Issues or Limitations.